Chapter 4: Warehouse hunt

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The rangers enter the warehouse. They all hear someone coming, and they hide. A thug enters the room, and he sees the door open.

Thug: Hey, what's this door doing open? (Walks to the door) Man! (Closes it, walks away) People got to be more careful. The cops could show up at any time. 

The thug leaves the room. The rangers come out of hiding. 

Zack: Well, pal, it won't be the cops that's coming in here. It will be the Power Rangers. Now what, Jason? 

Jason: We must have to fight our way through the warehouse to find the guy who shot that old lady. And remember, once we're done, you have to come with us, Trevor. 

Trevor: I know. Don't worry. Alright, let's go. The sooner we find him, the better. 

They open the door, and continue onward into the warehouse. They come to a garage door. They open it, and they see the thugs standing by a truck. One of them is holding a shotgun, meaning he's the shooter. Trevor glares at him. 

Trevor: Stop right there, mugger!

Thug leader: Huh?

Thug: What the?!

All of the thugs turn around, and see them. The rangers run in. 

Thug: It's the Power Rangers!

Thug 2: What are they doing here?!

Thug leader: (Runs away) Don't let them through! 

He runs to another garage door, and it closes behind him. Up in a control room by the room, another thug wearing a green jacket and red cap takes out a fuse in the control pedal.

Thug: I got the door fuse, boss. They ain't getting through. 

He runs off to another room out of the control room. The rangers look around the place, seeing that thugs are surrounding them. 

Zack: Let's take these guys!

The rangers begin to fight the thugs. Trevor and Tommy punch two thugs down on the floor as Kimberly jumps in the air, and hovers over them by stepping over their heads. They all fall down on the floor knocked out. Jason and Zack dodge punches from the other thugs, and throws punches at them. Billy and Trini finish off the last of the thugs. Trevor looks around the place, and he sees the control room in a window in the room. He looks for the stairs to it. He goes around the truck to check it out. He passes some barrels, and up ahead is a forklift. The forklift then starts up.

Thug: So long, green freak!

Trevor's eyes widen as he sees about to get run over. The forklift drives forward, and Trevor jumps over it. The forklift crashes into the barrels, and explodes. Trevor lands back down, and he looks at the crashed forklift. The thug comes out of it, and he lands on the floor unconscious. Billy checks on him.

Billy: He's okay. Trevor, see if you can find a way up to the control room, so we can get through the door. 

Trevor: Got it. 

He looks around, and he spots a door. He walks to it, and opens it. He finds some stairs. He runs up them to get upstairs. He opens another door, and enters the control room. He looks at the controls, and sees the fuse is gone. 

Trevor: They've taken the fuse out of the control pedal. I have to get that back if we want to open that door. 

He turns around, and spots the opened door. He runs through it, trying to find the thug who took the fuse. As he walks, four more thugs appear out of nowhere to try and stop him. Trevor easily takes them all down. He comes to a locked door. He tries to open it, but it doesn't.

Thug from behind door: You ain't getting this fuse. Better take off while you still can. 

Trevor: Easily to say that behind a locked door, coward!

Trevor then kicks at the door, and knocks it down. The thug panics, and takes out a pistol. Trevor runs at him, and kicks the gun out of his hand. The thug tries to fight him, but Trevor is too fast for him to handle. Trevor grabs him, and slams him on a desk. He becomes unconscious. Trevor searches him, and finds the fuse. 

Trevor: This fuse should get that door open. 

He runs back to the control room. He puts the fuse back in the pedal. He pushes the button, and the door in the garage opens up, showing another way deep into the warehouse. 

Trevor: Now we've got you! 

He runs back downstairs to meet up with the other rangers. As he comes back down, they run into more thugs as the door opens up. Trevor joins the fight. After a few moments of fighting, they all take down the thugs, and look around for the leader. 

Kimberly: I don't see him anywhere. Do you think he might have split?

Jason: No, he's still here. I know it.

Tommy: We need to find him now. 

Trevor: But where do we start looking? 

Billy: I think he's on the top floor. That's the only place he can hide for now. 

Zack: Come on, let's go get that creep. 

They look around for the way to the door to upstairs, and Trini spots the door that leads upstairs. She points out to them, and they all run to the door to get after the leader to the top floor. The rangers find the steps, and start running up the stairs. They run past some floors until they make it to the top floor. As they look around, they see the leader holding a shotgun. He spots them coming, and he open fires on them. They all jump behind cover to avoid being shot at. 

Thug leader: I don't know why you're here, rangers, but you're all dead meat!

Trevor: Why so scared? You were so brave when you shot a poor defenseless old woman! 

Thug leader: How do they know about the old woman?!

Tommy: We know everything you criminals do. And that's the one thing we don't like at all. 

Jason: Yeah! So just give up before you end up hurting yourself. 

Thug leader: Shut up. Shut up!

He continues firing his shots at them. What he doesn't know, is that Trevor is sneaking around him. Trevor then jumps out from behind him. He grabs the shotgun from him, and throws it away. The leader takes out a knife, and tries to stab Trevor, but Trevor grabs his hand and twists it, making him drop the knife. He breaks free, and tries to fight Trevor. He throws punches at him, but Trevor dodges them. He kicks the leader in the chest, making him crash into some crates. He painfully gets back up, and he spots his shotgun. He runs to it to try to pick it up, but Tommy stops him. Kimberly picks up the shotgun, and throws it away. Jason and Billy hold the leader as Trevor walks to him. 

Trevor: It's time for you pay for what you've done to that poor old woman. 

The leader tries to break free, but the rangers' grips are too much for him. They take him downstairs to get him outside. They make it back outside, and they tie the leader up to a light pole. 

Zack: Well, dude, you just stay here. The police always come pick up their trash in an hour or so. So, make yourself comfortable. 

Trevor: Well, that's taken care of. And a deal's a deal. I'll come with you guys now. 

Tommy: Alright. Hold on. (Talks on his communicator) Zordon, Alpha, come in. We've done our job, and we're ready to come back to the Command Center. 

Alpha on communicator) Good work, rangers. You and the new ranger really showed those thugs who's boss. Teleporting you all to the Command Center now. 

Trevor waits for a moment, and then he and the other rangers are teleport out of the city, and heading for the Command Center. Will Trevor get used to being a ranger?                 

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