Chapter 13: Jedidiah's test, and the mighty hunter

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A few hours later, and in his office, Mr. Ox is talking to someone on the phone as he sitting at his desk. 

Ox: So, you'll do it?

Male voice on phone: To hunt the Green Ranger? I will accept your challenge, Ox. But keep your money. The thrill of the hunt will be enough for me.

Much later, at the Metroville Zoo, a tall man wearing some kind of bear skin is standing by a oil trail. He throws his lighter at the oil. 

Man: Yes, yes! 

The lighter lights the oil, and the man smirks as the fire spreads on a wooden symbol of Trevor's golden shield of his ranger form. In the Command Center, all the rangers are gathered as Trevor shows them the machine spider. Billy looks at it.

Billy: Wow. An amazing work on this machine. 

Trevor: But do you know who built it though?

Billy: No, I don't. Whoever did built this is very talented of hiding his movements. 

Trini: He means that the person who made this machine is clever of hiding his tracks and the ways of making the machine. 

Trevor: Man. I mean, this is like the second time this has happened to me. I wonder who's after me. (Looks at Zordon) What do you think, Zordon?

Zordon: I do not know, Trevor. But you need to be careful. Whoever is after you must really want the power of the Green Ranger. You can't let them get it. 

Tommy: Zordon's right. But don't worry. You know you can count on us when or if you ever need help. 

Kimberly: Yeah, we're there for each other. 

Jason: Always. 

Trevor smiles at them, knowing he has friends to look after him, and also will always count on them when he needs help. Suddenly, his cell phone rings. He looks at his pocket, and at everyone. They all stand back, and let him answer his phone. Zordon and Alpha also keep quiet. Trevor answers it. It's his boss, Mr. Morris. 

Morris on phone: Rydinger, where are you?!

Trevor: I'm just hanging out with some friends, sir. 

Morris on phone: Why are you doing that?! Why aren't you down at the zoo getting me pictures of this?! 

Trevor: But I was just--

Morris on phone: Doesn't anyone do his job around here? It's right out my window, I could write the copy myself. Now, get me photos! 

Trevor: Ok, Mr. Morris.

Morris on phone: I'll bet money the Green Ranger is involved somehow. 

Trevor hangs up. He looks at his friends. 

Trevor: Looks like more trouble in my home. My home is getting a lot of super villains. Where do all these guys come from? 

Zack: Heck if we know. 

Trevor: Do you think you guys can help me out here?

Jason: Sure. Let's get down to the zoo and check it out. It's morphing time! 

They all take out their morphers, and morph. 

Trevor: Dragonzord! 

Tommy: Tigerzord! 

Zack: Mastodon!

Kimberly: Pterodactyl!

Billy: Triceratops! 

Trini: Saber-Toothed tiger!

Jason: Tyrannosaurus! 

They all morph into the Power Rangers, and teleport to the zoo. 

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