Chapter 8 - dinner

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A/N I'm changing my profile pic! The one I had right now didn't feel good enough so I redraw it! Hope it's a bit better now.
Now, back to the story!! (◠‿・)

Chapter 8

Izuku slowly twisted the throttle, gaining speed bit by bit. The sound of the motor was now loud but didn't sound like a fucking chainsaw so he guessed the motorcycle had to be two-stroke and it was definitely quieter than the vehicles people used to travel behind the walls.

There was a sudden spurt of adrenaline through his body as Izuku got close to 100km/h. His blood pressure raised instantly, and he could feel a slight tingling in his limbs. 

If he was being honest, he loved speed. It gave him a sense of purpose. It was a thing that was driving you closer to that purpose. The few times he got a taste of it, were the best times of his life.

"So what do you say? Do you like it?" Izuku asked with a sharp grin as he looked back at him. "First of all, don't look at me, look forward-" "Ah, s-sorry!" 

The other turned around immediately, eyes on the road just like it was supposed to be. "And second of all... Is that all you got?" Izuku grinned, twisting the throttle faster.

The green light once again ran down the motorcycle frames, and finally, this time, lit up the rims of the bike. Something gave the motor a boost and then they were off going at a higher speed.

It was unbelievable. Katsuki felt like a bird close to the ground about to land. His hands on Izuku's stomach started to freeze from the cold wind, the fingertips turning red. 

The smirk on his face grew wider at an idea he got. He moved his hands to unzip Izuku's front pockets. The other paused, but didn't move to do anything. Katsuki took it as approval and moved his hands into the pockets. They were heated from Izuku's heat, warming his fingers. 

Just this one ride made the two weeks of stress and anxiety fade away, giving him a feeling of relief. His head collapsed on Izuku's back, his hair tickling the man's neck. 

"It feels amazing, doesn't it?" He hummed, letting Izuku's warmth warm him up. "Would..." Izuku hesitated, biting his bottom lip. "Would I what?" 

"Would you like to have one?" He almost missed the question because of the wave of a strong wind, but he pieced the words together, instantly regretting it.

Of course, he wanted one but it could still be used against him. He would fall in debt to Izuku, and who knows how would that put him or anybody in Saigol at risk. 



"I'm not." 

Izuku had a knowing look but didn't say anything to him. The rest of the ride was quiet and before Katsuki could blink, they stood in front of an enormous wall leading to the Yaraoi. 

They went into the gap leading into the city, turning on the headlights. The sound of the motor echoed in the tunnels, other way, it was quiet. He spotted the aged tunnel leading to the asphalt road and couldn't help but get nervous.

"It's gonna be fine," Izuku said as if reading his mind when he felt Katsuki's grip tighten around his waist. "I fucking hope so." They entered the road. Izuku turned on the blinker, steadying the motorcycle with one leg.

Katsuki couldn't help but hold his breath at the sight of the city at night. It was so different than back home at Saigol. Instead of bulbs, the street lights were on, shining through the night with an orange glow.

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