Chapter 1: Finding power coin

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In the town of Metroville, where many heroes used to saved, and are in hidden by the government. Because right now, supers are illegal. Some people are glad that the heroes are hiding, but most people still need them to save them. Now, today, the government can't do about what's happening to a city right now. Angel Grove is under attack by evil forces, and a group of new heroes called the Power Rangers are fighting them to protect the city and the people of earth. The government lets the rangers do their work. 

Walking down on a sidewalk to a school is a young boy. He has short brown hair, and has a handsome young face. Has green eyes, is about 17 years old. He's wearing a green t-shirt, blue jeans, and black sneakers. His name is Trevor Rydinger, brother of Tony Rydinger, the popular boy in school. He continues walking to the school. As he walks to the school, he sees a TV store, and by the window is a set of TVs, and they show the news at Angel Grove. The news show the Power Rangers defeating another monster. Trevor smiles, and nods. The Power Rangers are his favorite heroes, like Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl. Before he could walk, someone knocks him down on the ground. Then he hears two boys laughing at him. He looks up, and sees two bullies standing over him. He sighs in annoyed as he sits up. 

Trevor: Ox, and Ward.

Ox: Hello, geek. 

Trevor: (Glares, stands up) I got no time for you two. Leave me alone. 

Ox: Oh, yeah. What are you gonna do about it? 

Trevor: (Scoffs) You two need to get a life. And my brother told the two of you to leave me alone. 

Ox: Oh, please. Like we're gonna listen to him.

Ward: Yeah. 

Trevor: (Rolls his eyes) You two need to be taught a lesson again. By me this time.

Ox: Ha! What are you gonna do, little geek? 

Trevor smirks at them, and then, he uses some fighting moves on the two bullies. They never saw it coming. He kicks them both down on the ground, and they both land in a mud puddle. Some students see this, and they laugh at the bullies. Trevor smirks more as he starts to walk away. Ox glares at him, promising to get back at him for this.

Trevor is now walking inside the school. He walks to his locker. He opens the locker, and takes out two books. As he closes the locker, he looks to his left, and sees his crush, Violet Parr. She's walking while holding books. He knows she has a crush on his brother, Tony. He hides his hurt feelings, and supports her. He smiles, and walks to her. 

Trevor: Hey, Violet. 

She turns around, and smiles back. 

Violet: Hi, Trevor. How are you doing this morning?

Trevor: I'm good. Just had a little bullying outside, but I handled it. 

Violet: Ox and Ward?

Trevor: Yep. Those two never learn at all. Never mess with me, or my brother. 

Violet: (Giggles) Yeah. How's Tony by the way? 

Trevor: He's cool. Anyway, how are you doing?

Violet: I'm okay. Still living in the hotel while trying to find a new house. 

Trevor: Wish I could help you. Maybe I could help you find a new house. 

Violet: (Smiles) Thanks, but we're handling it. 

Trevor: Alright. Well, we'd better get to class. 

Violet: Yep. Let's go. 

They both walk through the hallway, heading to class. Two hours later, everyone is outside, eating lunch. Trevor walks to a tree, and he sits down to eat his lunch. As he eats, he sees Violet talking to her friends as she sits down with them at one of the tables. At the table, Violet is talking to her friends. She then sees Trevor sitting down by a tree. One of her friends see her looking at Trevor. 

Girl: Violet, why are you looking at Tony's brother for?

Violet: I feel bad for him. He's always getting picked on by those two jerks. 

Girl: Yeah, you're right. Ox and Ward are such idiots, and total jerks. Maybe what Trevor needs are more friends. 

Violet: Yeah. Hey, Trevor!

Trevor looks up as he takes a bite out of his sandwich. 

Violet: Would you like to sit with us?

He smiles as he swallows his food. He stands up, and picks up his lunch.

Trevor: Sure. Thanks.

Violet: (Smiles) You're welcome. 

As he walks to the table, someone shouts out to him. 

???: Hey, geek!

A ball hits him in the head. He yells in pain, and falls on the steps, dropping his lunch. Violet gasps with her friends. They all hear laughing. They look and see Ox and Ward laughing at Trevor. 

Ox: Gotcha, geek! (Laughs) 

Ward: Right in the head, Ox. Aw, look. He's about to cry. 

Trevor groans as he sits up. The fall hurt his head, and gave him a bloody lip. Ox and Ward continue laughing, and then, someone comes up behind them. He pushes them both down on the grass. They look up, and see Trevor's brother, Tony glaring at them.

Tony: You two! I thought I told you to leave my brother alone! Now you both are gonna get it! 

They both yell in fear, and run away from Tony. Tony chases after them to give them both a beating they'll never gonna forget. Trevor slowly gets up, and watches his brother chasing off the two bullies.

Trevor: Jerks! (Wipes the blood off his lips) 

Violet: (Runs to him) Trevor, you okay?

Trevor: (Sighs) Yeah, I'm fine. I gotta go get my face cleaned up. I'll see you later.

Violet: You too...

She watches him leave to go clean up his face. She gets a little worried about him. With Trevor, he continues walking to get inside the school to go to the bathroom to clean up his face. As he walks, he thinks about his life. 

Trevor: (Sighs) Man, I wish I wasn't such a geek. I know I can do Kung Fu and martial arts, but it's not enough. My brother is always saving, and backing me up. I wish I could have powers, and learn how to handle myself. Someday, I'll be a hero too, and I'll bring an end to the supers' ban, and make sure that they'll back to restore order and safely to our homes, like the Power Rangers do.  

He makes it to the door. But before he opens the door, he suddenly feels something nearby. He looks around the place, and frowns. He figures it's nothing. Then, he sees something golden glowing by the trees in the woods. He looks at it, and gets curious. He walks to the trees. As he gets closer, the light gets brighter. He then finds the cause. He looks down, as he covers his eyes from the light. The glow stops, and he sees a golden coin. He frowns as he looks at it. He kneels down, and picks it up with his hand. He looks at it, and sees there's a three clawed paw on it. Both sides of the coin has the paw. He frowns as he looks at it. He gets a feeling that he's seen this before,  but he can't remember when he seen it. He then hears the bell rings, meaning that lunch break is over. He puts the coin in his pocket, and runs back to the school. Little does he know, the coin is a very special coin. And his dream of being a superhero will be coming true.       

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