Chapter 36 - Live free

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Chapter 36

"What can I say?" Izuku smirked, confidently reaching towards Dabi who, at the motion, took a step back. "I know how to get what I want." With a defeated sigh, the man threw Katsuki forward while raising his hands in surrender.

"That kind of thinking will get you killed." Izuku didn't bother saying anything back, instead, he helped Katsuki up before giving him up to the already prepared Shoto. Katsuki weakly clung onto Shoto's shirt, leaning into the man who then wrapped his hands around his waist to support him.

It felt nice to be back in that warm hold.

"What now, dude?" One of the soldiers asked, taking his helmet off while lowering his gun a bit, and as Katsuki looked the large man up and down, he tried to remember those somehow familiar features. It was the same guy Izuku introduced to him before they were attacked and Sero ended up in a hospital, he didn't bother to remember the name.

"We cuff him first, and then head back to the city." The redhead nodded, tilting his head to the other soldier to stay put. The woman nodded and as the redhead started to walk towards the car, she threw down her helmet as well, revealing her short brown hair.

He remembers her. She was the one who came back for Izuku. Uraraka or something?

"Katsuki?" He looked up at the quivering voice, smiling as Shoto's glassy eyes looked back at him. From the corner of his eyes, he could see Izuku giving them a side glance, pleading eyes shining with acceptance.

Shoto let his head fall on top of his as the first wail ripped out of him. "You dummy, stop crying." That only made the other cry harder, so without thinking, Katsuki gently put his hands on Shoto's shoulders, rubbing them, so the other could relax.

"You should stop following me every time I fuck up." Shoto shook his head, only squeezing Katsuki tighter. "I will never leave you, so you better not leave either."  Katsuki assured the other with a light tap on the other's back, slightly pulling away to look back at Izuku and the others.

Mina and Denki were rushing towards them with big smiles on their faces, waving their hands in the air while yelling "good job guys" from top of their lungs. He would laugh, the corners of his lips already turning upright when he remembered something.

"Wasn't there a third soldier?" Shoto stilled while Izuku turned to them with a raised eyebrow. "What other soldier–" The sound of the closing door pulled them out of their conversation, and everyone quickly turned to the car.

There was no sight of the redhead, who should have already been back. Katsuki pulled away from Shoto completely, taking a careful step forward but stopped when Izuku raised his hand. Dabi chuckled as he looked at them, making all of the attention turn to him.

"Fools." Before he could react, Uraraka fell to the ground, eyes rolling into the back of her skull as her knees hit the floor, the body being hidden by the tall lilies. Izuku ran forward with one hand reaching for the woman's body, but the man came to halt once he saw the gun aimed at him by a soldier behind the front of the car.

"Don't worry, the bullets in that gun aren't fatal, but they can put you into a promising rest for a good couple of hours." Izuku gritted his teeth, retreating his stretched hand. "But I was sure you would like some action so…"

Dabi pulled a pistol from his coat, waving it in his hands. "I brought a deadly gun." With a playful smirk, the man aimed the gun at Katsuki. Shoto protectively stepped in front of him while Izuku took a step towards his direction, ready to slam Dabi into the ground if necessary.

Mina and Denki stayed back, which he was once again grateful for, but he didn't miss the way Denki had his silver revolver just below the tip of his fingers. Even if Dabi had a gun, he was still outnumbered.

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