Chapter 1

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Howling was all that could be heard. Darkness as far as the eye could see. The smell of blood lingered in the air. All senses were overwhelmed. A silver-haired Goddess cracked her eyes open and looked around at the surroundings. The snowy landscape was tainted with the blood of her fellow Goddesses. She pushed herself up onto her hands and then sat on knee knees, Her mind trying to figure out what had just happened. Refusing to believe what she could. She could have sworn that moments ago, Her clan was winning this battle.
"How did this happen?" She muttered aloud. Of course, She was talking to herself. All her friends were dead. That she was certain of "How did I survive?" The Goddess stood shakily and searched for a weapon. She quickly found one. It was broken in two "Mother is not going to be please with this outcome" Goddess sighed as picked up the two halves and started walking towards the south.

The Goddess walks across the bloody field. She takes her time. Her face in some sort of trance. She quickly glances at the dead bodies, twitching bodies everywhere, disembodied limbs, arms and legs and heads. She wipes the tears from her face using the back of her forearm. She tries to flatten her unkempt hair, Which was full of dried mud and blood.
"This wasn't supposed to happen" The Goddess mutters. She walks up a small hill to find more bodies sprawled across the ground "How many did we lose?"
"AHHHHHH!!" A deep, loud cry came from the other side of the battlefield. The Goddess's head snapped to its location. She summoned her wings and pushed off into the sky. All she could think about was helping the injured soul. Though The Goddess didn't know at the time, That cry wasn't human. The silver hair charged to the wail's source and saw a young Demon fighting more Demons. His hair was a messy blonde, He had a gash in his upper left arm. She hid behind a rock as the Demon severed the other Demon from the stomach upwards.
"Who are you?" The Goddess wondered. She was intrigued by the man. She knew he was a Demon and he could snap her body like a twig but she still wanted to watch.

The Demon panted as he finished off the others. The Goddess knew she should have left by now but this man was of great interest. Seeing that he was done, She tried to sneak away but some rocks gave way from under her foot.
"How long are you going stand there, Goddess?" He shouted "I know that you are hiding behind that rock" The Goddess gulped as she came out from behind the rock. The broken weapon was still in her hand.
"How did you know I was there?" She quizzed as she floated down the rocky path.
"I could smell your blood. You are the Supreme Deity's daughter If I am not mistaken" The blonde crossed his arms.
"I'm Elizabeth" The Goddess Elizabeth held her hand out "And you are?" The blonde looked down and back at the strange gesture. Elizabeth let her hand fall "You're injured" The Demon looked down at his arm and chuckled. Judging by The Demon's reaction to his arm, He wasn't the one who screamed.
"I hardly felt that. I didn't even realize but that's what Adrenaline does sometimes" The Demon covered his arm in the darkness. Small purple tentacles waved around in the arm. The Demon let out a small sigh as the tentacles disappeared "There all better"
"You think it'll leave a scar?"
"Why do you care so much? Do you wanna kiss it better or something?" The Demon looked smug. Elizabeth seemed faintly surprised, raising an eyebrow at the man before her.
"Kiss it yourself" She spoke. The Demon chuckled as he clicked his tongue.
"Why were you watching me?" He folded his arms.
"I wanted to know why were you killing these Demons?" Elizabeth waved her hand at the corpses. The Demon looked around.
"They attacked a nearby village, killed all the humans and disobeyed orders. My Father deemed them unfit to be under his rule so he insisted that I kill them" The Demon shrugged. The Goddess nodded as she looked around "You don't seem fazed by the blood at all. You sure you're a Goddess?"
"It used to bother me a long time ago. I think I've just gotten used to it" Elizabeth sighed "I hate this war. People are dying for no reason. I just want it to end" Tears streamed down her porcelain face. Elizabeth walked to a nearby cliff and stared out into the ocean.
"So do I" The Goddess spun around to see the blonde Demon stab the ground with his sword. He sat down on a pile of rocks next to her. Elizabeth wiped her face dry "I've been fighting this war for 300 years. Pretty bored of it now"
"How old are you?" Elizabeth sat next to him. She had never been this close to a Demon before.
"325. You?"
"Turn 300 last week" Elizabeth admitted "Been fighting my Mother's war for 275 years"
"You don't look a day over 100" The blonde blushed slightly "That wasn't meant to come out of my mouth"
"It's fine. You look pretty good for your age too" Elizabeth blushed also. She took a look out at the view. She needs to be going. She had to tell her Mother what happen. Though she would leave out the part where she met a Demon and they did not fight. She gripped her broken weapons in her hands "Guess you have to kill me"
"Or I could let you go" The Demon shrugged as he stood up, Arms behind his head. He turned away from Elizabeth's gaze.
"Why would you do that?" The Goddess wiped her face of tears.
"Would you rather I kill you?" The Demon snapped his head to the left.
"Not really. But we have sworn to be enemies. Take me out. My mother loses. Simple"
"Same could be for me. You saw how I fight" The Demon stood tall. Arms down by his side.
"Enough blood has been split tonight" Elizabeth stood up and activated her wings "I guess I will see you around"
"WAIT!" The blonde called out as he stood next to the Goddess "Meliodas"
"You asked for my name earlier. My name is Meliodas"

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