Chapter 16

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Meliodas awoke, still a bit disoriented from the healing the previous night. Not opening his eyes, his arm lazily shifted to reach out for Elizabeth but found only an empty and cold side of their shared bed. The Demon frowned a bit as he opened his eyes and his vision cleared. Elizabeth wasn't there.
"Elizabeth?" He rubbed his eyes. He could hear the rain against the windowpane. Since he loved to watch the water drip down the glass. He gazed outside the window and saw the silver-haired beauty sitting outside alone in the rain.
"Shit" He cursed. Instincts kicking in, Meliodas immediately got up and threw on his jacket and ran outside.

Elizabeth was just quiet, very deep in thought, as she looked out at the grass. She didn't get much sleep over last night's incident with Mael. The Goddess hadn't even noticed when Meliodas came out and sat down beside her. But she did note the sudden change in temperature as a coat was draped over her shoulders, which brought her back to reality. She bit her lower lip, knowing that Meliodas would want to try and talk and help her in some way.
"If you don't wanna talk about it, it's okay. I'm here for ya either way" The Demon stated as if he could read her thoughts. Elizabeth narrowed her blue eyes solemnly. She felt guilty for feeling this way. She also felt so greedy that she felt the need to hide how she felt and bury all the memories of him away. She wanted to move on, but it was still extremely difficult.
"Thank you" Elizabeth whispered with a sad smile as she leaned her head on Meliodas's shoulder.
"No problem at all" He knew how she was when something was eating away at her. After spending a month with her, Meliodas had learned not to ask questions or pry. He would be there for her. Like he knew that she would be there for him. Elizabeth's heart pounded in her chest as Meliodas held her close to his side, his arm tight but comforting around her waist. And was pretty sure he could hear it.
"When are you leaving?" Elizabeth's voice was just above a whisper.
"In a little while. As long as I keep my mark off. People here don't seem to know who I am" Meliodas looked at the sky "Not that I want to go"
"I wouldn't let Sir Mael or Sir Ludociel see you then"
"Pfft. Those idiots. I can walk past them. The last time I was here, We had a lovely chat about Ale. Mael is a bit of a sloppy drunk"
"You got two Archangels drunk? How?" Elizabeth chuckled.
"They invited me for a drink. Something about the information that I gave them on a rogue Demon Squad that was causing havoc in the east. I was meant to kill them but I was feeling lazy and wanted a drink"
"That was you? I remember Mother saying she wanted to meet you but Sir Mael and Sir Ludociel couldn't remember your name" Elizabeth smiled.
"I never told them my name. Well, not my real name"
"What did you call yourself?"
"Damien. I know it's a stupid name. But it was the first one I could think of" Meliodas admitted as Elizabeth rolled her eyes.
"So if we run into anyone, I have to call you Damien?"
"And that is a big if" Meliodas poke Elizabeth on the nose "If you want, We can stay here all day"
"I wish but I need to go to the council at High Noon"
"You could always bunk off" Meliodas wrapped his arms around Elizabeth.
"As tempting as that sounds, You do need to go home"
"But I don't... I don't want to go" Meliodas sulked.
"I don't want you to go either" Elizabeth turned her head to the Demon. Both staring into each other's eyes "You know we had this same discussion yesterday"
"I know"
"How are you going to explain how you are healed?" Elizabeth placed her hand on Meliodas's. Meliodas sighed.
"I have no idea. I'll work it out" Meliodas closed his eyes and leaned his head on Elizabeth's "Why are we sitting in the rain?"
"It's raining?" Elizabeth looked around. She had been out here since the sun rose and hadn't even noticed that she was soaked to the skin "Huh, didn't even notice"
"You're a right sausage you know that" Meliodas wiped his face "But it's one of the many reasons that I love you" Elizabeth blushed. She tried to hide her face away. Meliodas laughed and moved her hair out of her face "You don't need to hide. Never hide away from me"
"Okay," Elizabeth nodded. Their faces were close to each other. Moving a centimetre at a time "We should head inside"
"Yeah, We should" Meliodas stood up and held his hand out for Elizabeth to take. Elizabeth grinned as her hand fit perfectly in his.

By the time Elizabeth arrived at the Council, It had already been going on for hours already.
"Well, nice of you to grace us with your presence" Ludociel spoke up.
"I was told to arrive just before high noon" Elizabeth stared at Ludociel. The man coughed as he turned his attention back to the council. Elizabeth flew up to her spot. Ignoring the glare from Mael of the other side "What have I missed then"
"The First Prince Of The Demon Clan was spotted near here last night" Ludociel kept his eyes on the map.
"Are you sure?" The news sparks Elizabeth's interest straight away. Does anyone but her on the Council know Meliodas by face? And hopefully, they don't hear her heart beating like a hummingbird's wings.
"Yes. The energy signature that I track last night was most definitely his" Mael spoke up. A smaller guard walked up to Ludociel. He requests his attention. After a few words were mumbled into Ludociel's ear. Ludociel faced his colleagues.
"It is with the utmost regret that I have to inform you all this" Ludociel frowned "Commander Riggs and the Delta squad have been killed" The Goddess reported. Gasps were heard around the council room. Some faces were of shock, Other's lowered their head. But Ludociel's was the most interesting. He stood upright, his features may as well be set in stone.
"We need to send in The Echo task force" Councillor Din slammed his fist down on the table in front of him "Who was leading the attack force of The Demon's side?"
"The Demon King's executioner" The Goddess replied. Elizabeth took a deep breath in.
"Isn't that Meliodas little Brother?" She thought. She had healed him a few decades ago. She got one hell of a beating from her mother for that. Though, In Elizabeth's opinion, Ludociel made it far worst than he made out.
"We need to assemble teams Echo and Foxtrot" Ludociel stated.
"With The Demon King's executioner there, Is it even worth it?" Elizabeth raised her hand "He will kill whoever we send"
"Lady Elizabeth does have a point" Councillor Johnson nodded.
"Even though Lady Elizabeth is the Supreme Deity's Daughter. She doesn't understand our situation. She will do well to keep quiet. I am the leader of this fraction. Any other input to the mission from anyone but myself is irrelevant" Ludociel snapped.
"Brother, There is no need to be so rude" Mael hissed. For once, Elizabeth was happy that Mael was on her side. Soon, Everyone was chattering. They were mainly arguing instead of talking. Some were demanding that their input be heard.

She had only been there half an hour but Elizabeth was bored of the arguments already. For half an hour she sat there and listened. The small Goddess from earlier was still standing next to Ludociel, Trying to get his attention but like normal, Ludociel ignores everyone. Elizabeth pinched the bridge of her nose.
"Can everyone shut up!" Elizabeth raised her. Everyone stopped what they were doing.
"Lady Elizabeth, Do you have something to say?" Ludociel huffed.
"There is a Goddess informant right next to you, Sir Ludociel and I believe he has something to say" The small Goddess was still standing near Ludociel stood to attention.
"What other news do you have" Ludociel kept his face away.
"It would be pointless sending in Echo and Foxtrots task forces to deal with The Demon King's executioner"
"And why is that?" Mael huffed.
"And The Demon King's executioner has already escaped the battle" He announced shakily.

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