Chapter 5 - his friend

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Chapter 5

Izuku didn't give him a cigarette after either, finishing smoking his own before throwing it into the mud, stepping on it to make sure it didn't lit up anything.

"How is it to live in a city like yours." It was just a thought that he said out loud, cursing himself for it. For a few seconds, the man didn't say anything, making him hope that maybe, Izuku didn't hear him.

"It's easier? I don't know how to put it." The second sentenced mas mumbled as Izuku made a disappointed face, clearly not sure how or what to say.

With a long sigh, the other kneeled, both hands on his neck as he tried to ease his raising mind. "You have a lot more privacy. The people are less tense, you have more freedom..." "I see."

Katsuki let a peaceful silence arise to leave some space for thoughts because Izuku was thinking over something. The man was rubbing his forehead, not noticing how Katsuki studied him.

"Hey, I was wondering if-" Izuku started, breaking the silence only to be shut down when a sound of a male voice from the radio interrupted him.

"Katsuki?" He looked down at his walkie-talkie, clearly confused as to why, of all people, would Shoto call him. He brought the radio closer to his lips, letting Shoto know he is there and waited for whatever the other had.

"There is a hero somewhere around here." Both of them tensed, eyes wide as they stared at the device in his hand. "What do you mean? Did they follow us here?"

Izuku bit his nails, panic written all over his posture. "No, they were only seen this afternoon, on my part of the city." His panicked expression turned into a confused one. Izuku was with him all this time, they didn't enter Shoto's part and if somebody reported Izuku, why didn't they say anything about him being there too?

This didn't make sense. "Tell me more." Shoto excused himself from where he was, clearly not supposed to be having this convention. "Listen, all I know is that it's a woman with brown hair and with a semi-automatic pistol."

Izuku's eyes widen, his panic growing. "Uraraka." Katsuki gave him a side glance when he heard the name before turning back to the radio. "Is that all?" When Shoto didn't answer immediately, he knew it didn't mean anything good. "The Rebel Defiants leaders are taking care of the situation themselves."

Not good. Not fucking good! "Thanks, I need to go now." "Katsuki-" He turned off the device, fully turning to Izuku. They need to act now. "We need to find her before anyone else or you can say goodbye to your friend."

The other nodded, taking a quick step forward as if to run off, only to stop. "Can you lend it to me?" Katsuki looked down at his radio Izuku was pointing at.

"I might be able to change electromagnetic waves to match her radio. I'm sure she kept it with her." The radio was expensive, and if Izuku messes it up, he will be the one facing consequences. But he won't let Izuku lose his friend.

"Here! Don't break it." Izuku snickered and set to work. It took nearly ten minutes and half of Katsuki's life for it to work. By the time they finally heard the woman's voice, his radio turned into a wrecked box.

"H-hello?" Her voice was almost missed by the static, but both of them caught it just in time. "Uraraka?! Jesus. Where are you?!" "I -'zuku!" Where ever she was, it wasn't safe. She sounded like she was out of breath, maybe running from someone.

"I'm not sure! I- *psst*..- with a red owl -n it!" Katsuki lit up with realization meanwhile Izuku sobbed in panic. "Where is that! Repeat!"  The radio stopped working, even the sound of static disappearing. The radio was dead, and Katsuki could only hope Mina knew how to fix it.

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