Chapter 8: Subway station

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Trevor is seen hiking down the sidewalk through the city. He just got 100 dollars from the pictures he took earlier. As he walks and turns around the corner, he sees an armed man standing in front of a jewelry store. 

Trevor: Hmm. What's going on over here?

He walks into an alley, and morphs into the Green Ranger. He carefully and quietly sneaks up on the man, and takes him down. He looks around for any more of them, when all of a sudden, the window breaks behind him. He gets hit by the blast, and falls down on the road. Trevor looks up, and sees a flying creature flying away as the store's alarm goes off. 

Trevor: Who the heck? He sure took off in a hurry. 

Trevor gets back up. As he does, he hears a vehicle coming his way fast. He looks to his left, and sees a white van speeding towards him. 

Trevor: Whoa!

He jumps out of the way as the van speeds pass him. He glares at it.

Trevor: Not so fast. 

He takes out his Dragon Dagger, and uses it to zap at the left back tire of the van. The tire pops, and the van speeds out of control. It crashes into a light pole. The back doors of the van open up. The men are all Frenchmen. And they're all have white make up on their faces. And one of them has a vest of bombs on him. It's an old villain from the time of the Supers, Bomb Voyage. 

Bomb Voyage: (Speaks French) Come on, move it! 

He and his men all jump out of the van, and they run towards the subway station. Bomb Voyage turns around, and sees who's following them. He glares as the Green Ranger is running towards them. He grins as he plants a bomb on the wall.

Bomb Voyage: (Speaks French) This wall is coming down.

He backs away from the wall, and the bomb goes off, blowing a hole in the wall. Then, he and his men run into the subway station. Trevor follows behind them. Inside the station, people are just walking, minding their own business. The Parrs are also in the station, just looking around. Just then, an explosion erupts from a wall. Everyone screams in panic as they look at the hole. They see Bomb Voyage and his men as they walk in. 

Bomb Voyage: (Speaking in French) Don't panic, boys. It was only a matter of time before we had to deal with the Green Ranger. Let's take care of security, and get some hostages!

His men nod, and rush in further. The civilians see them, and panic. They all run in fear. A security guard spots them too.

Guard: (Talks on radio) We got a situation here! We need backup! 

Woman on radio: Backup is on the way. 

Bob glares as he sees his old enemy. He looks at his family, and they all have their masks on. They all smirk, and he smirks too as he puts on his mask too. He then takes out his shirt to reveal his super suit. As the family prepare to take out their suits without anyone noticing, Violet spots Trevor as the Green Ranger coming in.

Trevor: Don't know what this creep is up to, but he's easy to follow.

Violet gasps, and then smiles, as she's about to meet her favorite power ranger. She runs off with her family to change. Trevor looks around, and he sees a security guard is having trouble fighting some thugs. The thugs have black bats, and they're beating the guard with them. Trevor rushes in.

("Combat" by Ron Wasserman plays)

Trevor jump kicks one thug in the face, sending him flying across the floor. The other thugs see him, and they went to fight him while two try to deal with the guard. Trevor yells as he fights the thugs. He begins kicking one in the chest with his leg. A thug tries to hit him with his bat, but Trevor grabs the bat, and slams his fist in the thug's face. As he fights, the Incredibles come out while Mrs. Incredible is holding her baby. They see Trevor fighting the thugs, and he's taking them all down real fast. 

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