Chapter 11: Sky Hawk's lair, and air duet with Sky Hawk

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Trevor has arrived at the old clock tower. He looks at it. Then he walks up to boarded up door. He sees it's stuck tight, so he looks for another way in. He looks up, and finds a window. He jumps up, and climbs through the window. He looks around.

Trevor: This is some nest.

He walks through a hallway, and he finds a large wooden staircase that leads up to the tower. But as he walks up the steps, he accidentally trips a laser beam by the steps. It sends off a silent alarm. He begins to run up the steps to make it to the top of the tower. He makes it past five floors, but then, someone starts throwing bombs down at Trevor. Trevor sees them, and dodges them. 

Sky Hawk: I hope this is a warm-welcome for you, ranger! 

Trevor: Oh, great. He knows I'm here. 

Sky Hawk keeps sending bombs down to get Trevor, but he still dodges them. As he runs up the steps, he notices explosive charges on the walls. 

Trevor: Dang. He really became prepared in case he'd get caught. 

Trevor slowly walks in front of the charge, but as soon as he does, it beeps. His eyes widen, and he jumps forward. The charge goes off. He gets up. 

Trevor: Oh, man. Motion charges. Clever bird. 

He decides to be smart, and jumps over the charges. He does the best he can to dodge the bombs and charges. As he makes it to the tenth floor, he can hear Sky Hawk as he's on the steps above. 

Sky Hawk: You're becoming a thorn in my thighs! Today, you die, Green Ranger! 

Sky Hawk throws a big explosive in the air, and it goes off, causing a big explosion. The wooden staircase catches on fire as it gets blown to bits too. Trevor looks up, and frowns. 

Trevor: Does he think that'll stop me? I think not. 

Trevor uses ranger speed to run and jump over the flames, and onto the broken staircase. The fire spreads all around the place. 

Trevor: Oh, man. If people outside see the fire, they'll call the fire department. 

He passes through a couple of burning floors before he makes it to a clear floor. He cracks his neck a little as he looks up. He sees he still has a lot of floors to get up too. He sighs, and continues running up the steps. Sky Hawk then drops more bombs down below.

Sky Hawk: Die, die, die!

Trevor: Oh, boy! 

Trevor dodges the bombs as he runs. He also jumps over the charges too. Trevor is getting tired, but he knows he can't let that stop him. He then notices that Sky Hawk has stopped throwing the bombs down. He reaches the end of the staircase. He looks up, and sees the bell above. 

Trevor: (Panting) That's one heck of a doorbell Sky Hawk's got. 

He sees a ladder, and climbs up it. He climbs up the ladder for a moment, and makes it to the top of the tower. He looks around. 

Trevor: Must be a pain to get groceries up here. 

He then spots Sky Hawk himself. Sky Hawk is a hybrid of a blue hawk and a man. And judging his age, he's a middle-aged man. His arms are his wings, and his feathers are all blue. Sky Hawk sees him. He's angry, that he hasn't killed him yet with his bombs.

Sky Hawk: Ah, pest! Why can't you just leave me in peace?!

Trevor: You'll have plenty of time alone once you're in jail. And didn't your mother ever teach you that stealing is wrong?

Sky Hawk: You're too hard-headed, Green Ranger. These jewels are insourced. The only injury to be is you, in a moment! 

Sky Hawk shoots up in the air, and flies through the glass of the clock window. Trevor jumps on the gear, and jumps through the hole, following after him. He looks around as he lands on a ledge. He also sees it's raining too. He looks up in the air, and sees him flying at him fast. Trevor moves out of the way, and Sky Hawk stops from hitting the wall by going up. Trevor takes out his Dragon Dagger, and zaps a green beam at Sky Hawk, damaging his wings.

Sky Hawk: (Screams) You damaged my beautiful wings!

Sky Hawk goes to land on the ledge to rest his wings. 

Trevor: Sky Hawk's down. Now, my chance to stop him for good. 

He runs at him, and starts punching him. Sky Hawk groans in pain as he feels the punches. He tries to block the punches, but his wings are weak from the blast. His wings stop hurting, and he grins.

Sky Hawk: Prepare to meet your maker!

Sky Hawk kicks him away, and takes off in the air again. Trevor gets back up, and watches Sky Hawk flying around the clock tower. He waits for a moment to get another blast at his wings again. Trevor looks down below, and he sees the police, and the fire department is here. He nods, knowing they need to be here. 

Sky Hawk: (Sees the police) No! (Glares at Trevor) Curse you! 

Trevor sees him coming in for another attack. Trevor moves out of the way again. He aims his Dragon Dagger at him, and fires. The blast hits his wings again.

Sky Hawk: Ah! I--I can't stay airborne!

Sky Hawk lands on the ledge again. Trevor jumps in the air, and kicks Sky Hawk in the face. He lands on his back, groaning in pain. Trevor charges at him, but Sky Hawk kicks him in the chest, sending him back. Sky Hawk waves his wings around, trying to shake off the smoke from the blast. Trevor gets back up, and watches Sky Hawk get back up, and he flies up in the air again. 

Trevor: (Grunts angrily) Dang it. I can't take him down if he keeps getting back into the air. I need to find a way for him to stay down for good. 

He tighten holds his Dragon Dagger in his hand, and then, he unleashes a powerful blast from his dagger, and greatly damages Sky Hawk's wings. 

Sky Hawk: (Screams, grunts) Forced down by that green fool! 

Sky Hawk lands back down on the ledge again. Trevor decides to give him the knock out kick. He charges at him. 

Sky Hawk: Uh, oh...

Trevor throws his foot up, and kicks Sky Hawk in the face, knocking him against the building wall. He lays on the ledge, now out for the count. Trevor kneels down to him, and finds the bag of jewels. He looks at it, and looks at Sky Hawk. 

Trevor: Now Sky Hawk, you can't go around taking things that don't belong to you. What kind of example does it set for young children out there?

He grabs ahold of Sky Hawk, and he teleports down below the building. He ties him up to a light pole, and hangs him upside down. He leaves the bag of jewels on the sidewalk, and teleports away. A moment later, the police find him and the bag. A officer walk to the bag, and picks it up. He looks inside, and smirks. He looks at Sky Hawk, who is waking up. 

Officer: (Chuckling) Come on, old timer. Wouldn't want you falling before we can book you, right?

He laughs as he spins him around. Sky Hawk moans as he spins. Trevor has stopped two villains, and saved the city once again. But more challenges will come towards him soon. 

Here's the 11th chapter of The Incredibles: The Green Power is back. Here's the fight between Sky Hawk and Trevor. What do you think of the fight? Let me know what you all think of the chapter and fight. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you.           

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