Chapter 15

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Elizabeth bolted upright from her sleep. She climbed out of bed and snuck over to her window. She looked out into her garden.
"Hello?" Elizabeth called out. She activated her powers and made a sword of light "Who is there?"
"Elizabeth?" Elizabeth couldn't quite place the voice. It was familiar but muffled. Elizabeth gulped as she took baby steps out into her garden "Elizabeth, It's me. Meliodas!" The voice sounded so weak to Elizabeth. Rushing forward, using the moonlight as her light, Elizabeth edged closer to the voice. Not entirely convinced that it was Meliodas in her garden. There was a loud rustling sound of fabric and undergrowth as someone was limping in the shadows.
"Meliodas?" Elizabeth lowered her sword. Meliodas emerged from the shadows.
"Yeah, It's me," Meliodas gasped, cringing as pain washed over him. He collapsed to his knees and Elizabeth got closer.
"Jesus, Meliodas. What in the hell happened to you?" Elizabeth asked, settling her weight at Meliodas's side.
"I might have got my arse handed to me by my Father" Meliodas managed, forcing the word over his bloody lips.
"Oh, What are you like? Come on. Let's get you inside"
"I'm fine. I can walk" Meliodas winced as he stumbled forwards.
"Whatever. Wrap your arm over my shoulders"
"I said I am fine" Meliodas tried to protest, weakly lifting a hand and flapping at Elizabeth's arms. He knew he was being stupid. Meliodas knew that he needed some serious Goddess healing. He tried standing up but land back on his knees.
"So why did you get beaten by your Father? What did you do?" Elizabeth placed a hand on Meliodas's chest to steady him
"I snapped at him. I unleashed a load of abuse at him. Might have punched him"
"That sounds like something you would do" Elizabeth smiled as she gently helped Meliodas to his feet.

Together they shuffled to Elizabeth's room. Meliodas gaze fell on Elizabeth's face.
"I think I got a bit of blood in your hair" Meliodas tried to wipe it away but the blood wouldn't go away "That's not my blood. Elizabeth, Did you catch yourself?"
"Not exactly. My Mother may or may not have, Done the same to me" Elizabeth quickly healed her head. Even though Meliodas was in agony, It didn't stop Meliodas's anger from boiling. Purple swirls formed under the surface of his skin.
"Your Mother battered you?"
"Yeah, Like you. I too snapped" Elizabeth sighed as she placed Meliodas on the sofa.
"Bitch is gonna die" He growled. He then winced as he clutched his side "Fuck, My ribs hurt"
"In your current state. You wouldn't last two seconds against her" Elizabeth countered.
"That explains why I saw the place light up like a Christmas tree" Meliodas chuckled as Elizabeth went and got fresh bandages and clean water.
"What made you come here?"
"Two reasons. One, I need healing" Meliodas groaned, accepting the truth of the situation "And two, I missed you"
"I missed you as well" Elizabeth smiled. and started to work on his wounds. Meliodas whimpered as the water touched his skin "These wounds were messy, jagged"
"Yeah. Dad ain't consistent on his punches" Meliodas scrunched his face up at each change of pressure. Even the gentle touches knocked the breath from him. Elizabeth apologized quietly as she worked, stemming the worst of the bleeding and checking him over for less obvious injuries. Meliodas closed his eyes, letting his head fall back against the sofa as Elizabeth's hands worked their way around his body. Meliodas then felt a warm glow around his body. His eyes opened and he saw Elizabeth's eyes were that golden sunset orange.
"Right, I've cleaned these up but you ain't going nowhere for a few days" Elizabeth explained, her voice low and soft.
"I can't stay here. I'll get caught" Meliodas put his hand on Elizabeth's pink cheeks "I couldn't even begin to imagine what your Mother would do to you if she found me here"
"I can. The cloud District would have a new viewing station to The Human Realm" Elizabeth jested. She rested her head against the Demon's palm "Then at least stay the night. You can sneak back tomorrow. You need to rest"
"But I am fine. Your healing powers did the trick"
"Even so... It's like 2 in the morning. Rest up and go home tomorrow" Elizabeth yawned.
"Fine. It's pointless arguing when I want to sleep" Meliodas huffed "So am I in your bed or the sofa?"
"Where do you wanna be?" Elizabeth stretched.
"Do I even have to answer that?" Meliodas smirked.
"Yeah. Stupid question but you did ask first"
"To give you a choice. I don't want to be that type of guy in our relationship" Meliodas grabbed Elizabeth's hands. He pulled Elizabeth closer to him. Their heads leaned closer to each other.
"Bollocks," Meliodas muttered. The two pulled apart quickly "Where shall I hide?"
"In the closet in the bedroom" Elizabeth ordered as she went over to the front door. Meliodas ran to the bedroom. As soon as she heard the door click. She unlocked the front one.

Elizabeth mentally groaned as she saw the face of Mael under the porch light "Lord Mael, What do you want at this time of the morning?"
"A Demon was spotted flying near here. A strong one at that. Since your light is on, I thought you may have seen something" Mael towered over Elizabeth.
"Because my light is on? That is why you are here?" Elizabeth sighed "Lord Mael, I merely got up for a glass of water"
"I also wanted to see how you are. I heard the fight from the courtyard" Mael shut the door behind him.
"I'm fine" Elizabeth shrugged "I healed my wounds when Mother left"
"I can see that. Though you still have a bit of blood on you" Mael reached out his hand to Elizabeth's face. Elizabeth recoiled from his touch "I don't know why you recoil from me. Your Mother wishes us to be together"
"Well, I don't. I want to find someone who I want and that is not chosen for me" Elizabeth took a step backwards. Mael walked towards Elizabeth and pinned her against the wall.
"You will be mine soon enough" Mael whispered into Elizabeth's ear. He leant his head in to kiss her but he face-planted the wall when Elizabeth moved her head away. He forcibly grabbed her chin to make her look at him "Now where were we"
"Get out of my house" Elizabeth kneed Mael in his private area. Mael dropped to the floor "And you can expect that I will be speaking to My Mother about this" Elizabeth turned her eyes on.
"Fine, I'll go but mark my words. You will be mine" Mael wobbled out of the house. Elizabeth slammed the door behind him and locked every lock. She leaned back against the door, Slid down to the floor and cried.

Elizabeth was sobbing so much that she never heard the bedroom door open.
"Elizabeth?" Meliodas stuck his head out of the door. Once he caught a glimpse Meliodas ran to his love. He scooped her up in his arms. Elizabeth flung her arms around the Demon "I got you. Did the solar panel hurt you?"
"No. I hurt him. kneed him in his balls" Elizabeth cried.
"That's my girl" Meliodas stroked Elizabeth's hair "Is he always like that?" 
"He's getting worse. I can't deal with him"
"I could get rid of him for ya" Meliodas offered. Elizabeth tilted her head at her man.
"You are not killing him"
"No. No. Not that. I wish but there is another way. I have this friend that can alter memories" Meliodas wrapped his arms around Elizabeth.
"Is he a Demon?" Elizabeth wiped her face.
"No. He is a doll" Meliodas didn't want to include Gowther the doll in the mix but to keep Elizabeth safe he would do anything.
"How are you gonna explain it to him?"
"I'll think of something. Right now. Bedtime" Meliodas carried Elizabeth in his arms to the bedroom.
"I can walk you know" Elizabeth tighten her grip around Meliodas's neck.
"And?" Meliodas raised an eyebrow.
"Good point" Elizabeth chuckled as Meliodas tucked her in bed. He joined her a few seconds later and soon both fell into a deep sleep.

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