Chapter 43 - Was he close?

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Chapter 43

Katsuki followed Izuku to the very edge of the iron construction with no clue where they were going to go. All he could see in the far distance was water, no land, just large waves that angrily rose beneath them. "The yacht is over there. Katsuki, take the, uh, the guy and go forward. Uraraka will be waiting for you. I still have some unfinished business here so don't wait for me."

"Kurogiri isn't here, Midoriya, sir." Izuku looked back at Keigo with a frown, his steps coming to halt. "What do you mean–" "He left almost an hour and a half ago, waiting for him will be pointless. But if you truly need to see him, don't worry, the man will surely be awaiting us in the city."

Katsuki looked between the two men with a scowl, finding himself confused. "How do you know the guy is in the city?" Keigo gave him a quick glance before shrugging. "Intuition?" He slapped a hand over his face, feeling Izuku's troubled look burning into his skin.

"Is this guy serious? Where did you even find him?" Katsuki snickered and turned on his heels, patting Izuku's shoulder, before he started walking to Uraraka, knowing full well that if they didn’t move, things could get troublesome. "Keigo came to me, and this is nothing, you should have seen him when we were at school."

Izuku looked at Katsuki then back at Keigo who had the corners of his mouth up. "School? Were you classmates or something?" Keigo shook his head and followed Katsuki, tilting his head for Izuku to come. "Oh no, I was his teacher."

Izuku nearly stumbled over his own foot, eyeing Keigo with disbelief on his face. The man waved him off and stepped next to Katsuki who was slowly getting into a small yacht, holding on to Uraraka's hand as if his life depended on it.

The woman eyed the man for a long time, glancing at Izuku for confirmation once Keigo wanted to follow. He nodded and Uraraka let Keigo on who immediately joined Katsuki on the seat near the railing. Izuku waited for a few moments, watching them carefully before turning back to where they came from.

There were loud footsteps, meaning someone was running towards them, giving Izuku the urge to grab the gun carefully hidden beneath his leather jacket, but he didn't dare to move just yet. Seconds later, Eijiro appeared from around the corner, running towards them until reaching the edge, jumping into the yacht without hesitation.

The boat wiggled uncomfortably at the impact, almost making Katsuki jump up from his seat. It took a lot for the blond to not strangle the redhead there and then.

Iida was the one who came next, firing a few shots at someone before jogging to them, heavily panting. "Are we all here?" Izuku nodded, gesturing for Iida to get on. The man jumped down, greeting Uraraka and Eijiro, pausing when he saw Keigo with Katsuki but didn't ask anything, only politely introduced himself and moved to the front of the yacht.

"Did you place it?" Uraraka asked the redhead who gave her a thumbs up. Izuku carefully slid into the yacht, having no reason to stay here if Kurogiri was truly gone, and nodded at Uraraka who did the same back, an unspoken conversation going on between them. Katsuki eyed the exchange with a raised eyebrow but didn't comment, being sure that he will soon know what was all this eyeing about.

When Uraraka pulled a small controller, he didn't know what to think of it. It looked similar to the one he used as a kid to control his small battery car but the buttons were slightly off. "Iida, start the yacht!"

Katsuki went stiff when the thing rumbled to life and almost flew forward. Keigo had to put a hand on his shoulder to keep him balanced while also making sure to sit a bit closer, just to be safe that nothing happened.

"Want to see some fireworks?' Eijiro shouted while the strong wind ruffled his hair in all directions. Katsuki nodded, looking back to where the man pointed his finger. He waited, hearing Eijiro yell "start it" at Uraraka who gladly pushed something on the controller.

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