Chapter 7: Attack bots

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In the City, an armored truck is parked in the middle of the street as it was stopped by some cars. The guard gets out of the truck, and runs to the back to open the door to get to the guns. But as he unlocks the lock, a man points his gun at him. 

Man: Hello. 

The man hits him in the face with the gun, and he falls down on the road. The man opens up the doors as more men come out with guns. 

Man: Let's go! Move it! Watch the street!

As they're robbing the truck, a camera is seen on top of a car. It takes picture automation. As it takes pictures, Trevor jumps down from the rooftop, and fights the robbers. He jump kicks two of them in the face, and slams his fist into another's face. The robbers try to get him, but he's too fast. He then jumps backwards, and kicks another robber in his chest. He sends him flying towards some trash cans. Trevor watches with a smirk. He then turns around, and sees the leader robber picking up a bag of money, and aims his gun at him. Trevor grabs his arm, and twists it. He screams, and drops the gun. He spin kicks him in the face, sending him down on the ground. The last two robbers try to get him, but Trevor sees them coming.

Trevor: Hyah! 

He kicks them both in their faces hard, and they fall down on the ground. He looks at the camera, and it takes more pictures. He looks at the officer, and helps him up. 

Trevor: You okay, officer?

Officer: Yeah. Thank you, Green Ranger. 

Trevor nods at him. He walks to where the camera is at, and picks it up. He hides it, and takes off. 

Trevor: Alright. Now I got my shots for the boss. Now to get back to the Bugle, collect my money, and get my mom's bill paid.  

But before Trevor could go any further, he suddenly sees something in the air. He looks up, and sees one of the hunter killers flying above him.

Trevor: Uh, oh. I don't know what that thing is, but something tells me it isn't friendly. 

The robot tries to capture him by shooting a net at him, but Trevor dodges it, and takes out his Dragon Dagger. He slashes the robot, destroying it. As it falls down, he looks up, and sees more of them. 

Trevor: Whoa. These guys are really surprising! 

Robot: Target engaged. 

Trevor jumps in the air, and destroys another one with his weapon. As he lands back down, a machine spider appears as it crawls down the wall of a building. Three more appear. Trevor holds up his dagger, and zaps them with a green laser shooting out of the dagger. 

Trevor: Something is telling me I should focus on the flying ones. These spiders ones are just trying to get me confused. I can't let them get me like that. 

Trevor then shoots another green laser at the flying ones, destroying them. But then, more of them show up. 

Trevor: These things just keep coming. Who do I know that has an army of flying and spider attack bots? 

But as he's about to attack them, he looks up in the air, and smiles. The other Rangers have arrived to help him out. They land by Trevor, and they see the machines. 

Zack: Whoa. Flying robots.

Billy: Amazing. These robots were created by humans. It must have took tons of money to build them. 

Jason: Come on, we'd better get rid of these before they can get Trevor. 

Tommy: Right! Let's go!

The Rangers begin to fight the machines. As the Rangers fight, a family nearby hears the fighting. It's the Parr Family. Violet and her family were just walking back to the motel, but then they hear the fighting. They figure it's another thug fighting, so they've decided to check it out. They arrive at the scene, and they're shocked to see the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers fighting robots. 

Dash: Wow! No way! Mom, dad, it's the Power Rangers! 

Bob: We know, son. We see them. 

Violet: Do you think we should help them out?

Helen: No. They look like they can handle it. 

They watch as the Rangers use their weapons to destroy the robots. Kimberly uses her bow to fire arrows at the robot spiders while Zack uses his power Ax in blaster mode to shoot the flying robots out of the air. 

Tommy: Trevor, where did these things come from? 

Trevor: I don't know. They just appeared out of nowhere, and they're trying to capture me for some reason. 

Trini: Don't worry. We won't let them get you. 

Zack: Guys, that's all of the spider robots. Now, let's take down the flying ones with the Power Blaster!

Jason: Right! All right, guys! Let's bring them together!

All: Right!

Zack: Power Ax!

Kimberly: Power Bow!

Trini: Power Daggers!

Billy: Power Lance!

Jason: Power Sword!

The five Rangers combine their weapons to form the Power Blaster. They all hold it as Trevor and Tommy take out their swords, Saba, and the Dragon Dagger, and prepare to throw them at the flying machines. 

All: Power Rangers! Fire!

They fire the Power Blaster at the flying machines. Tommy and Trevor throw their weapons at the machines too. The blast and weapons hit the targets, and they all explode. The Parr family duck down from the explosion. They all look as they stand back up. 

Trevor: Yes! Alright!

Tommy: Yeah, we did it! Good job, guys!

Kimberly: Alright! (Giggles) 

Jason: We sure showed them. But who sent them? I doubt it was Lord Zedd or Goldar. 

Trevor: How did you guys know I was in trouble? 

Billy: Alpha alerted us when he saw you being attacked on the viewing globe. You were lucky that he saw you. If he hadn't, those things would have caught you. 

Trevor: Thanks, guys. 

Trini: You're welcome. It's what friends are for. 

Zack: I think we'd better find out who sent those robots, and why. 

Tommy: Yeah. Trevor, you head off home now. We'll let you know if we find out who did them.

Trevor: Alright. 

Trevor teleports first, and he teleports home, while the others teleport back to the Command Center. The Parr family watches them teleport away. They couldn't hear what they were saying, but saw the whole thing. Something tells them that the Power Rangers might help get the Supers back in legal crime fighting again someday. They walk back on the sidewalk, and begin to head back to the motel. Will Trevor and his new friends find out who sent the robots? 

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