Chapter 16: Race against time

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The rangers have made it to Downtown. They all look around, and see that they've landed on one of the rooftops. They all hear something. They all turn around, and see the flying HKs flying towards another rooftop. And they're carrying something. They have a gas container. They put it in a bomb device, and they start it up.

Billy: Oh, no! We've got to disarm those devices! 

Tommy: Let's power up!

All: Right!

They all jump towards the rooftop. The HKs see them, and try to stop them, but they all take out their blasters, and blast them out of the air. Billy runs to the device to try and disarm it. He sees a button, and presses it. He turns it off. He sighs in relief. After the others finish off the HKs, they all look in the air, and they spot two more devices being set off. 

Trevor: Two? That silver creep isn't playing fair.

Trini: No, he's not. What do we do, Tommy?

Tommy: Let's split in two groups to disarm the bombs. Jason, Kimberly, Billy, you're with me. Trevor, you take Zack and Trini. 

All: Got it!

They all jump across the buildings to get to the bombs. More HKs appear out of nowhere to try and stop them from turning off the bombs. The Rangers then take out their blasters, and blast them before they could do anything. Billy and Trini turn off the bombs. Trevor looks around, and he spots three more at far buildings.

Trevor: Three?! I think that guy really wants to hurt someone!

Kimberly: Tommy, we've got to hurry before they go off!

Tommy: And we will. Come on, guys!

They all jump on the rooftops, heading for the bombs. As they do, Trevor spots police helicopters in the air. It's like they're looking for Silver Kong. They all avoid being seen from the spotlights on the choppers as they approach the buildings where the bombs are. They fight the HKs that are guarding the bombs. Trevor, Billy, and Tommy run to the bombs, and turn them off. Kimberly looks around, and she spots another one.

Kimberly: Guys, over there! It's one more!

Trevor: Only one? I can't believe I'm relief that we have to disarm only one bomb. 

They all jump towards the building after taking all of the HKs. They jump on two rooftops to get to the third rooftop. Trevor hears the bomb beeping rapidly, meaning it's about to go off. He runs to it, and turns it off. They all look around, but don't see anymore bombs. 

Trevor: No more? Thank goodness. I'm gonna have nasty words with that creep on the flying machine when we catch him. 

Zack: Me too. I'm with you, dude.

Trevor: But first, I think we should go somewhere quiet, and have heart attacks. 

They all teleport away from the building. But as they do, Silver Kong appears on a generator, and he watches them teleport away.

Silver Kong: Alright, Power Rangers. You've made your choice. 

Here's the 16th chapter of The Incredibles: The Green Power is back. Sorry that it was short, but I couldn't think of anything else. Let me know what you all think of the chapter. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you. 

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