Chapter 18 - Leave

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A/N I made an account on AO3! It will take a while until I post this story there. I'm starting with Poisoned love first to figure out some things.
My name there is Alexlinurs and my profile picture is ↑↑↑

Chapter 18

His eyes snapped open as he jerked awake, feeling the urge to cough. 'A dream?' He thought, trying to calm his heavy breathing. It hurt to breathe in, and why the hell did he feel so sore?! His eyes fell to his naked body as he tried to recall what the hell happened.

He felt cold and could feel his muscles twitching. As much as it was hard to move, he forced himself to sit, feeling sweat dripping down his forehead. Gently, he rubbed his eyes, trying to wake up his half-sleeping brain.

When he felt closer to his senses, he looked around suspiciously, finding nothing out of place. He gulped. His mouth was dry, he had barely any saliva. Was he dehydrated? He rubbed his throat to smoother the discomfort.

He needed water.

It took a lot of power for him to leave the bed, but he managed to pull himself up cautiously, shivering as the blanket fell off of him completely.

A memory flashed in his mind as he stumbled forward, almost falling. Izuku said he loved him... that was bullshit, he was losing his god damn mind. The frustration in him rose when he couldn't find his clothes anywhere. There was no way he was walking around the apartment naked, so he grabbed one of Izuku's shirts from the man's closet and put it on.

He held back the urge to groan at the feeling of his sore muscles moving. The walk to the kitchen was hell and he was surprised Izuku didn't wake up from his hard stomping.

He kept his hand on the wall the whole way, 'cause the room felt like it was spinning. His steps were slow, and by the time he reached the sink, he thought he aged thirty years.

The clock showed it was eight in the morning, but he couldn't tell. The glass wall was covered by roller blinds so he was prohibited to see the view until Izuku wakes up.

At least the fucker left the lights on. He took a sip of the cold water, immediately feeling better. It took everything in him to just not chug down the whole glass in one go.

He quickly whipped the drop of water leaving his mouth and leaned his hands on the counter. The memory of last night was burned into his brain forever. He wondered if Izuku would be angry at him. He ruined the fun, after all. But he wouldn't be able to continue either. The guilt would be unbearable.

His eyes were unfocused as he let the silence of the room devour him. Izuku's place was warm in the morning, the exact opposite of what he was used to when waking up.

"What are you thinking about?" He startled at the gentle touch on his hips. Izuku leaned his head on his shoulder, hugging him from behind. "It's nothing." 

He answered, shivering at Izuku's cold hands. "You sure?" Izuku asked with his deep morning voice, taking a deep breath of his scent. "Y-yeah." He sounded unsure, and Izuku didn't notice or pry about it.

Izuku softly removed his hands from the counter, pulling him close, and took a few steps back so he could sit on one of his bar chairs. Katsuki was slowly pulled into the man's lap, hugged like a goddamn plushy.

"Thank you for yesterday. It was a while since I had fun like that." Katsuki felt like he should be the one thanking him, but nodded anyway, not trusting his voice to not quiver. "Do you want to go back to bed?"

Just thinking of it made him want to drop dead and sleep. Izuku's hands moved up and down his thighs, smothering his hot skin. "I will carry you, ok?" He nodded again, feeling Izuku's hands move lower.

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