Chapter 18: Breaking and entering

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The Rangers have arrived back at the Command Center with Trevor. They all have their helmets off. Billy, Trevor, and Alpha work and study on the broken wing from one of the razorwings. After a few moments of studying, they find some works on the wing. "Oxcorp". Trevor remembers the company. His father is friends with the owner of the company, Danny Ox. 

Trevor: Whoever this Silver Kong is, he seems to be working for Oxcorp. 

Billy: Oxcorp? Isn't that the company of secret military labs? 

Trevor: Yeah. It's owned by a man name Danny Ox. He's friends with my dad. But oh man, murdering and sabotaging. Dad would be upset if he found out his friends was involved. 

Tommy: I'm really sorry, Trevor. I know it's a lot to take. 

Alpha: Oh, the sad human emotion. 

Kimberly: What are we gonna do? 

Trevor: We have to get to the bottom of this, and that means a surprise visit to Oxcorp. 

Jason: He's right. Zordon, we need to find out who Silver Kong is. If he's not stopped, who knows what he'll do to Trevor's home, and to the world. 

Zordon: And you're right. Rangers, you must go to Oxcorp, and find Silver Kong. And also find out what he's up to there. He cannot be allow to continue his insanely. 

Tommy: We're on it, Zordon.

Zordon: But use extreme caution, rangers. Silver Kong is one of the strongest evil enemies beyond your league. 

Jason: Right, Zordon.

Tommy: Back to action!

They all put their helmets back on, and teleport out of the Command Center to head to Oxcorp. Meanwhile, back at Oxcorp, and in Mr. Ox's office, he's sitting at his desk, looking at some papers, and pictures of the Power Rangers. 

Danny: Power Rangers. (Bangs on his desk) Power Rangers!

He looks at another picture, and he sees Violet kissing Trevor's helmet, and he gets an idea as he looks at this.

Danny: Well, well, well. Looks like he just got someone else into this. 

He gets up from his desk, and walks over to his suit. He puts it on, and smirks.

Danny: It seems that I have a date tonight. 

Meanwhile, outside, the rangers have arrived at the company. They all look at the company. 

Trevor: I know breaking and entering isn't a hero thing, but we have no choice right now.

Zack: Yeah. But how do we get in?

They look around, and they find a big vent that leads inside. Trevor removes the grate, and they all go inside. They all crawl through the air ducts quietly and carefully. And they come to another vent. Trini pushes open the vent, and they're in a hallway. 

Trevor: Alright, rangers. You've all made it this far. Now what?

They all hop out of the vent, and land in the hall. They see a guard up ahead. But luckily, some of the lights are off, and they're hiding in the darkness. 

Jason: If any of these guards manage to raise an alarm, we're out of luck. We can't let them see us. 

Tommy: Yeah. So, here's what we're gonna do. The darkness of the rooms around the place will hide us from these guys. And when their backs are turned, we'll knock them out, and hide them somewhere. 

Zack: How long do we have before they come to?

Billy: With our powers, they'll be out for at least a few hours. 

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