Chapter 24

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Meliodas flew slower to the Demon Realm. He wasn't sure what he was gonna do. Meliodas landed on his balcony and could hear his father yelling. Meliodas sighed and rolled his eyes. He flopped on his bed. He wasn't gonna deal with him till later. He needed to nap. He just closed his eyes when there was a knock at the door.
"Who is it?" Meliodas opened one eye.
"Chandler, Young Master" Meliodas groaned as he climbed off his bed. He dragged his body over to the door and opened it. Chandler pushed past Meliodas.
"Why don't you come in?" Meliodas pressed his lips into a thin line. Chandler stood there. For once, Meliodas was worried about his teacher "Speak what has troubled your mind"
"Young Master, There is a rumour going around about you"
"Saying what?" Meliodas folded his arms.
"That you saved a Goddess's life" Chandler placed one hand behind his back. Meliodas felt a weird feeling "Tell me the story of what happened"
"What story?"
"You were seen saving a Goddess from the grey Demons"
"I believe it was yesterday. Is it true?"
"No. I met with Zeldris in the woods. He spotted The Kings of The Giants and Fairies race. Sent the hoard and I went to make sure they won. I got punched by Drole and only just got back"
"That does match up with Zeldris's story" Chandler nodded. 
"I don't know anything about a Goddess being there or I would have killed them"
"I have taught you well" Chandler tapped the ground with his staff. He looked out the window.
"Now that's cleared up. Think you can leave? I want to get some sleep before My Father complains about some useless crap and wants to see me"
"While I agree that your Father talks utter bollocks, Please mind your words" Chandler worried as he walked back to the door "I'd hate for you to be battered again"
"Try intervening next time" Meliodas folded his arms "Though the won't be the next time, I ain't staying much longer," Meliodas thought as Chandler opened the door.
"And what would be the point of that? You need to learn defence and it would be pointless if I got in the way" Chandler shrugged.
"Whatever old man. Get out. I want to sleep" Meliodas slammed the door behind The Pacifier Demon. Meliodas placed his back against the door, placed his head on it and closed his eyes "That was close"

After a minute of trying to work out who spotted him and Elizabeth, Meliodas decided that he need someone to talk to. Another voice of reason. He could talk to Zeldris but he wouldn't understand. He stared at the ceiling. He then clicked his fingers. There was only one other person that he could talk to too without feeling judged or made to feel like shit. The only person he knew would understand. He jumped up off the floor and grabbed his grey coat as the wind picked up a little.

Meliodas walked into a graveyard. No one else was around, which was how he wanted it to be. He didn't fancy others around while he did what he needed to do today. He had put it off for months A few years if he was being honest, but He finally worked up the courage to do it.

Meliodas wandered among the tombstones, His green eyes skimming over the names and dates etched into varying colours of marble and granite. He pulled his coat tighter around himself.

Finally, He reached the gravestone that he was searching for. His boots ceased their steps in front of it. The graveyard was silent. He stared at the black reflective stone of the gravestone and found himself at a loss for words. After a few moments, Meliodas took a deep breath and spoke, his voice ringing out in the quiet of the cemetery.
"Hey, Sorry it's been a while" He began. He sighed heavily "Things have been crazy.  Like really crazy. I met this fantastic woman. She's kind and caring, Beautiful. Her name is Elizabeth. Only, there is a slight problem" Meliodas knelt down on the grass and lent against the headstone "She is a Goddess. And she happens to be the Daughter of The Supreme Deity. And I can try and try and try not to care, but the truth is that nothing can stop me from caring about her. And I am in love with her. Like head over heels in love with her. She sees the war that is within me and not only chooses to stay with me but would stay by my side. I would do the same. It's now at the point that I want to leave this place to be by her side and keep her safe" Meliodas let out another sigh. He glanced over his shoulder and stared at the black granite "With each passing day, I fall more and more for Elizabeth. I wish you were here. And I know if you were here, You would steer me down the right path. But I think my path is going lead me down the path that won't end up pleasantly" Meliodas paused. He keeps looking back at the tombstone. Expecting a response "If I follow this path then I will betray our race and that means I can never come back here" Tears leaked slowly from his eyes at this confession "I know what you are going to say, I should follow my heart. But which one, I have seven. And each one belongs to Elizabeth"  Meliodas wipes his tears with the back of his hand "Despite the fact that I need to leave this place, I love you. I'll never stop loving you. Regardless of the fact that you are gone" He sniffled quietly and wiped the tears from his cheeks. From inside his coat, He procured a black rose. He placed it carefully on the ground, laying it to rest on the grass. He reached up to place a hand on top of the stone and leaned forward, pressing a kiss to the top of it. His next words came out in a whisper, so quiet that they were almost inaudible "Goodbye, Mum"

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