Chapter 6: Sightings of the green ranger

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It is daytime in Metroville. Cars are driving, and people are walking on the sidewalks. Meanwhile, in a small grocery store, two robbers are holding a couple at gunpoint while the husband is emptying the cash register.

Robber: Hurry up!

The husband finishes loading up the bag with the money, and one of the robbers grabs it and runs outside. The other one keeps his gun on the couple as he walks backwards to the door. As he does, a green suited figure suddenly appears, and kicks his partner with the money in the chest, sending him flying at some trash cans. He crashes into them, and lays knocked out. The other guy with the gun looks in shock, and the green figure grabs him, and punches him in the face. He falls down on the ground knocked out too. People outside are looking in surprise and shock. Inside the store, the husband catches the bag as the green figure throws it to him. The green figure is reveal to be Trevor, as the green ranger.

Trevor: There you go. You two have a nice day.

He teleports away. On the Newspaper, it talks about Trevor as the green ranger. It says, "Green ranger foils robbery." A news report shows people talking about him. 

Man: It's amazing. The green ranger is not a normal man. He has powers, like the supers. My son, James, loves the green ranger. 

Woman: My daughter always love the power rangers. They save the world from danger. I mean, the green ranger used to be evil, but then for some reason, he joined the other rangers. They must have done something to get him to join the good side. 

At nighttime, a diamond store is robbed. The store's alarm is ringing as police cars arrive at the scene. As they do, they see a stunned sight. 

Police officer: Chief, get a load of this. 

They find a thief couple both tied up to a light pole. On a rooftop, Trevor looks down at the scene, and smirks behind his helmet. 

Trevor: Whoo!

He teleports away to go back home. A construction worker talks on the report with his partner. 

Construction worker: It's truly incredible. I mean, the way he comes out of nowhere and saves people, it really shocks me. And he flies off in a green beam. 

Next scene shows more newspapers telling people about the green ranger. In a hotel room, Violet and her family are watching the news as well. Violet really becomes interest in the green ranger. 

Woman on TV: I see the green beam. It's him flying away. And I know the green ranger was here. 

Man: The guy protects us, you know. He protects the people, like the other rangers do.

Violet looks at her parents. Bob Parr smiles with a nod, knowing that the world is in need of heroes again. Next, a police officer speaks to the camera.

Police officer: It's crazy, actually. I mean, he used to be evil when he was Angel Grove, and now he's helping people, trying to turn over a new leaf.

Delivery man: (Comes into the shot) Well, I used to live in Angel Grove, and that green ranger destroyed my truck with his giant dragon machine. He stinks, and I don't like him. 

Later that night, a mugger attacks a young woman. He points his gun at her face as he forces her down on the ground. 

Mugger: Don't move, lady.

She's whimpering as he takes her purse from her. But before he could do anything else, someone grabs his gun from the side, and takes it from him. He gasps, and looks. The green ranger is beside him. He then grabs him by his shirt, and throws him in the air. He screams as he flies at a dumpster, landing inside it. The green ranger then picks up the purse, and hands it back to the woman as he helps her up. He nods at her, and teleports away. She watches, and smiles. The next scene changes to some women talking about Trevor. 

Woman: A guy with a golden shield. Sounds hot. 

Woman 2: Yeah. He has that dragon helmet, and that little knife weapon. The green ranger is really a hero now. Just like the supers. 

Later that evening, in a building called Metroville Bugle. A editor is reading a Newspaper about the green ranger. On the front page, it shows the green ranger saving people trapped in a train crash. And the words on it say, "Who is the green ranger?" The editor's name is Mr. Nick Morris.

Morris: Who is the green ranger? He's a criminal, that's who he is. (Puts down the newspaper) Another vigilante. A public menace. What's he doing on my front page? 

Man: (Walks in) Sir. We got a problem with one of the printers. 

Morris: Well, get the problem fixed then. 

Man: Right. 

Morris: (Looks at his partner) Well? What do you have to say, Julie? 

Julie: He's news. He pulled eight people out of that train. If it wasn't for him, they'd be dead.

Morris: Sure, from a wreck he probably caused. Something goes wrong and this creepy green guy is there. (Points at the newspaper) Look at that. He's fleeing the scene. What's that tell ya?

Julie: He's not fleeing. He's probably going to save somebody else. He's a hero!

Morris: Then why does he wear a helmet? Hmm? What's he got to hide?

Julie: Morris, every hero has a secret identity. And besides, we can't get more pictures of him. Trevor and Bobby can barely get a picture on him. As a matter of fact, Trevor is the only one who can get a picture of the green ranger up close. 

Morris: Aw, what is he, shy? If we can get pictures from that robot attack, we can surely get a picture of this weirdo. Julie, put an ad on the front page: "Cash money for a picture of the green ranger." He doesn't want to be famous? Then I'll make him infamous. 

From outside, Trevor heard everything from the rooftop. He smirks as he gets an idea. When he became the green ranger, he got a job at the bugle as a photographer, taking photos of himself. Now, he can use the money to help with his payment, and help pay his parents' bills. He teleports away. But as he does, he doesn't notice that some kind of camera is watching him. In a big room where people are watching Trevor teleporting away. A business man in a suit looks at the people as a scientist is standing by him. The man's name is Mr. Danny Ox. 

Mr. Ox: The military has given our company a week to prove that we can develop a working serum, or we are gonna lose the contract to Devtech, given how much we invested to this research. Losing the contract could bankrupt our company. I can only assume that the green ranger relates to our problem in someway. (Looks at scientist) Dr. Lewis. 

Dr. Lewis: (Clears throat) Mr. Ox, as that video showed, the green ranger possesses all the power our project hopes to create. We scanned him, and it shows he has unknown, but unlimited power in his system. And I am certain that an dose of his blood can help us to complete our serum. 

Ox smirks at this. Lewis turns to his left, and points at some kind of machine robots. 

Dr. Lewis: We can program the hunter killers to track down this power signature, and capture the green ranger. 

Ox: Do it. 

Lewis nods at this, and walks to the robots. Who is Ox, and what does he want with Trevor? Will Trevor be careful, or will he be capture by them?    

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