Chapter 23: Epilogue

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Three weeks later

Three weeks have passed since the attack on the bridge, and the death of Mr. Danny Ox and Silver Kong. Since then, Mr. Ox's family has been upset, and now his wife is the new director of the company. Secretly, Trevor managed to hid a camera, and took pictures of the entire thing. Now, his boss paid him double for the pictures. Right now, he and his brothers are at the racing track stadium for Dash to run. Trevor is walking down some steps, and he spots Violet talking to a friend. He smiles at her. He feels a tap on his shoulder. He looks, and sees his brother looking at him. 

Tony: What are you waiting for, bro? This is your chance now. Go down there, and ask her out. 

He looks at him, and at Violet. He takes a deep breath, and walks down there to ask Violet out. Violet sees him coming down, and smiles at her. She says goodbye to her friend, and looks at him as he reaches down the steps.

Trevor: Hey.

Violet: Hey. How are you doing?

Trevor: I'm good. Your brother is racing, huh?

Violet: Yep. Trevor, is different okay?

Trevor: Yeah, different is great. But anyway, Violet, I'd like to ask you something. Would

Violet: Yeah?

Trevor: What I'm trying to say you think and know...(Stammers) Gosh, I'm stammering like an idiot. 

Violet: (Puts her finger on his lips) Shh. I like movies. I'll buy the popcorn. Ok? 

Trevor: A move. There you go. Yeah. I'd like that too. Wait. So Friday?

Violet: Friday.

She walks up to the steps to sit with her family. Trevor smiles, and looks at his brother. Tony smiles at him, and gives him a thumbs up. He walks out of the stadium to cheer and celebrate his first date with his crush. He stands on the sidewalk, smiling. Just then, his two bullies show up. He groans in annoyed. 

Trevor: I'm not in the mood, Ox and Ward. Don't mess with me. 

Ox: Oh, shut up, geek. Your ranger friend killed my dad. You should tell him I'll get him for that. 

Trevor: Whatever. Get out of here, you punks. If you don't, I'll give you both butt kicking.

Ward: Oh, please. You're all bark, and no bite. 

Trevor smirks, and then uppercuts them both in the faces. They both groan and fall down on the road. Trevor laughs at them. 

Trevor: You two are so slow. Now, do you want more? 

They both get back up, and run off, not wanting more pain. But Ox glares at him as he runs.

Ox: You geek! Just you wait!

Trevor: (Chuckles) What a couple of losers. 

He waits to clean his head from that. An hour later, the race is over. Trevor sees Violet and her family walking out of the stadium, and Dash has a trophy, meaning he won. He smiles, knowing that he won. He sees his brother talking to his friends. He's about to walk to him, but then, a rumbling noise is heard. People are screaming as something crashing in the parking lot. Trevor looks, and sees some cars are flying in the air. And then, a huge drill comes out of the ground. And a huge drill machine is out in the open. Then, a short man comes out of the machine, holding a microphone.

Man: Behold the Underminer! I am always beneath you, but nothing is beneath me! I hereby declare war on peace and happiness! Soon all will tremble before me! 

Trevor looks at this new villain, and then, he smirks. He reaches behind, and takes out his morpher. He looks around, and sees no one looking.

Trevor: It's morphing time! 

He holds out his morpher, and the scene zooms in on his morpher as it glows, and the scene goes black after zooming on his power coin. 

The end


Shawn Roberts as Trevor Rydinger 

Sarah Vowell as Violet Parr

Craig T. Nelson as Bob Parr/Mr. Incredible

Holly Hunter as Helen Parr/Elastigirl 

Spencer Fox as Dash Parr

Samuel L. Jackson as Lucius Best/Frozone

Michael Bird as Tony Rydinger

Kevin Bacon as Danny Ox/Silver Kong

Greg Grunberg as Firebolt

Peter Facinelli as Jedidiah 

Shea Whigham as Sky Hawk

Dominique Louis as Bomb Voyage

Owen Teague as Ox

Finn Wolfhard as Ward

Adrian Zmed as Thug leader

And Eddie Deezen as Dr. Lewis

The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers cast remain the same.

Here's the 23th and last chapter of the Incredibles: The Green Power is back. Well, looks like I'm done with this story. Soon, I'll work on the second story with the second movie. And it looks like Trevor has asked his crush out on a date, instead of Tony. Now, I'll work on the other stories soon. I hope you all enjoyed this story. Let me know what you all think of the epilogue and cast of the story. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you.     

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