Chapter 46 - Ah fuc-

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A/N I'm back in school :-D And I already feel tired, … fuck…

Chapter 46

Katsuki opened his eyes, blinking away the tears that were threatening to fall. They were on the train already. He stared out of the window, trying to wake up from his hazy mind. The world outside was blurred, almost unrecognizable, the sun was high up, blinding him with its power.


His brows furrowed. "Izuku." He felt the said man shift, hands coming up to cup his face. "Yes, I'm here darling, feeling better?" His head hurt and his stomach growled, his skin felt cold and he couldn't think straight, so no, he wasn't better.

"Cold." Izuku moved again, reaching out for the blue jacket that Uraraka brought to him a few minutes ago. "Do you need anything?" He asked and wrapped the jacket around the blond's shoulders. "No." Izuku bit his lip, having millions of questions on his tongue, but held back the urge to ask. Katsuki needed space.

"How… how long have we been traveling?"

"About an hour now." Izuku said a bit faster than necessary. Katsuki's gaze slid down. It was too late to go back. "Our stop is near." With a hum, Katsuki moved to the side, nuzzling into Izuku's warmth.

A long silence remained between them. It wasn't comfortable, but it was certainly one they needed.

"You asked if I needed anything…" Izuku looked down in confusion, meeting Katsuki's eyes. Katsuki looked away once their eyes met, shying away. "Distract me. Make me not think." "How do you want me to distract you?"

The blond rolled his eyes, hands grabbing Izuku's collar but didn't tug. "Kiss me?" Izuku sighed, giving Katsuki the answer. "No, you know it's no good. It won't make things better." His eyes fell to his lap, lips turning into a pout while his hands let go. "Fine."

Katsuki sniffed and let himself fall back. Izuku's hands twitched at the sound he let out, and then Izuku gently smiled. "Sit up." Katsuki looked up with his teary eyes, doing as Izuku said with a bit of hesitation, the pout never leaving his face.

When he was properly sitting on Izuku's thigh, the man leaned down and started kissing his cheek. He squirmed, pulling away from the ticklish sensation. "You don't like it?" Katsuki shook his head, kissing Izuku's cheek back. "Just feels weird."

Izuku chuckled, running his hand through the blond hair. "Now, talk." It was an order.

Katsuki stubbornly looked away, and Izuku seemed unhappy about that, hands grabbing Katsuki by his hips and pulling him up, causing him to yelp. "Katsuki…" First warning. Nervousness swirled in his chest but he swallowed it down.

"I'm guilty," Katsuki took a deep breath, "I should have done something, or maybe didn't pull him into this at all." It was all said in a whisper, any louder and his voice would surely break. "Did you force Sero to help you?"

"Wha– of course not!"

"Then it's not your fault."

"It is." How could it not? He was the one who caused all this mess. Him! Sero didn't do anything, didn't deserve the fate Katsuki pushed him to. "Why do you think it's your fault?" Izuku asked him the question he never dared to ask himself.

"Cause… I– If–… fuck! Because it is! I'm such a fuck up! Someone who is selfish and is now losing those close to him because of it." Izuku put his head on Katsuki's shoulder while massaging the blond's stomach.

"You aren't selfish. Sero is a hero, and he helped you out of his own will. His every decision was his. He decided to stay with you, to follow you, and to save you. You have nothing to do with it."

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