Chapter 20: Oxcorp's ultimate weapon

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The heroes are running down the hall, not knowing where they're going. Finally, they come to an opening, and are on a walking platform. 

Trevor: This place is maze. Where the heck are we now?

Tommy: I don't know, but I got a bad feeling though.

The door behind them close shut. They all look, and look around. Just then, Zack sees something shocking ahead of them. 

Zack: Guys, check it out!

They all look at what he's looking at. Their eyes widen as they see a huge sight. A huge robot that's building size, and it has a big cannon for an arm on its right side. 

Trevor: Holy! That thing's bigger than Long Island, and it doesn't look too friendly. 

Jason: This must be Silver Kong's secret weapon. He'll release this thing into the city, and then he'll use it to destroy it. 

Trini: Oh, man. Guys, we've got to do something about it.

Tommy: You're right. We've got to destroy it before it get out of here. 

Kimberly: Let's call in the zords. 

Just then, Saba speaks to them as Tommy is holding him.

Saba: No, we can't do that. This whole area is underneath the company, and it's crawling with people. The zords would crush the whole place. So, I'm afraid we're on our own in here.

Tommy: He's right. We're gonna need to take out this thing by ourselves. 

Jason: But how?

Trevor: That robot has a sensor ray on it. If we take that down, the robot will be done. 

Just then, a shield appears around the robot's sensor ray. 

Trevor: Ah! The sensor ray has a shield around it! We have to take out the shield generators first!

The rangers look around, and they spot shield generators all around the place. And turrets, and HKs are everywhere too. The robot is activated, and it aims its cannon at them. They all jump out of the way as it fires at the wall. 

Billy: Oh, man. It's got a lot of firepower!

Jason: Let's take out the shield generators, and then we'll worry about taking out the sensor! 

Kimberly: Let's use our weapons!

Everyone summons their weapons, and move in to fight. Since they're on the ground, the robot can't use its cannon on the floor. Kimberly and Zack use their bow and ax to fire at the HKs to knock them out of the air. As they do, Trevor, Tommy, Jason, Billy, and Trini split up to get the shield generators. The HKs try to stop them from taking them out, but Kim and Zack shoot them down before they could do anything. Tommy counts how many generators there, and there are about nine. Trevor destroys the first generator, and Billy destroys the second one. The turrets all turn, and fire at them. They all jump out of the way before the bullets can get them. Trini takes out the third one. Kimberly then aims her bow at the fourth generator, and fires. The arrow hits, and destroys it. Tommy uses Saba. Saba zaps his eyes at the 5th generator, and destroys it. 

Trevor: Come on, guys! We can do it!

Jason swings his sword down on the sixth generator, destroying it. The robot senses them destroying the generators, so it tries to destroy them with its cannon, but it can't aim down on the floor below. Zack aims his ax at a turret, and fires at it. He destroys it. Then, he aims it at the seventh generator. He fires at it, and destroying it. Trevor looks around, and sees the last two generators by three turrets. He charges at them. The turrets all turn, and open fire on him. Trevor plays the flute on his dagger, and his golden shield glows. The shield protects him from the bullets. He then adds power into his dagger, and it glows green. He then throws it at them and at the generators. The dagger destroys the turrets, and the two shield generators. After that, the shield around the sensor ray disappears. 

Trevor: The last two generators are destroyed, and the shield's gone. Now we can hit the sensor ray. 

Jason: Alright, let's combine our weapons!

Zack: Power Ax!

Kimberly: Power Bow!

Trini: Power Daggers!

Billy: Power Lance!

Jason: Power Sword!

They all combine their weapons to form the Power Blaster. The five rangers gather together, and aim it at the sensor ray. 

All: Power Rangers! Fire!

They fire the blaster at the sensor. The blast hits the sensor ray hard, and it blows. The robot then starts exploding and twisting around. It then aims at them one last time. 

Trevor: Uh, oh! It's going critical!

They all move out of the way as it fires at them. Its blast misses them, and it hits the wall. Then, the robot explodes into pieces. Parts and large pieces of it land on the ground. 

Tommy: Yes!

Trevor: Alright! 

The rangers all cheer and laugh at their victory over the giant robot. Trevor looks behind them, and sees a big hole that leads somewhere else in Oxcorp. 

Trevor: That hole should be our ticket outta here. Now to find Mr. Ox's office, and get out of this crazy place. 

They all run to the hole, and jump through it, making their way to Mr. Ox's office. 

Here's the 20th chapter of The Incredibles: The Green Power is back. Looks like the rangers have found Oxcorp's secret weapon. A giant robot. But now, they have destroyed it, and are on their way to Mr. Ox's office. Can they find out his secret, and stop him? Find out on the next chapter. Let me know what you all think of the chapter. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you.    

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