Chapter 25 - chase

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Chapter 25


Katsuki reached for the magazine, determination running through his veins as his fingers brushed against the metallic surface. Sadly, his courage didn't last long. He flinched when a bullet almost missed his hand, leaving a red line on the back of his hand, ready to start bleeding.

His instinct told him to pull away or he will end up with a hole in his hand, but with a pure force, he gripped the magazine, yanking his hand back while Toga began swearing, probably out of bullets, throwing the useless gun on the floor, and Katsuki listened as her footsteps led to the side where the policemen had guns hanging on the wall.

He froze when the realization hit him. If Toga gets another gun, it's over. Izuku snatched the magazine from his hands, reloading the pistol, and brought it to his head, maintaining eye contact with him. There was a flash in their eyes as they both nodded, and Izuku stood, aiming the gun to where the woman was.

He broke from his fear when he heard the first shot and sprinted to the door, holding himself close to the ground but also keeping an eye on Izuku, who still had the pistol aimed at Toga that was seconds away from the UMP on the wall.

Her hand was raised towards it, but she didn't make any move to take it. She acted calmly and Katsuki couldn't help but be disturbed by her soft smile, because who could be this calm in a situation like this?

Katsuki turned his head around, losing sight of Izuku for the first time so he could open the exit door. The door swung open, leading to another hallway, which was something he hoped wouldn't happen, but he didn't have time to reconsider his plan because as soon as he turned around, he noticed the woman's hand wasn't raised anymore.

He knew what that woman kept under that skirt, and he knew she was reaching for it, so he shouted, taking both by surprise. Izuku looked at him, and Toga didn't waste a time, pulling out her dagger and going for the kill.

Katsuki stepped back as Toga dismissed Izuku completely, swaying her dagger at him instead. But turning her back to the opponent was a terrible mistake and before she could reach him in the hallway, Izuku slammed her into the nearest wall with his full weight.

Toga hit the ground with a groan, her eyes staring into nothing as the dagger in her hand glided opposite of her. Izuku breathed heavily but didn't halt, taking Katsuki's hand and dragged him down the hall.

He was taken by surprise when he lost his vision for a few seconds due to the strong sun shining in the clear blue sky, and stumbled, Izuku being the only thing that kept him from kissing the ground.

They entered a busy street, people looking at them with wariness and confusion in their eyes, but he wasn't sure since Izuku started to move again, running with him deeper into the city.

Katsuki heard the exit door slam open behind them, but didn't dare to look back at Toga who was probably chasing after them. It was getting hard to breathe, and his shoulder hurt from how many times he was bumping into people, and he knew it wouldn't be long before they would need to stop, the only problem was that Toga was still on their asses, with no signs of stopping.

What kind of stamina does that woman have? Katsuki urged his brain to work, a drop of sweat running down his cheek when he saw Toga behind them got a bit closer. What can get them out of this shit?! "Iz-Izuku." Fuck, he was nearly out of breath.

"Where the fuck are we going?"

Instead of answering, Izuku took a sharp turn, ripping a whine out of him when his legs were forced to withstand the movement. They entered a pavement next to an active highway with many more people.

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