Chapter 19: Chemical chaos

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The Rangers continue making down the hall. They come to a door. Trevor slowly opens it, and he looks inside. He sees it's a research lab, and two doctors are talking. He listens to them as they talk.

Doctor: I'm concerned about this project, Dr. Jones. The city doesn't even know what we're working on in here. Any sort of accidental release could lead to terrible casualties. 

Jones: Listen, Hicks. Those are the kind of thoughts you'd best keep to yourself. There isn't going to be an accidental release. Now do your job. 

He walks off to another door. After that, the rangers come into the room. Dr. Hicks jumps as he sees them.

Trevor: So, what are you guys cooking up here?

Hicks: I swear, I didn't know that Oxcorp even had a chemical weapons division. You have to believe me. 

Billy: Chemical weapons?! That's a big no-no. 

Tommy: Yeah, especially if this is Silver Kong's one stocked weapon shop.

Hicks: There's nothing I can do. The research is too heavily protected. 

Jason: That's where we come in. We'll take care of those chemicals. Just take us what to do. 

Hicks: It's very complication, so for now, just find one of the control rooms that oversee chemical injection into the pumps. I'll give you a radio, so we can commutate once you get there. Be careful. 

Trevor: Thanks, doc. 

Trevor takes the radio, and they go to the door that Dr. Jones walked out of. Trini opens the door, and she peaks out to see. She sees guards, cameras, and laser beams. 

Trini: Oh, man. He's right. It is heavily protected. 

Hicks on radio: Watch out for patrols in the corridors. You can't let them spot you. 

Tommy: We have to do this carefully, and quietly. 

Trevor nods, and leads them out. He spots shadow areas that they can hide in. They sprint towards it, and hide before one of the guards can see them. The guard turns around, and looks. He shrugs, and walks away. After that, they come to a door, and open it. They see blue laser beams, and jump over them to avoid touching them. As they avoid more laser beams, Dr. Hicks contacts them.

Hicks on radio: Power Rangers, you're getting close to the first control room you need to enter. Keep your eyes open.

Billy: Roger that. 

A guard is pacing back and forth in front of the control room. Kimberly sneaks up behind him, and knocks him out. She hides him somewhere. Billy opens the door to the control room, and walks in. He looks around. 

Billy: Doc, I'm in the control room. 

Hicks on radio: Listen carefully. There are four control rooms, like the one you're in that control chemical injection into the pumps. You'll have to activate them in the correct order, or you'll release the chemicals. 

Billy: That is something that we all want to avoid. 

Trini: Then what?

Hicks on radio: After you activate the chemical injectors in the first control rooms, you'll have to go into the central chamber and start the injection process. Then go back and repeat the process from the last two control rooms. 

Tommy: Alright. I think we'd better cover more ground if we split up. Billy, Trini, you two deal with these control rooms. Trevor and I will go ahead, and deal with the last two. Kimberly, you wait in the central chamber with Jason and Zack. 

Kimberly: Ok, but be careful. There's no telling what you'll find in there, and there'll might be more guards. 

They both nod, and run off to go to the last control rooms as Billy and Trini work on the injectors. Trevor opens the door, but to his and Tommy's horror, the whole room is filled with laser beams and security cameras. 

Trevor: Oh, crap. This just got a whole lot harder. 

Tommy: Yeah, but nothing is ever easy for us. 

Trevor: So, what do we do? 

Tommy: I guess we got no choice. We have to jump to that door, and try to avoid hitting the lasers. 

Trevor nods, and they time it, and jump towards the door. They barely miss the lasers and cameras, and made it to the door. Tommy opens the door, and they find the two control rooms. A guard is walking around the room in circles. 

Guard: (Yawning) Double shaft means double money. I'll take it. 

Trevor shakes his head, thinking that this company is working their guards too hard. 

Hicks on radio: Green Ranger, your friends just finished working on the injectors. Now it's your turn. 

Trevor: Alright. Give us a minute. 

Tommy jumps at the guard, and knocks him out with a karate chop on the back of the neck. He falls down, and Tommy grabs him. He hides him somewhere. Tommy walks into the third control room to work on the injector. Trevor walks to the last control room, but when he tries to open the door, he sees it's locked. 

Trevor: Uh, doc? This door is locked. 

Hicks on radio: Let me look into it. Uh, oh. Green Ranger, be careful. Dr. Jones, the head of the project seems to have figure out that something is wrong. He's heading your way. You'll need to get the key from him. He's the only one who has it. Oh, no! He has some super soldier robots with him! Be very careful! 

Trevor hides somewhere as Tommy stays in the control room. Trevor peaks from behind cover, and sees Dr. Jones running to the last control room and looks around. He has two advanced super soldier robots with him. He looks at them.

Jones: There are intruders here, somewhere. Spread out, and find them!

The robots walk off to find the rangers. Trevor sees that they're going the other way. He smirks, and sneaks up behind the doctor. He then karate chops him on his right shoulder, and knocks him out. He falls down on the floor, and Trevor takes the key from his pocket. He carries the doctor into the control room, and lays him down on the floor. He looks at the equipment, and pushes a button to begin the injector. He smiles, seeing it's working. He then leaves the control room. He gasps as he gets caught by the robots. 

Robot: Contact! Target identified as Green Ranger!

Trevor: Oh, shoot!

Tommy yells as he jumps, and kicks the robot from behind. 

Tommy: Come on, let's get to the central chamber!

They both run off as one of the robots sound the alarm. They both run through the lasers, knowing that the place knows they're here now. They meet up with the others in the central chamber. 

Kimberly: Tommy, what happened?

Tommy: We got caught, but we've got the injectors ready. 

Billy: We did too. Come on, let's hurry and get it done.

They find two control buttons. Billy pushes the correct button first, and then Trevor pushes the second one. Everyone watches as the injectors begin. The injectors inject into the main chemical container. The injectors take care of the chemicals. The Rangers all cheer as they complete a part of the job to stop Silver Kong's plan to use chemical weapons. Trevor then leads them off to the weapon facility too. They've decided to check it out before they leave. 

Here's the 19th chapter of The Incredibles: The Green Power is back. The rangers have arrived in the research labs, and discovered chemical weapons. Luckily, a doctor is against the idea, and helped the rangers to destroy the chemicals. But now, the company knows that they're in there in Oxcorp. And they managed to destroy the chemicals, and are off to the weapon facility to see what else is in there for Silver Kong. Let me know what you all think of the chapter. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you.        

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