Chapter 3

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While Meliodas flew back to The Ravens, The Goddess plagued his thoughts. Why did he ask to meet her again? Better still why did she agree? Heaven's theatre. She said it was above the clouds but that could mean anywhere. There was at least one bonus tonight, Meliodas wouldn't have to put up with The Commandments tonight. Since it was quite late. Meliodas landed at the main road leading up to the Castle. He stormed along the path.
"Sir Meliodas!" A guard called out. Meliodas rolled his eyes and groaned. He didn't have the time nor the patience to deal with this. It was late and he wanted his bed. Meliodas pushed past him "Sir Meliodas!" The guard shouted again. Meliodas spun around with so much force that the ground trembled.
"What!?" Meliodas growled. 
"Your Highness" The guard stood to attention "Apologies for this but your Father wishes that you report in. Right away"
"Fine" Meliodas sighed. He pushed past the guard and walked down the hall to where he knew his father would be.

"Where have you been?!" Meliodas's Father bellowed as Meliodas push the doors open to the main hall. It was dimly light and he could just make out the outline of his Father. Meliodas resisted the temptation to roll his eyes. It wasn't worth his life.
"As you requested, I was getting ready to waltz around The Cloud Distract in The City Of Light, I was meant to meet up with a group of idiots that you provided me with. Only they picked a fight with a bunch of Goddesses" Meliodas folded his arms.
"I take it the Goddesses didn't win?" Demon King folded his arms. Relaxing a little. Sometimes Meliodas would fake a battle to make his Father happy. It didn't matter the race or if the leg work died. He only cared as long as the other race's forces were wiped out.
"The field was bloody by the time I got there. A good 40 to 50 Goddesses and their allies were killed. I didn't check because many of them, Were in several pieces"
"So you didn't get to walk around The Cloud District?" Demon King raised an eyebrow "You didn't find her?"
"I'm not going to walk around the place by myself. I need someone to talk to" Meliodas lied. He was quite happy to be in the Cloud district. It had better booze than Ravens "And as on the subject of her. No, I didn't"
"Where the hell is she?!" Demon King yelled as he smashed his fist down on the arm of the throne. The Demon King was searching for a little girl that had snubbed his offer to join the Demon team "How can we lose one small child?"
"Trying to find a small child in this world is like trying to find a pin in a bale of hay" Meliodas rolled his eyes "I have heard rumours, That the same girl who deceived you, also snubbed The Supreme Deity as well" Meliodas enjoyed the fact that his father and The Supreme Deity was outwitted by a child.
"Least that little witch did one thing right" The Demon King pointed his finger at Meliodas "And why are you home? You should be out there, trying to find the little witch" This angered Meliodas.
"What do you think I have been doing?" Meliodas snapped.
"Not your job, That's for sure!" The Demon King glared at his Son.
"I'm out there every day, doing whatever you tell me to do! If you let me pick a team of my own choice to infiltrate the Goddesses, I would get a lot more work done!" Meliodas yelled at the Demon King.
"You should have gone by yourself"
"I would get bored and kill them for fun"
"I don't see how that would be a problem" Demon King snapped at Meliodas.
"If I killed them all. There would be none left for you to kill" Meliodas look upon his Father with a blank face "Not that you do anything, Other than sitting on your fat ass" Meliodas mumbled the latter.
"You're campaigning for asshole of the year, Aren't you?" Demon King growled as he stormed over to Meliodas. Who simply stood there. Meliodas was the only Demon that wasn't afraid of his Father.
"As defending Champion, Are you nervous?" Meliodas shrugged. Demon King went to grab Meliodas by the shirt but the blonde Demon had already moved away. Meliodas knew that he would not be so lucky next time. His Father was a lot faster than him "Now Since our business is done. I'm going to bed" Meliodas walked out of the hall. His Father still yelling at him. Meliodas closed his eyes and sighed. He hated dealing with his Father.

