Chapter 13

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Elizabeth flew back to her realm alone. Back to The City of Light, She never wanted the week to end. She never wanted things to go back to how things were. To be near Mael. But all she had to endure was the day and tomorrow she would see Meliodas again. Far in the sky, She saw her Mother's castle. Elizabeth looked around and landed on a small cliff that faced the castle. She sat down and stared at the rocks below. She had to control how she was feeling. But how could she lie to her heart like that?
"How can I go back to normal? I've had a month of freedom and now I have to go back" Elizabeth whispered into the wind as she hung her head low.
"Lady Elizabeth?" A voice called out from the woods. A tall female with black hair and a curvy body. A small birthmark on her cheek, came out from the woods "Are you okay?" Elizabeth climbed to her feet.
"I'm sorry but do I know you?" Elizabeth spoke calmly.
"It's me. Merlin" The woman bowed "I finally grew up yesterday"
"Oh, my days. Miss Merlin! What are you doing here? If my Mother sees you then we will both be in for it"
"I'll take my chances. Besides, I wanted to say thank you for that day. And to make sure that you are okay" Elizabeth was taken back. She hadn't expected Merlin to be worried about her.
"Why wouldn't I be okay?"
"Because I saw your eyes when Meliodas ran off. Do you have feelings for him?" Merlin stood next to Elizabeth on the cliff.
"Why do you wanna know?" Elizabeth stared towards her Mother's castle. Elizabeth was unsure if she should tell the woman that fooled The Queen. It could be used against her.
"I have an unhealthy thirst for knowledge. I like to know things. It's been the same for the last decade" Merlin floated up and made it look like she was sitting on a chair.
"Define unhealthy" Elizabeth stared at the woman. She wanted to know what her deal was.
"I have a hole in my soul that needs filling. I never got the love of a parent. Among other things. My work keeps me busy"
"Does that also include you poking your nose into other people's business?"
"That's the unhealthy part" Merlin smirked "I also saw Meliodas's face that day When you flew in from the skies. He was smitten as a kitten with a piece of string"
"He prefers to be known as a puppy" Elizabeth folded her arms "You fooled both our parents why should we trust you?"
"You make him better. He is a monster after all" Merlin straightened up. her feet still never touched the floor.
"You think it pleases him to be one?" Elizabeth looked shattered.
"Someone has to do it. It may as well be him"
"Monstrous is an adjective. Not a noun" Elizabeth took a step closer to Merlin. Her eyes were fixed on the floating woman.
"You are sweet" Merlin mumbled "I wish you weren't. I am amazed that Meliodas picked someone like you. A fragile person that can cause so much harm when pushed"
"They say the quiet ones are always the worst" Elizabeth stared at Merlin "Lady Merlin, If I didn't know any better then I would think you don't like me very much. In fact, I think you hate me"
"I don't hate you. I don't understand relationships very well"
"Not much more than Meliodas then. You never had any family then?"
"I had a Father once. He was the first and last Human to enter Purgatory. His mind is that of a child and madman enrolled into one"
"Why don't I be your family then? I could be your sister"
"Can I call you sis-sis?" Merlin's eyes lit up.
"Of course" Elizabeth smiled softly as she floated to the same height as Merlin. Elizabeth pulled her into a hug, Moved her hair away from her forehead and kissed it "I bless thee, Merlin"
"Thank you" Merlin smiled. Elizabeth looked at the castle "You don't want to go back there, Do you?"
"Is it that obvious?" Elizabeth chuckled "I have to. If Meliodas can help by watching for treachery in his realm then I shall do the same"
"Then I suggest that you take this" Merlin waved her fingers and a body appeared. A dead one.
"Think I am going to hurl" Elizabeth gagged "Why would you give me this?"
"Your Mother needs proof that you found me. This child was killed when The Belialuin Wizards attacked. She is human so I fixed her up to look like me. Lord Drole and Lord Gloxinia can confirm that" Merlin smirked "I shall be giving Meliodas the same. Only his one will be a decapitated head"
"Erugh, Don't tell me anymore. Please, My stomach can not take it. Do you have a bag or cloth for me to cover this up?" Elizabeth covered her mouth. Merlin nodded and the dead body was soon wrapped in a blanket and tied with leather straps "Thank you"
"No problem. I need to go too. I need to go see Meliodas and I need to go to the remains of Belialuin at some point. Gather what knowledge I can. Peace be with you sis-sis"
"And with you, Sis-sis" Elizabeth waved the mage bye. She then turned back to the body "Things I do to protect people" Elizabeth said as she cradled the body, Carefully breathing out of her mouth.

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