Chapter 22: Violet kidnapped, and face-off at the bridge

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Meanwhile, at the hotel, Violet is walking around outside, getting some air before she goes to bed. She's still thinking about Green Ranger. She really wants to find out who he is. Because she feels like she knows who he is for some reason, but she doesn't know why. Helen comes outside to tell her to come back inside the room.

Helen: Violet, time to come back inside.

Violet: Coming.

She walks to the steps, but then, she hears something in the air. She looks around, and then she spots something coming her way. Her eyes widen as she sees Silver Kong on his flying machine. He sees Violet.

Silver Kong: Tough night, hon? Mine was a killer!

He flies at her. She tries to run, but he's faster. He grabs her, and flies off with her. She's screaming for her life.

Silver Kong: Put your heart into those screams, my lovely. You'll do better to bait my trap. 

Helen runs down the steps after seeing Silver Kong taking her daughter. She looks up in the air.

Helen: VIOLET!!!

The rest of the family heard her, and come out of the room to join her. 

Bob: Honey, what happened? What's going on?

Helen: That silver figure, he showed up and took Violet! He has our baby, Bob! 

Bob: Oh, no! We've got to find him! Which way did he go? 

Helen: I think he's heading for the north bridge! 

Just then, the Power Rangers arrive at the scene. They see the family. Dash spots them. 

Dash: Mom, dad, look! It's the Power Rangers!

Bob and Helen see them too.

Helen: Power Rangers, you've got to help us! That silver figure just kidnapped my daughter! Please save her. 

Trevor: Oh, no. Too late. It's ok. We're gonna save her, ma'am. 

Helen: Thank you. I think he's heading for the north bridge. 

Trevor: You're welcome. We'll get on it. Don't worry, Violet! We're coming!

They all teleport towards the north bridge. The Parrs decide to head for the bridge too, so they can see that they'll save Violet. With Silver Kong, he's flying towards the bridge with Violet in his arms. 

Violet: (Grunting) Put me down, you jerk! Help! Somebody help me! Help! Help! Help! 

Silver Kong: Quiet, girly. 

Silver Kong turns around, and he sees the rangers teleporting towards the bridge. He laughs, knowing that they're taking the bait. He then drops Violet on top of the bridge. He then shoots fireballs out from his machine, setting the side of the top on fire.

Silver Kong: Alright, brothers and sisters. Let's settle this once and for all. 

Violet stands up, and sees the fire closing in on her. She backs away, but she sees she has nowhere to go. She is trapped. 

Violet: Oh, no! No!

Trevor suddenly appears on the top. He sees her, and runs to her. 

Trevor: Hello again, beautiful. Need another hand?

Violet: Green Ranger!

He carries her in his arms, and he jumps down from the top, and heads down to the road. Violet screams as she closes her eyes as they fall. He lands on the road perfectly. She opens her eyes and sees she's still alive. 

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