Chapter 6

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Even though he didn't want to, Meliodas did open his eyes. His mouth dropped open as he gazed into Ellie's orbs.
"Whoa," He muttered "Your eyes are... wow... They are Blue. And a gorgeous shade of blue might I add" Meliodas exclaimed as he shuffled on his seat. Elizabeth blushed again. She turned her head away while tucking her hair behind her ear "So what colour are my eyes?"
"Your eyes are green. Well closer to Emerald really" Elizabeth spoke quickly. Meliodas placed the back of his hand against Elizabeth's forehead "What are you doing?"
"Why is your face red?" Meliodas tilted his head. Elizabeth's hands flew to her face, pressing her palms against her cheeks.
"Oh, This is called blushing. It is what happens when you get embarrassed" Elizabeth stuttered.
"And you are embarrassed?" Meliodas raised an eyebrow "Why? Is it because I said your eye colour is a gorgeous shade of blue?"
"Urm... Yes," Elizabeth admitted. Apart from the creepy Mael, She never had anyone compliment her eyes before. For they were their golden orange 98% of the time.
"Goddess have their eyes golden orange most of the time. We rarely get to see our eye colour" Elizbeth pulled her knees up to her chest.
"This is only my second meeting with you but even I am beginning to understand that your race is not so different from ours. Just you guys live in the light and we live in the dark" Meliodas pulled one leg up to his chest and leaned his arm on his knee.
"Yet neither want to co-exist" Elizabeth put both hands behind her.
"I would be okay with it" Meliodas looked up to see some birds flying past.
"You would?"
"Yeah. You know, I actually believe that I am the only one that enjoys being in your realm"
"Why is that?" Elizabeth shivered. The sun had fully set now. Elizabeth started to rub the top of her arms. Trying to warm her skin.
"Are you cold?" Meliodas tilted his head. Elizabeth nodded.
"A little. Are you?"
"Is this why my skin is all bumpy?" Meliodas held his forearm up.
"Yes. You have goosebumps" Elizabeth smiled as she hugged herself.
"I see" Meliodas rubbed his arm. The bumps weren't as visible "Since I don't fancy freezing, I suggest that we pick this up tomorrow"
"You want to meet again?"
"Yes. After all, we had a deal, remember?" Meliodas stood up "Though if possible. Pick an earlier time"
"How about one hour after Midday?" Elizabeth smiled.
"Here or in The Human Realm?" Meliodas put both his hands behind his back as he rocked back and forth on his heels.
"Human realm. Do you know where The Old Oak Tree is by the river?"
"I have taken many naps there" Meliodas did a half-smile. His head then shot to the right. He threw himself at Elizabeth and pinned her to a wall. He pressed his body against hers. Pushing both of them into the shadows.

"Get your hands -" Elizabeth snapped. Meliodas covered Elizabeth's mouth with his hand.
"Shush" He put his finger against his lips. His head looked to the left again. From what could be made out, 3 dark entities were flying past "Scouts"
"Who are they looking for?" Elizabeth whispered. Meliodas pushed himself away from Elizabeth and took a quick peek from behind a rock.
"Me" Meliodas turned back to Elizabeth "I was meant to be back an hour ago"
"You should go" Elizabeth spoke firmly.
"Yeah, I should," He said reluctantly.
"What you gonna tell your father?" Elizabeth worried.
"Some bullshit. I'm good at lying to him" He activated his powers and moved away "See you at The Old Oak Tree" A soft smile on his face.
"Don't be late" Elizabeth whispered.
"Same goes for you" Meliodas bit his lip "Wait 5 minutes before leaving. I'll draw them away" Meliodas flew upwards. He flew to the dark entities. And did as he said. He did lead them away. Elizabeth watched from the shadows. Her hand rested on a stone pillar.
"That man will be the death of me" Elizabeth sighed. She watched Meliodas fly off into the horizon until he was a little black dot. That's when she too, Activated her powers and flew home.

"Lady Elizabeth!" A guard called out as Elizabeth reached the gate of her house. She was hoping to avoid anyone till tomorrow morning. 
"Yes. Can I help you?" Elizabeth was as polite as she ever was. She didn't have the time nor the patience to deal with this. It was late and she wanted her bed.
"My Lady. Your Mother wishes to speak to you. Again" The guard pointed to the castle.
"Does she make you wait outside my house?"
"Yes Ma'am" The guard nodded.
"How long have you been waiting?"
"Only 3 hours"
"3 hours?!" Elizabeth exclaimed.
"I'm fine with it. I don't mind. It keeps me away from certain other Goddesses"
"That I can understand" Elizabeth nodded her head "Very well. I shall head over there. Please take a break" She flapped her wings a couple of times. She then flew up into the air and flew quickly to the castle.