Meliodas took his time walking to his room. His thoughts were a mess. He stood by a window and gripped the sill.
"Picking fights with Father again" A voice spoke from the shadows. Meliodas' little Brother, Zeldris strolled along the halls. His hands are in his pockets.
"What do you want Zeldris?" Meliodas grumbled.
"Just seeing how you are? Was in the courtyard when I heard father yell at you" Zeldris stood to Meliodas's right.
"It's nothing out of the ordinary" Meliodas turned away from his Brother "Anyway, It's late. You should be in bed" 
"Oh look at you acting like a big brother" Zeldris rolled his eyes "I was heading that way. So, Do you fancy going Dragon hunting tomorrow?" Zeldris would ask this question.
"No. I have plans. Go find someone else to bother" Meliodas snapped. Zeldris never responded, He just walked away. Every night was the same. Though Meliodas would never admit the truth. He did want to be a part of his little Brother's world. He loved hunting dragons. It was just Meliodas who was known as a heartless Demon and he had a reputation to keep up.

The Demon soon found his way to his room. Letting out a sigh of relief, Meliodas could finally turn his powers off. Not that it tired him out, Far from it. He just preferred his real eye colour.
"I wonder how that Goddess is doing" Meliodas mumbled as he soon fell asleep.

Meliodas was soon woken up. Well, What he thought was only after an hour of sleep. He forced his eyes to open and noticed that Chandler was by the window, Opening the curtains "Young Master, Wake up! The sun has been in the sky for three-quarters of the day"
"And what do want me to do? Photosynthesis" Meliodas threw the pillow at Chandler. He hated that Chandler woke him up. Though the was a plus side, he had to be up so that he was ready on time to meet the Goddess "And get the fuck out of my room!"
"Now, Young Master. There is no need to be like this. I mainly wanted to wake you as it has gone 2 in the afternoon" Chandler remained unfazed by Meliodas. After all, Chandler is the one who trained him. Meliodas groaned as he threw the covers off him "So, Did you sleep well?"
"Same as always. Tossed and turned" Another Lie. Unlike other Demons, Meliodas was able to lie so easily. There was another reason he lied, He didn't want to admit that he had the best night's sleep ever after dreaming about Elizabeth.
"You should see someone about that sleep problem of yours"
"Yeah, I'll get right on that" Meliodas rolled his eyes as he went into his en-suite "Any reports for me?"
"No sir. It's been unusually quiet" Chandler stamped his stick on the ground.
"Strange. Get out of my room. I need to wash and you being here. Just makes it creepy. Go annoy Cuzack or something" Meliodas pointed to the door. Chandler was about to complain but seeing Meliodas angry is not something he enjoys. Even though he is unfazed by him.
"Fine. Young Master" Chandler bowed and left the room. Meliodas made sure the door was locked this time. Chandler had an unhealthy obsession with Meliodas. It has always been this way. Right from birth, Chandler may as well be Meliodas's Father. Meliodas waited on his bed for the water to heat. His mind wandered back to the Goddess. He couldn't understand why she was on his mind. He didn't understand feelings or emotions for that matter. All he knew was what he had been taught. He had never known anyone that made him feel alive like she did and they had only spoken for a short while. The Goddess Elizabeth made Meliodas feel... Different. She made his inner Demon stir. He craved her. Longed for her. He wanted her.
"This can't be good" Meliodas looked down at his lap. The thought of Goddess Elizabeth in his arms had stirred some feelings in him "I better go deal with that" Meliodas sulked off to the shower.

After his shower, Meliodas proceeds to fly around the Clouds for the next 3 hours till he found Heaven's theatre.
"Where the fuck is this place?" He grumbled. He halted in the air for a moment r two before taking off East. He was about to give up when he saw a floating island. He flew over to it and landed with a small thud. He paced around in a circle "Hmm, Looks like a hole" He was the first one here "Wonder if that Goddess will even show up?" He mumbled "She should do. This place was her idea"

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