Chapter 3: Justice is served

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Trevor continues running through the alleyways, looking for the mugger. He looks around.

Trevor: That poor old lady. She might die before the doctors can help her. I have to find the guy who did it. There's nothing that Trevor Rydinger can do at this point, but the green ranger is a different story. I'll find the mugger, even if I have to go through every one of those bad guys to do it.

He sees two gangsters up ahead. He frowns at them, and changes at them. He jumps up in the air, and jump kicks one of them in the back. The other one turns around, and sees him. 

Gang member: What the heck?! The green ranger?!

Trevor: That's right. 

Trevor spins around while charging at him. 

Trevor: Have a nice flight!

He kicks him in the chest, and sends him flying towards one of the rooftops. He lands on the rooftop with a crash. Trevor smirks under his helmet. He continues onward to find the mugger. Meanwhile, somewhere in a desert, miles away from Angel Grove, a big building stands on a mountain. It's the Command Center, home base of the Power Rangers. Inside, a robot is working on the controls. As he works, a floating head in a tube appears. 

Man: Alpha. 

Alpha: (Looks) Zordon, what is it? 

Zordon: I just detected a power burst in the morphing grid. Contact the rangers. They must know about this. 

Alpha: Aye aye aye. Right away, Zordon. 

Alpha pushes a button on one of the controls, and contacts the other power rangers. On a speaker, a young man's voice is heard. 

Voice on speaker: This is Jason. We read you. 

Alpha: Rangers, Zordon needs you all to come to the command center. There's something you all must need to hear what he needs to say. 

Jason on speaker: We're on our way. 

A minute later, six colored beams teleport into the command center, revealing to be teenage people. Four boys, and two girls. Their names are Jason, Billy, Zack, Trini, Kimberly, and Tommy. They all look at Zordon. 

Jason: What's going on, Zordon?

Kimberly: Yeah, what's Zedd up to now?

Zordon: I don't think Zedd has anything to do what I just sensed, Rangers.

Trini: What do you mean, Zordon?

Zordon: I just detected something in the morphing grid. And I just found out what it is. Behold the viewing globe. 

They all look at the viewing globe. And to their shock, they see the green ranger fighting some thugs. 

Tommy: It''s me...

Zordon: No, Tommy. I could only be another person. 

Jason: But I thought the green ranger powers were gone for good. You said so yourself, Zordon. 

Zordon: I know, Jason. But I still don't know how the green ranger powers are back. And the one who has them now probably doesn't know how to use them well. 

Billy: I don't know. I think he does. Look at the way he's fighting those thugs. 

They all watch as Trevor takes down more thugs using his own moves. He jump kicks one of them down to the ground.

Zack: Wow. He's really good. 

Tommy: Zordon, what do we do?

Zordon: Sensors detected that the green ranger is somewhere else on earth. 

Alpha: I just found the location. He's in Metroville. 

Zordon: Rangers, you must go there, and convince the green ranger to come with you to the command center. 

Tommy: Got it. Come on, guys. Let's get down there, and find him. It's morphing time!

They all hold out their morphers in front of them. 

Tommy: Tigerzord!

Zack: Mastodon!

Kimberly: Pterodactyl!

Billy: Triceratops!

Trini: Saber-toothed tiger!

Jason: Tyrannosaurus!

They all morph into the power rangers, and they teleport to Metroville to find Trevor. Meanwhile back at Metroville, Trevor continues beating up thugs. He drops one down on the ground, and kicks another one to some trash cans. Then, he sees someone up ahead. It looks like one of the leaders. He charges at him. The leader tries to run, but Trevor tackles him down to the ground. 

Trevor: A thug shot an old lady earlier. The thug is one of yours. Where is he?

Thug: I can't tell you. He'd kill me. 

Trevor: Oh, man. Then I guess I need to beat it out of you. And trust me, if you've seen what the other rangers could do, imagine what I can do.

Thug: (Whimpers) No. Don't. Ok, I'll tell you. He's our main boss. He's probably at the secret warehouse, the one by the docks. That's all I know.

Trevor: Thanks. 

Trevor throws him into a dumpster, and closes the lid. 

Thug: Hey, you can't leave me in here! 

Trevor: You're right. I'll make sure the cops come pick you up. 

Trevor walks away from the dumpster, and continues onward. As he walks, he looks up and sees colored beams coming down from the sky, and towards him. He watches, and the beams land on the ground, revealing the other rangers. He looks at them. 

Jason: There he is. 

Trevor: Wow. The other Power Rangers. What are you doing here? How did you know where I was?

Billy: We saw your show from our command center. You did good. 

Tommy: You have to come with us. Our mentor needs to see you. 

Trevor: It has to wait. I'm going after a leader thug that shot an old lady earlier. I need to turn him in to the police. If I go with you now, he might get away. 

Tommy: Hang on a moment. (Contacts Zordon on his wrist communicator) Zordon, come in. We found him, but he said he needs to find a leader thug that shot an old lady earlier. Should we let him a hand?

Zordon on communicator: Yes. And after he's done, bring him to the command center, so we can talk to him. 

Tommy: Roger that. Zordon said we can help you find the leader, and after that, you must come with us. 

Trevor: Got it. Come on. I know where he is now. He's in a secret warehouse by the docks. I know the one.

Just then, they all hear sirens. 

Zack: Uh, oh. Sounds like the police are closing in. 

Trevor: Well, they can have the downed thugs and whoever's left in the warehouse after we're done. 

They follow Trevor to the docks. Trevor couldn't believe that he's actually fighting alongside with the Power Rangers. His dream is really coming true. They make it to the docks, and they see the warehouse. They run towards it, and begin to make their way inside. Can they find the leader, and bring him to justice?        

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