Chapter 21 - Help him

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Chapter 21

Katsuki looked down at the woman who was now pushing her head into Izuku's chest as the man held her close. "Who the fuck is she!?" His voice was louder than he intended it to be. "She is a hero." 

He cursed, glaring at Izuku with disbelief in his eyes. "Fucking great. Didn't you told me we will be fine?" Eijiro shifted from where he was standing, reminding Katsuki of his presence. 

Two new people knew, heroes to make things better. Fuck, why was his luck always so shitty? "It's fine, Katsuki, I will talk to her and–" "And what?! I believed you! And look how that turned out!" 

He turned around, walking away from them while taking out his radio. Nothing but static came out of the device for a few seconds before Mina's voice piped out.

"Katsuki." She cried out, and after his name came a sob, and he couldn't help but be alarmed, stopping in his tracks, voice serious but full of worry. "What's going?! How is Sero?!" 

Her voice quivered. She was definitely holding back. He could see from the corner of his eye Eijiro turning his way, listening to the conversation.

"I don't think we will make it." His chest filled itself with a heavy feeling. "The fuck do you mean?!" There was a shuffling on the other side before Mina replied, breathing heavily as she tried to calm herself down.

"I mean we won't fucking make it! Saigol is way too far away! He– Sero lost too much blood and we don't have any medical supplies. I-I don't know what to do. Katsuki, please, help." Her voice became quieter and quieter as more words spilled out of her mouth.

"Fuck!" He cursed, turning to the three heroes, looking at the redhead specifically. "Do you have a first aid kid?" Eijiro looked at him dumbfounded. "Wha— why–" "Do you have it or fucking not?!" The redhead quickly nodded.

Katsuki snapped his head to the radio, his chest aching, and muscles tense as he started to speak. "Alright, listen here Mina. Turn our way, don't go to the city, come to us, we are closer."

She sobbed, saying she was on her way before ending the call. How could he let this happen? Katsuki clenched his hands, knuckles turning white as he got the need to punch something. "Listen here fucker, prepare the aid kit now!" Eijiro yelped, running to the track. 

"Katsuki." He turned his head to where the gentle voice was coming from, scowling when he found the source. "What's wrong?" Izuku asked, voice weirdly quiet. He stared down at his feet, his face full of concern before it twisted into an angry frown.  

"That bitch," He pointed at the noirette. "She shot him. And we–" He cut himself off. He was getting vulnerable. "My teammates are coming here. And I'm telling you! If Sero won't make this, our deal is over." 

Eijiro shut the truck door, opening the truck trailer instead, laying the first aid kit down. Katsuki jogged to him, taking all the things he needed and laying them down.

Izuku picked up the woman from the ground, carrying her to them, but one glance at the blond and Izuku knew he shouldn't be getting close, so he put her into the front seat instead.

"How will they find us?" Eijiro asked just as he laid the last bandage out. "It wasn't long after we were separated, plus, the tracks of our wheels are an obvious guide you dumb fuck!" 

Eijiro took a step back at his raised voice, but Katsuki couldn't help it. He was scared. His hands started to tremble so he pushed them into his pockets as he waited. 

Izuku had his eyes on him, he could feel it. The man's gaze was examining and calculating him and his posture. He hated it and wanted to snap at him, but the distant humming of the engine made his attention turn elsewhere. 

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