Chapter 29

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Once both mugs were on the coffee table in front of the couch, the mood seemed to change a bit. Meliodas's arm dropped from the couch to Elizabeth's shoulders, stroking the softness of her bare skin. Elizabeth's hand found its way onto his thigh, her fingertips tracing the metal chain that dangled down by it. Her head fell into the space between his shoulder and chest, and Meliodas unconsciously pulled Elizabeth closer, holding her against him.

Both of them didn't realize they really weren't paying attention to anything around them. They were focused on each other, the sounds of their breathing, the feelings of each other's fingertips on their skin. He nudged her hair with his nose, pushing at her temple.
"Elizabeth" Meliodas said quietly, his voice sending chills down Elizabeth's spine. Elizabeth turned to look up into the Demon's eyes and saw that they were closed, his lips slightly parted, breathing against her mouth. She felt her heart skip a beat "Elizabeth" he repeated, his voice near a moan this time. She felt another shudder run through her and she tilted her chin forwards, pressing her lips to his. 

In a second, their hands were all over each other, Meliodas's palms sliding down the back of her dress, His palms resting on the small of her back. Elizabeth's arms wrapped around his neck, her fingers lost in Meliodas's hair. It didn't take long for his mouth to open against hers as he pushed her backwards on the couch, sprawling her out under him. She hooked her legs around his waist, holding him close in any possible way, and he groaned into her mouth at the feel of her.
"Meliodas" She breathed, pulling away briefly. Meliodas kissed along her jawline "Don't stop"
"You better lock that door" The Demon replied, burying his face in her neck, gripping her tightly "As I don't have any intention of stopping"
"Then let me up"
"In about 10 minutes" Meliodas wiggled his eyebrows.
"Then don't complain if someone walks in" Elizabeth smirked. Meliodas tucked a strand of hair behind Elizabeth's ear.
"I don't know how many times I've told you, but I am so in love with you," He said with a blank face before he laughed. He kissed her soft lips again before pulling back up to look at her "Yeah I know. I tell you all the time"
"I love you" She beamed up at him. Meliodas made a pleased noise in the back of his throat and kissed her again, pouring all of what he'd just said into her, making sure she'd never forgotten it.

It was now the morning after and the first thing Meliodas registered, Was the soft feeling of comforting sheets. Bright sunlight was next and he let out a groan while cuddling whatever was nearby him. If there was one thing Meliodas disliked, it was being woken up from a deep sleep. He found it strange that it wasn't Chandler waking him up. It was only when a light snore came from who he was holding did he begin to gain some awareness. Meliodas's hazy vision picked up that Elizabeth was close to him. Meliodas let out a contented sigh. Meliodas was still not used to touch. Yeah, there was the usual pat on the back and maybe a scrap or two. But even then, Touch was limited. Then Elizabeth came around. It didn't take very long for Meliodas to realize that waking up next to Elizabeth was the best feeling he had ever experienced. He was finally with his girl. To him, This felt right. He knew where he belonged.

Meliodas laid down next to the sleeping Goddess and wrapped his arms around her. Elizabeth wiggled in her sleep and sighed. The Demon smirked and moved her hair away from her neck. He kissed her gently on the temple.
"Morning baby" Meliodas murmured into her ear. Elizabeth rubbed her eyes and rolled over onto her back and kissed Meliodas on the lips. Both lingered for a moment.
"Morning. Did you sleep well?" She quizzed she placed a hand on The Demon's chest.
"I did. Makes a change what I am used to"
"What are you used to?"
"A creepy arsehole called Chandler. He was my teacher and He used to love waking me up. He was obsessed with me. Every time I did something that made my Father happy He started crying like a baby. He was one that most should be afraid of. He is known as The Pacifier Demon"
"How is anyone afraid of a man known as a baby's sucking toy"
"Oh, you don't want to know" Meliodas bit the inside of his cheek.
"That bad?"
"He will either pacifier your powers or strip your bones of their meat and suck on your bones like a pacifier" Finally admitted. Elizabeth's hand flew to her mouth.
"Yeah, I wish I never asked" Elizabeth felt a shiver run down her spine "So what shall we do today?"
"Apart from talking to your Mother later, We could chill"
"What if The Demon King's forces attacked"
"I highly doubt they will. They lost their battering ram" Meliodas said as he ran a hand up and down her arm. Elizabeth let out a small sigh "Gotta say, I love waking up to you" 
"Hmm, I do too" Elizabeth smiled. Meliodas soon felt a hand caress his cheek. Elizabeth's delicate finger traced the edge of his jawline and down his neck. Her fingers outlined his collarbone. Elizabeth felt Meliodas shudder.
"You drive me wild" He groaned "And yet, only you could tame me"
"Though I don't need a leash for you" Elizabeth chuckled.
"Think you prefer it when I am unleashed" Meliodas kissed Elizabeth. He lowered his head down to where her collarbone was and blew a raspberry on her neck. Elizabeth giggled and squirmed under Meliodas. Meliodas rolled onto his side and rested his elbows on the pillow, his head in his hands.
"What are you thinking about?"
"How I would follow you to the ends of the world" Meliodas's tone was reverent now, and he gazed down at Elizabeth's face "because you are stuck with me till the end of time, because nowhere is home without you" His view drifted now, looking out the window at the view of the small hills and the rising sun "And somehow I'm gonna find a way to make you happy"
"You do already"
"I love you so much" His voice was small and shy, He blushed a bit and lowered his gaze.
"I love you too" Elizabeth placed her hand on Meliodas's cheek. Making him look at her, Meliodas felt like all seven hearts had exploded. Now he knew that waking up next to Elizabeth wasn't the best feeling there was to experience. There was no better feeling in the world than knowing he was loved.