"You are late!" Elizabeth's Mother once again bellowed as Elizabeth push the doors open to the main hall. It was brightly lit. Her Mother as well as Lord Ludociel were at the other end of the hall. Elizabeth sighed. Careful not to let her mother see her eyes roll "Again. You were supposed to be back an hour again"
"I lost track of time" Elizabeth crossed her arms "As per your request. I went on a search for the child"
"Any luck?" Supreme Deity crossed her left leg over the right one. Ludociel standing close.
"I arrived at a town in the south. I heard rumours that she was there. But there was a Demon Patrol close by" Elizabeth lied to her Mother. Elizabeth knew that If her Mother had the child in her grasp then said the child would not live long.
"Was the child with them?" The Supreme Deity eyed Elizabeth.
"No" Elizabeth shook her head "I followed them to make sure"
"Was he with the group?" Supreme Deity tapped her chin. Elizabeth knew who she was on about.
"I wouldn't be standing here if he was there" Elizabeth lied. Again.
"You are more than capable of fighting him. Light will defeat the dark each time" The Supreme Deity beamed. She turned back to Ludociel and began to discuss the next attack against The Demons. Elizabeth was still standing in the middle of the room. She coughed loud enough to get her Mother's attention "Yes Elizabeth"
"Mother, With your permission, I want to go deep undercover in The Human Realm. Spend a few weeks among them. Try and see if they know anything" Elizabeth placed her hands in front of her "Without an escort"
"Why the Humans?" The Supreme Deity narrowed her eyes at her Daughter.
"Mother, We have checked The Fairy Realm, The Giant's Realm. We even check The Child's hometown. All that remains are The Demon Realm and The Humans"
"And why do you want to go without aid?"
"Most of the guards refuse to put their wings away. It would create gossip among Humans. Word will spread and if the child is in the realm, She could end up doing a runner" Elizabeth rocked back and forth on her heel. The Supreme Deity clicked her tongue before turning to Lord Ludociel.
"Lord Ludociel, What do you think?"
"I don't like the idea of Lady Elizabeth going by herself. Especially since I have received word that Meliodas The Love has been spotted flying around" Lord Ludociel turned his back to Lady Elizabeth "But Lady Elizabeth is our faster flyer and best tracker. Even if she is clumsy. The Humans will listen to her. She has a weird power that can turn the tide of any battle" Lady Elizabeth pouted before flying up behind Lord Ludociel.
"I appreciate you trying to talk discreetly and as if I wasn't here" The Goddess clenched her fist behind her back. She slowly approached her Mother. Ludociel stood between Elizabeth and her mother "Please move Lord Ludociel"
"I can not allow you to just waltz up to The Supreme Deity like you just did. You may be her daughter but I am her guard"
"You treat me like I am a threat" Elizabeth stared at the man.
"I sense that you could be so I will not be taking any chances" Ludociel snarled.
"Lord Ludociel, I highly doubt that my child is stupid enough to go up against me, Even with you here" The Supreme Deity waved Ludociel away. Ludociel sighed as he took a step to the left "What did you want to say, Elizabeth"
"Thank you mother" Elizabeth placed her hand on her chest and bowed slightly "In regards to going to the Human's Realm, Please allow me to do this alone. As you said, I am more than capable of fighting" The Supreme Deity paused for a few minutes.
"There will be rules for you to follow. You are to send a raven every single day" The Supreme Deity tilted her head.
"I shall" Elizabeth resisted the urge to jump up and down. So instead, She rocked back and forth on her heels.
"You miss one day, I will send Lord Ludociel and Lord Mael to retrieve you"
"I understand" Elizabeth bowed her head.
"There is also a rather delicate matter of the child" The Queen pressed her fingertips together.
"And that is?"
"When you find her, Break her" Elizabeth's Mother stated. Ludociel and Elizabeth's mouths dropped. The Queen looked between the two. Ludociel stepped forward to speak but the Queen held her hand up "Did I stutter? I don't care how you break her, Just do it. Do you understand me Elizabeth?"
"Yes, I understand" Elizabeth nodded.
"Good. When is the latest you can leave?"
"Tomorrow, Around Midday. The most I will be gone for is a month at most. I might even try and persuade some people to join Stigma while I am at" Elizabeth held her head high. she had her own plan and was thankful that her mother could not read minds.
"Very well. Peace be with you my child" The Supreme Deity waved Elizabeth away. Elizabeth bowed and walked calmly out of the room.

Once she knew she was out of earshot. Elizabeth did a little bunny hop and a fist bump in the air. She was over the moon to be spending a month at most away from The Goddess Realm. More importantly, A whole month away from Mael and his creepy advances.

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