Chapter 12: Corralled, and Firebolt's rampage

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A few days have passed, and everything in the city is quiet now. But meanwhile, at Mr. Ox's company, Dr. Lewis calls him to his lab. He walks in as his partner tells him about what he just found. 

Dr. Lewis: (Clears throat) We have a problem, sir. Our systems are detecting two distancing targets. Both genetic signatures are similar to the Green Ranger's. 

He turns on a hologram of the city. It shows both red dots, moving away from each other.

Dr. Lewis: Take a look at this map. As you can see, each target is different, but both have the same power D.N.A.

Ox: We don't have time to chase after them at once. Have the H.Ks force both targets into the same area. Once they're together, capturing both subjects shouldn't be a problem. Am I making myself clear?

Dr. Lewis: Yes, sir.

In a sewer line, someone is running. It's a man wearing a red costume. He's wearing a red helmet. He runs through the sewer, until he comes a stop. He sees he's at a ledge, and below is water. He then looks behind, and sees about 30 machine spiders crawling at him.

Man: Spiders! Spiders, everywhere! 

He decides to jump across. He takes a deep breath, and jumps ahead far. He grabs ahold of the other ledge, and holds on. He pulls himself up, and sits on the ledge. He looks behind, and sees the machine spiders coming. One tries to stop, but it falls down into the water as the others stop. He laughs at them.

Man: Stupid spiders! Go back to your masters. 

One of the spiders suddenly shoots a hook ahead. The man sees this, and watches as it hooks itself into the wall. The other spiders also shoot hooks too. The man stands back up, and backs away. 

Man: No! No, no! 

He runs away as the spiders shoot across, and continue chasing after him. Meanwhile, Trevor is in an elevator. He's heading to the subway station to take pictures of the repairs. 

Trevor: It's going to be weird going back to the subway station after my battle with Bomb Voyage. Still, taking photos of the repairs is easy money, so I can't really complain. 

Suddenly, the elevator, knocking Trevor to the floor. He looks around, as he felt like something or someone hit the elevator from underneath. 

Trevor: Easy money? When will I learn to keep my mouth shut? (Takes out his morpher) It's morphing time! Dragonzord! 

He morphs into the Green Ranger as the elevator doors open. He hops out of the elevator, just as the man in the red costume pops out of a manhole over, with the machine spiders coming out too. They also spot Trevor, and one lands beside him. He gasps, and it screeches at him. 

Trevor: Oh, great. You guys again. (Sees the red costumed man) This guy looks like he can handle this, but I'd better help him out. 

The man shoots fire out of his hands, setting the machines on fire. Trevor kicks away the spider beside him, knocking it into the wall. Trevor secretly takes out his camera, and hides it, so he can take pictures of the fight. The camera automatically takes pictures as Trevor helps the man. Trevor looks around, and sees they're in a parking garage. 

Man: Ah! Get off me! Get off me! 

Trevor takes out his Dragon Dagger, and uses it to fight the machine spiders. He jumps around as he fights. He swings his dagger, and destroys one of them. The ones that are on fire explode into pieces. The man laughs at this. 

Man: Nobody misses with Firebolt. 

Trevor: (Whispers) Firebolt. I wonder if he's a new hero, or a new villain. But I still need to help him out. 

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