After a whole day of dealing with the ArchAngels and Elizabeth's mother, Meliodas collapsed on the sofa. He placed his head on a pillow. Refusing to move.
"Tired darling?" Meliodas heard Elizabeth speak. He raised his arm and put his thumbs up.
"Only from restraining myself from taking your mother's and speedy's head off" He yawned "I don't know who was more annoying, Your Mother or Ludociel" He grumbled. He raised himself onto one arm, using the pillow for support. Elizabeth smiled softly as she knelt next to the Demon "How did you put up with them for this long?"
"I found you" Elizabeth trailed her fingers down her lover's back. Making Meliodas's back arch slightly "You were a distraction from all this bull"
"I feel like there is more to this than meets the eyes" Meliodas rolled onto his side to face the Goddess. Elizabeth looked away. Meliodas lifted his hand to Elizabeth's cheek, inhaling sharply when his fingertips came away damp "Elizabeth?"
"It's nothing" She whimpered.
"Liar. Talk to me" Meliodas rolled off the sofa so that he knelt in front of his Goddess.
"I feel like this isn't gonna last" Elizabeth sobbed.
"Elizabeth..." At the sound of Meliodas's voice, a tremor ran the length of Elizabeth's spine, and she let out an agonised sob. Suddenly frustrated, Meliodas pushed Elizabeth's shoulder onto the floor and sat astride his thighs, pressing down with one hand on his lover's hip to prevent her escape whilst using the other to turn the Goddess's head and force Elizabeth to look into his eyes "What the hell is going on, Elizabeth?" Meliodas demanded. Elizabeth averted her eyes from the searching intensity of Meliodas's stare and bit down on her bottom lip.
"I feel like this isn't going to last, Meliodas, this thing between you and me. I know you too well" Elizabeth cried as she glared up at Meliodas "And I know that monogamy to a plain, simple person will bore you to death"
"Never" Meliodas replied as he sat up straighter "I could never get bored of being with you"
"You could leave so easily"
"I won't leave you, Elizabeth, not as long as you want me here" A silent tear made a track down Meliodas's cheek "I gave up my whole way of life to be with you" The crack in the Demon's voice softened as he lifted his hand to stroke down the side of Elizabeth's throat, resting his palm on his lover's collarbone. Meliodas leaned forward, supporting himself on his forearms until their faces were millimetres apart "I care about you, Elizabeth and I would do anything to protect you and keep you away from any pain, even that which is caused by me. You are the only one I want, Elizabeth, do not ever doubt that" Meliodas closed the last of the space between them, pressing his lips against Elizabeth's until the Goddess yielded and returned the kiss.
"I'm sorry for ever doubting us. Or even you for that matter" Elizabeth sighed.
"It's fine. Can't blame ya really. We knew what we signed up for" Meliodas rubbed Elizabeth's nose with his. They lay there for a while. Until Elizabeth yawned. Meliodas pouted and then he suddenly jumped up, Pulling Elizabeth up with him.
"Where are we going?" Elizabeth raised an eyebrow as the pair's fingers entwined.
"Bed. We both need to rest for tomorrow"

Meliodas collapsed on the bed, Pulling Elizabeth with him. The intensity increased as the lover's sought each other's closeness, exploring with their tongues and pressing ever closer together. Finally, Meliodas drew back, dropping a final, chaste kiss to his lover's brow. He lay down beside Elizabeth, angling their bodies so their skin touched as much as possible while draping an arm over his lover's waist and drawing up his knees to fit behind his lover's.
"Don't worry, Elizabeth, I'm not going anywhere" Meliodas murmured as he drew his love closer to him, the last of his anxiety disappearing as his lover relaxed into his touch. As Elizabeth's breathing slowed, Meliodas relaxed into the warm safety of Elizabeth, pushing away the emotions their conversation had stirred within him and focusing on the closeness they had now, for as long as they had it "You are my everything, Elizabeth"
"And you are mine"
"Then marry me," Meliodas said clear as day.
"Marry me" Meliodas sat back onto his heels "Marry me Elizabeth. I wish to take your hand in mine and bind us together forever"
"..." Elizabeth couldn't speak from the shock.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything" Meliodas looked away. Elizabeth then shook her head and tackled the Demon.
"Do not be so silly. Yes, I will marry you. I was just in shock"
"You will?" Meliodas gripped Elizabeth by the waist.
"I will" The two shared a passionate kiss as the rain began to fall heavily outside "I guess this will be another secret we have to keep"
"What else is new?" Meliodas grinned as the pair continue their love into the night.

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