Chapter 21

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The next day The Supreme Deity, Elizabeth and the Council were in session. News had spread from the Human Realm that a Vampire hoard had overrun the small town and was feasting on those that they had captured.
"I don't understand why the Council had to be called on the matter of Vampires. They are of no bother to us" Mael folded his arms.
"For the last time Brother, Stigma has been asked in assisting The Humans in a rescue mission" Ludociel pinched his nose.
"Mael, It will do you well to know that The Vampires have possibly joined the Demon King's side" The Supreme Deity lent back in her chair "The Vampire race needs to be eliminated. They are ants and we are the boot" The Council agreed.
"Then when the Sun is about to set, We shall fly out there and squish them like little bugs" Ludociel cheered.
"Why sunset? Vampires thrive in the darkness" Mael huffed.
"While the sun is setting is when they are at their weakest. Between the light and dark"
"My child, You will accompany them" The Queen turned towards Elizabeth while the two Goddesses argued.
"Why me?" Elizabeth questioned.
"Every team needs a healer. You will team up with Mael" The Supreme Deity ordered as Mael raised out of his seat. He waltzed over to Elizabeth and put his hand on her shoulder. Elizabeth shrugged it off.
"Do not touch me" She hissed under her breath. Mael put his hand back where it was. Again Elizabeth shrugged it off. The Supreme Deity noticed this. She raised her eyebrow.
"Council, You may go. Lord Ludociel, Prepare your task force"
"My Queen" Ludociel bowed. The rest of the Council rose from their seats and did the same. Elizabeth was about to leave when she heard her mother speak.

"Elizabeth, I need to speak to you" Elizabeth rolled her eyes and went back to her spot.
"Yes Mother"
"I'm sensing something is off with you in regards to Mael. What did he do to offend you?"
"I don't like the man. He creeps me out" Elizabeth shuddered. She wrapped her arms around herself and walked over to a window "The night that the Demon Prince was spotted, Mael came to my house. He tried to touch me, saying it's what you would have wanted. I kept saying no but he pushed the matter so I kneed him in his area"
"Elizabeth! You can't do that, it will drive him away!" Elizabeth's mother shouted.
"Good, I don't want him anywhere near me"
"It took a lot of work to get Mael to even consider you! Be grateful"
"He is a vile man. I will never be grateful. How can you want me with a toerag like him!"
"He will make a fine husband and you two will produce a strong bloodline and an heir to the throne" The Supreme Deity walked behind Elizabeth. Elizabeth felt her heart drop. Her Mother completely ignored the fact that Mael tried to touch her against her will. She is more fussed that she hurt Mael.
"I do not want to be with someone who thinks they own me" Elizabeth sighed as she put her forehead on the glass pane. Elizabeth looked out at the horizon. She could just make out The Demon Realm.
"Elizabeth, Once the Demons have been dealt with. You will marry Mael" Elizabeth's Mother reminded her Daughter once again "It is your duty to your Clan"
"And what about my duty to my heart? Why can't I pick my suitor?!" Elizabeth yelled, "Why do I need to be forced into a marriage with a man that won't take no for an answer?"
"Turn your voice down. Remember what happened last time you spoke to me this way" the Supreme Deity warned. Elizabeth rolled her eyes and went to walk away. With a growl, The Supreme Deity grabbed Elizabeth by her upper arm, Spinning Elizabeth round to face her "I am the Queen, You are a child! You will marry who I say and will not complain!"
"I will complain. I don't want to marry him!" Elizabeth snatched her arm away.
"You have no choice. It's not like anyone else will have you" The Queen squared up to Elizabeth. Elizabeth kept her mouth shut. She wanted to tell her mother that she found someone who loves her for her. In spite of her race or her bloodline. But if she did speak up, Her Mother will kill Meliodas "Now, You have a mission to prepare for"
"Can I at least work with Sir Drole and Sir Gloxinia instead of Sir Mael?" Elizabeth pleaded.
"Please get out of my sight" The Supreme Deity waved Elizabeth away.
"Yes, Mother" Elizabeth obliged and grudgingly walked away.

Elizabeth ran down the spiral staircase and out the main doors. The outside world seemed to blur as Elizabeth flew away. As fast as she could to her house. The door creaked open as Elizabeth pushed it. Once inside, Elizabeth slammed the door shut and locked it. She slunk down the wood and sobbed. She wished for Meliodas to be near. So she could run into his arms. He would tell her it was going to be okay.

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