Chapter 27

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After a long walk, Which lasted almost an entire day. Meliodas arrived at Stigma. He was greeted by several soldiers.
"Stand your ground!" The Captain ordered. He took a defensive stance. But Meliodas didn't raise his sword.
"I need to speak to your leader, The Supreme Deity" He spoke. He walked 3 steps closer before the guard stopped him. Meliodas felt the cool metal of the Captain's blade against his neck.
"Why?" The Captain hissed.
"I wish to join Stigma" Meliodas replied "You may not believe me but I speak the truth"
"Why should we believe you?! You are The Meliodas. You are the one that killed countless Goddess, Giants and Fairies"
"Regrettably yes" Meliodas nodded. The Captain held his hand up and a large Goddess stood behind him. Meliodas rolled his eyes and placed his hands behind him. The Goddess then bound his hands by rope "This is really not necessary"
"Till we get you to the dungeons, It is" The Captain hissed. The large Goddess shoved Meliodas forward. Meliodas fought against him. Digging his heels into the ground.
"I ain't going into the dungeon. I wish to speak to The Supreme Deity!" Meliodas yelled.
"She won't listen to you. You are the Son of her enemy. No one will listen to you"
"One person will!" Meliodas yelled. The Captain frowned at the Demon "And I can name her"
"Her?" The Captain tilted his head "And who is the woman you speak of?"
"Lady Elizabeth. The Supreme Deity's Daughter!" The Captain clicked his tongue before turning back to his men.
"Take him to the Council. Inform Lady Elizabeth right away" The Captain ordered as they dragged him away.

"What is going on!?" The Supreme Deity bellowed as the Guards dragged Meliodas into the room.
"This thing claims he wants to join Stigma!" The Captain addressed the court.
"Damien?" Ludociel rose out of his seat.
"Hey up Ludociel" Meliodas nodded.
"You know him?" The Queen turned her head to the Archangel. Ludociel nodded.
"We have drunk together. He was the one that gave us the information about a Demon patrol" Ludociel replied.
"Lord Ludociel. You do know who this man is, Right?" Another head Councilman spoke. Ludociel looked between Meliodas and the council "Lord Ludociel, This man is Meliodas of The Demon Clan"
"That can not be true. He has green eyes not black" Ludociel protested. Meliodas rolled his eyes and turned his powers on.
"Sorry to disappoint you but I am Meliodas, Now to be known better as the traitor to the Demon race. Your daughter can vouch for me"
"You left your race? Why? Also, why would Lady Elizabeth vouch for you?" Ludociel frowned. Before Meliodas could answer. The large wooden doors to the Council room were opened and Elizabeth stood at them. She started flying at us.

"Elizabeth! Why is the Demon claiming he knows you?" Elizabeth's Mother bellowed as she ran into the council room. Meliodas stood bound in the centre. Surrounded by guards. Elizabeth put her hand on his shoulder and squeezed gently.
"Because he is my friend. We have been talking over the last few months" She smiled softly at her Demon. Gasps were heard around the room "He is not our enemy"
"But he is The Demon King's son" Ludociel scoffed.
"I have left the Demon Realm. I've gone rogue. Judge me now for I was. Not for who I am now" Meliodas held The Supreme Deity's gaze before giving all his attention to Elizabeth "This one saved me from my race. It's a shame that I'm a Demon"
"You are ashamed?" The Supreme Deity looked between the two and slowly rose out of her chair.
"Yes, I am. Bitterly. After seeing the things my fellow Demons and their allies have done to everyone. At first, I wouldn't believe any of it. Because I was a Demon. I wouldn't let myself believe that the horrors inflicted on the other races weren't just. I know now why you tried so hard to kill my father whom you despised"
"Mother please, He is telling the truth" Elizabeth spoke.
"Take the ropes off" The Supreme Deity ordered. Elizabeth and Meliodas both looked at The Queen with confusion.
"But Your Highness, We release him, He will kill us all" The Goddess known as Nerobasta spoke.
"For once I agree with her. This Demon is far too dangerous" Ludociel raised his voice.
"Oh I don't deny that he is dangerous but I need to see if he is telling the truth" The Queen folded her arms as she walked over to the pair.
"This man is our enemy" Another Goddess screamed.
"For the last time, I am not your enemy. I want to join Stigma" Meliodas rubbed his wrists. He had red marks from the rope.
"There is only one to be sure" The Supreme Deity was now in front of Meliodas "Kneel"
"I beg your pardon?" Meliodas tilted his head and blink rapidly.
"Kneel before me" The Queen gloated "If you are serious about joining Stigma. Then kneel" The was smirking as Meliodas held her gaze. He then turned on his powers. Guards around the room unsheathed the swords and rushed forward. The Supreme Deity held her hands up. Meliodas summoned a dark sabre and held it out in front of him. He took a deep breath in and bent one knee.
"My sword is yours, now and always" He spoke clearly. The Queen did a side smile and waltzed back to her throne. Meliodas stood back up and turned his powers off.
"Excellent" The Queen sat down. Placing both hands on either side of her "I leave you in the care of Lady Elizabeth. Since she is the only one who seems to trust you but mark my words, Meliodas. You hurt one hair on her head then I will slice you from the balls upwards" Meliodas didn't flinch but in his head. He squirmed.
"I strongly advise against this, Your highness" Ludociel approached The Supreme Deity "How can you be so sure that he won't betray us? He already betrayed his Race. His own Father"
"I just do. As much as I hate this Demon, We need him. With the death of Sir Mael, We need a battering ram against the Demons and who better than someone who knows everything about them" The Supreme Deity beamed "Meliodas, As of tomorrow, You will give us every piece of information you have. Every defence plan. Attack Strategies. Ranks. Safe houses. Their plans. Everything. Do you understand?"
"Yes," Meliodas nodded. He glanced over at Ludociel who was looking down his nose at the Demon.
"The Council is over for now. I bid thee goodnight" The Supreme Deity stood up and flew off. Ignoring her daughter. As Meliodas and Elizabeth walked away, They both felt a hand on their shoulders. They spun around to see Ludociel standing over them.
"A quick word with you both" he muttered as he leads them to the outside courtyard.

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