Chapter 49 - forget-me pill

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Chapter 49

A/N I'm sick… and I feel like I'm dying… yay

Izuku's chest was pressing against his back, the man's hands placed on his hips, doing gentle circular motions under his shirt as his own breath got faster. The soft nibs of Izuku's teeth on his neck were never too rough to hurt, but enough for him to feel them, forcing him to groan every time they pressed on the right spot.

"Feeling good?" Katsuki hummed, feeling trapped between the countertop and Izuku's large body. "Take off your shirt?" He obeyed the request, making sure to take his time, once again testing Izuku's patience.

Izuku never forced him, never commanded him, no matter how long it took him. The man loved to watch, waiting for him to be ready was never a problem, and that always spread warmth in his chest. But did he deserve it?

Knowing that somebody loves him and isn't bothered by waiting, that somebody special like that exists only for him… "Where is your mind drifting, sweetheart?"

Katsuki blinked, mouth opening and closing, but there was nothing to say. "It's alright, want me to stop?" He melted into Izuku's deep voice, leaning back. "No, continue." As to prove his approval, Katsuki looked to the side and relieved his neck to Izuku.

Izuku's hands left his hips, moving upwards, touching his skin with his cold fingertips. Every lingering touch like this made him shiver. He bit his lip, swallowing down the satisfied whine.

"I love you so much, do you know that?" Izuku's hand brushed away the locks from his forehead. "I'm so happy to have you." The protests were just on tip of his tongue, the doubts he has, because the reason why was never clear to him.

"Stay with me until the end." Katsuki turned around, wrapping his hands around the other's neck. "I will, I promise." Izuku pulled him forward, connecting their foreheads. They closed their eyes, just enjoying the quiet of the night and each other's presence.

It was him who connected their lips first, longing for the touch. Izuku didn't pull away, hand wrapping under his head to gently caress his blond hair. They didn't try to deepen it, keeping it gentle. The softness was what mattered to him more than anything hurrying and heated.

"Are you two done?" Katsuki flinched, pushing Izuku away like a scared animal. "What are you doing here?!" Uraraka rolled her eyes and made her way towards the couch where she took a seat with her arms crossed.

"Izuku didn't tell you?" His glare shifted to the man next to him, who looked as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. "Umm…" Izuku awkwardly rubbed his hands together and for the second time, Uraraka rolled her eyes.

"This is my place too." She looked annoyed and Katsuki was starting to feel the same. "Care to explain?" Izuku huffed but nodded at the question. "Well… me and Uraraka shared this apartment every time we came to this city…"


"I didn't think this through."

Katsuki snorted, because of course. "Well!" Their gaze shifted to Uraraka when she clapped her hands together. "I think I left you enough time to be together alone, now leave the kitchen so I can get my Tempura."

Katsuki moved first, passing the woman without any acknowledgment, to the hall. Izuku was quick to follow him, raising his eyebrow when he picked up a brown coat from the hanger.

"Where are you going?"


"Wha– At this hour?!"

"Exactly." He was planning on taking a walk the whole evening, just didn't bother to bring it up. This was a perfect time to go anyway, nobody would be out at night, and the darkness would work as a good cover. "I'm not going far. I will stay in the neighborhood." The coat was a bit big, feeling more like a blanket. "Let me go with you."

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