Chapter 2: Green Ranger returns

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Trevor walks home from school. His brother goes to hang out with his friends. As he walks, he looks at a grass hill on the right side of the school. He frowns as he looks at it. He remembers the accident that happened to him last year.

Flashback, one year earlier

Trevor is riding in a car with a man. It's his uncle. They both just got done playing at the arcade together, and now, they're heading back to his house. Trevor loves his uncle so much along with his aunt. Trevor smiles at his uncle, and his uncle smiles back at him as he drives. Suddenly, the left front tire explodes. His uncle gasps, and tries to keep from crashing. Trevor is scared as the car is out of control.

Trevor: Uncle Paul!

Paul: Trevor, hold on! I'm trying to control it!

Just then, the car hits a pothole, and it rolls off the road. The car continues rolling down the hill. Trevor and his uncle tries to hold on as the car rolls. It rolls over several times, and then suddenly, Trevor's passenger door opens on him. He flies out of the car, and lands on the grass. The car stops rolling, and it's on its top. Trevor groans, and gets up. He looks at the car, and sees fire under the bottom of the car. He looks around his uncle, and then realizes he's still in the car, and he knows it's going to explode. 

Trevor: Uncle Paul! My gosh! 

He runs to the car. He runs to the driver's side, and tries to open the door. But the door is pinned down by the weight of the car. He keeps trying to open the door. His hands get burned a little, but he doesn't care about the pain from the burning. He sees he can't open the door this way. So, he tries to lift up the car with his hands. He grunts painfully as the fire burns his hands, but he doesn't stop trying. The car is lifting up a little, but it's still pinned down by the weight. Trevor then yells out in agony and frustration in the air. And then, he loses consciousness. 

Flashback ends

Trevor sighs as he looks down. He wakes up in the hospital the next day. His parents and brothers were in the room with him when he woke up. He looks at them, and asked them what happened. Tony told him the police found him by Paul's car out cold while the car was on fire. They managed to get him out of there before the car exploded. Trevor asked about their uncle. His mother tearfully told him that Paul died in the car from the explosion. Trevor broke down hard after hearing the demise of his uncle. Two days later, he was released from the hospital. Then they had the funeral for Paul. The people who came to the funeral were Tony's friends, Violet, and her family. After the funeral, Trevor tries his best to move on, and stay strong. He sighs, and continues walking home. As he does, he hears something going on. Then someone screams, and a gunshot is heard. He runs to the place, and to his shock, he's sees an old lady on the ground, with a bullet wound in her chest. People around her try to help her. Trevor runs to her. 

Trevor: Mrs. Brown...What happened?!

Mrs. Brown: (Sobbing, gasping) He told me not to scream, or he'd shoot me. But I screamed. But I screamed, and he shot me...

Trevor: Just calm down. Stay calm. Has anyone called the police?

Man: I'm calling them right now! 

Trevor lays her down gently as he puts pressure on the wound. Another woman helps him too. 

Woman: The bullet missed her heart, thank god. But she needs medical attention. 

Trevor: Did anyone see who shot her?

Woman: I did. It looked like a gangster. He ran off after he shot her. That way. 

She points to the left alley. He looks at the alley, and frowns. He knows he can't let that gangster get away. 

Trevor: (To woman) Stay with her. I'm going after that gangster. 

Woman: What? But that's dangerous. 

Trevor: I'm not letting him get away of what he just did. Just stay with Mrs. Brown until help arrives. 

Trevor gets up, and runs down the alley to go after the gangster. As he runs, he suddenly feels something strange, like some addend power is being given to him. He stops as something golden glows in his pocket. He looks at his pocket, and takes something out. It's the coin he found. It glows as he holds it. Then, he hears something ahead. He looks, and sees some gangsters walking towards him. 

Gangster: You lost, kid?

Trevor: Which one of you is the one who shot the old lady back there?

Gangster 2: Oh, what are you gonna do, kid? You can't possibly stop us. 

Gangster 3: (Laughs) Yeah. 

Trevor frowns at them. He clutches his hand into a fist. The coin continues glowing. He glares at them. 

Trevor: You wanna find out what I can do? I'll show you! Hyah!

He charges at them. They all fight him. He uses his Kung Fu moves on them. He takes some hits from them, but he handles them. The last gangster uses a knife, but Trevor trips him, making him fall down on the ground. Trevor then kicks him in the face, knocking him out. He looks at the downed men. He still feels the power. He looks at the coin again. And to his surprise, the coin turns into some kind of device. He looks at it, and sees it's golden, and it has words on it. "Power Ranger". He then realizes what it is. it's a device for the Power Rangers. He looks at it, and realizes that this might be his chance of being a hero. He then hears a voice in his head. 

Voice: It's Morphin time! Dragonzord! 

For some reason, he knows what that means. 

Trevor: It's Morphin time! (Holds out his hand with the device) Dragonzord!

The device with the coin glows, and Trevor glows green. After a moment, the glowing stops, and Trevor looks at himself. He's even more shocked. He's in a green outfit, with a dragon helmet, and a golden shield on his chest. He knows what he is.

Trevor: I don't believe it...I'm the Green Ranger! 

He starts smiling in his helmet. He's finally a hero. Now, he can do what the supers used to do. He looks at the alley, and continues following the thief's trail. The Green Power Ranger has return back into the world.                     

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