Chapter 17: The Razor's edge

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The Rangers all teleport to where Tommy saw Silver Kong fly off too. They all land on a rooftop, and look around. 

Tommy: This is where I saw him fly off before we left to go disarm the bombs. 

Kimberly: He's probably long gone by now. 

Trevor: No, he's probably hiding somewhere around here, waiting to ambush us. We have to find out what he's cooking up, and stop him.

Just then, they all hear laughing. They all turn around, and see him flying at them. 

Silver Kong: Looking for me, rangers? Well, here I am! And congratulations, dealing with all of you just move to the top of my to-do list. 

Silver Kong unleashes some kind of small machines. They all have razor sharp wings. They all fly towards the Rangers. 

Billy: Uh, oh! 

Tommy: Take cover!

Everyone jumps out of the way as the razorwings come at them. They all take out their blasters, and fire at them. They shoot down as many as they can. 

Trevor: I see you've got some new toys. 

Silver Kong: You like my razorwings? I thought you'd might. 

More razorwings appear and attack them. Everyone spreads out to cover ground on the roof as they continue blasting them out of the sky. Trevor glares at Silver Kong, who is watching from his flying machine. The razorwings managed to hit and cut them. They all yell in pain as their suits cause sparks from the wings. 

Jason: Don't give up, guys! Keep firing!

Zack: We are, but these things are relentless. We'd better think of something fast. 

Silver Kong: You all don't look like you're enjoying yourselves, Power Rangers. Are you having fun?


Trevor replaces his blaster with his Dragon Dagger, and uses it to zap the razorwings out of the sky too. He sees that each time they take many of them down, more just keep coming. They take down 15 more of them.

Silver Kong: Oh, you all don't get off that easy. 

Trini: Guys, these things just keep coming! 

Zack: Yeah! We need to find some cover before they land a lucky shot, and things turn ugly for us. 

Jason: Yeah, but where do we go?

Trevor: Wait. I think there's a construction site around here. There's got to be somewhere there we can hide. 

Tommy: Alright. Let's get over there, and fast!

All: Right!

They all turn, and jump towards the rooftops while following Trevor. Silver Kong sees them jumping away.

Silver Kong: Running away? I'm not done with you yet! 

Kimberly: That's what we're afraid of!

Billy: Guys, we need to move fast! Those razorwings are catching up to us! 

Zack: We seriously need to get out of here. 

Trevor: There it is! Over there! Keep jumping ahead! 

They all keep jumping as the razorwings are right behind them. After a big jump, they made it to the construction site. Tommy takes out Saba, and Saba zaps his eyes at the razorwings, destroying them all. After that, they all look around for a place to hide. They find and run into the site building. They hide behind cover. Silver Kong flies around the place, looking for them, but can't find them anywhere.

Silver Kong: Alright, rangers. I'll leave you to lick your wounds for now. I have other matters to attend to. We'll finish this next time. 

Everyone sees him, but stays hidden. Then, he flies off. After that, everyone breaths in, and breaths out. 

Zack: Dang. That fight was intense. 

Trini: Yeah. Hopefully, we'll get him next time when we see him.

Trevor comes out of hiding, and looks around. He looks down, and sees a broken piece wing from one of the razorwings. He picks it up, and looks at it. Everyone looks at it. 

Trevor: What the heck was this thing? Guys, we should take this to the Command Center and study it. Maybe it'll give us a clue about Silver Kong. 

Billy: Yeah. If we're gonna need to find out who he is, this might be our best bet. 

Jason: Alright. Let's take this to the Command Center. 

Tommy: Let's do it. 

Everyone then teleports away, and heads for the Command Center. Can the rangers find out who Silver Kong is, and what does he want with them? And mostly, why does he do the stuff he does?

Here's the 17th chapter of The Incredibles: The Green Power is back. Looks like the rangers got into another fight with Silver Kong, and he used new toys on them. Luckily, they took them down, and found cover before they could do more harm to the heroes. And Trevor found a piece of metal wing from the razorwings. Can the Power Rangers find out who Silver Kong is, and defeat him? Find out on the next chapter. Let me know what you all think of this chapter. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you. 


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