Chapter 25

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Elizabeth was sitting under her favourite tree by the edge of the cliff. She had only been out of the hospital for a few hours. Elizabeth jumped up when she felt the ground shudder.
"So this is where you went?" Elizabeth's head looked up and she saw Drole and Gloxinia.
"Hello, Sir Drole and Sir Gloxinia" Elizabeth closed her book "How are you doing?"
"Could be better. This one seems that it would be funny when he wakes me up from a long-deserved nap!" Gloxinia complained.
"And you know that it is dangerous for Fairies to nap alone. You lot could sleep for decades and not realize it" Drole huffed.
"The same goes for you Giants" Gloxinia replied "So, Suck it up Buttercup!"
"Whatever" Drole rolled his eyes before turning back to Elizabeth "How are you doing?" Drole quizzed.
"Apart from a dull achy feeling in my shoulder, I'm all healed up. Mother wants me to take a few days off to recover" Elizabeth grinned.
"She actually cares? She's doing something nice for you?" Drole's eye was wide.
"I know. I was shocked too"
"And how is our favourite hothead?" Gloxinia rolled his eyes.
"Sir Mael is okay. I think. My mother said that he will recover soon. He was about a pint away from losing his life"
"While that ain't good. But still doesn't change the fact that I can't stand that guy" Drole shrugged.
"Most people can't" Gloxinia agreed. He and Drole exchange glances "Ask her"
"You ask her" Drole whispered.
"Why me? It was your idea" Gloxinia snapped. The two started arguing. Elizabeth dropped her hands by her side.
"Guys!" She shouted. Both The Giant and Fairy shut up "Okay, Say what you gotta say" She sighed. Bracing herself for what questions they have.
"So, I hear you're dating" Gloxinia rubbed the back of his neck.
"You hear or you know?" She frowned.
"Hey," Drole said with a chuckle and raised his hands in defence "Word gets around. So?"
"Dating sounds so tacky" Gloxinia responded "Just so you know, Meliodas was seen carrying you away"
"Who? Only you two were there" Elizabeth groaned.
"We didn't say anything" Drole held two arms up. Elizabeth ran her hand over her hair.
"This is gonna end badly" She mumbled.
"Depends on Meliodas next move" Drole looked down the valley and then shrugged "About 2 hours ago, We were summoned to the Demon Realm. Again and we spotted Meliodas talking to a pink hair Demon. He goes by the name of Gowther"
"He's not a Demon, Gowther is a doll. He rewrites Memories" Gloxinia announced.
"I know. Meliodas wants to rewrite Mael's memories" Elizabeth hooked her arms around her knees.
"Remember a few weeks ago when a Demon was spotted near here?" Elizabeth looked between The Giant and Fairy. They both agreed "Mael turned up at my house to tell me and tried to kiss me. I told him no, He wouldn't take no for an answer. So I kneed his gentleman's area" Both Gloxinia and Drole winced and cringed.
"Ouch," Gloxinia winced.
"That had to hurt" Drole bit his lip. He then shuddered "Did he find the Demon?"
"The Demon that was spotted near here, Well that was Meliodas. He had been beaten by his father and crashed landed in my garden"
"Meliodas was beaten by his father?" Drole knotted his eyebrows together.
"Pretty badly" Elizabeth nodded "Took a good couple of rounds of my healing power"
"So is Meliodas as bad as everyone makes out?" Drole crossed his four arms. Elizabeth pulled a blank look at him "Look, We are not trying to check up on you. Just surprised is all"
"Really?" Elizabeth said. Drole nodded.
"You are our friend, Lady Elizabeth. We just don't your life ruined by a Demon"
"So, What's he like?" Gloxinia put his arms behind his head.
"For me to know and you to find out," Elizabeth said as she grabbed a canvas bag from the tree.
"Then let us meet him officially. Not as royalty but as friends. We'll behave, We promise and we won't get all judgmental and stuff" Gloxinia pleaded.
"Promise?" Elizabeth held out her pinky "Pinky Promise" Gloxinia held out his left pinky while Drole held out his right pinky.
"Pinky Promise" They both agree.
"Fine. Give it a couple of days though. I need to see what he is going to do" Elizabeth sighed.
"Hmm. Not a single cloud in the sky" Drole looked up.
"That wasn't thunder" Gloxinia glanced to the east "There's a fight going on somewhere over in that direction"
"The City Of Ravens is East of here" Elizabeth gasped. She flew up to Drole's height and glanced at the city. There was a lot of smoke. Her hands flew to her face. She went flying forward but Drole's upper arm stopped her "Sir Drole?"
"If you go there, You will be killed" Drole muttered "If that happens then Meliodas would not hesitate to destroy this realm"
"But" Elizabeth stuttered.
"I'm sure Meliodas is fine" Gloxinia put a small hand on Elizabeth's shoulder. She nodded slightly but then frowned.
"Urm, What's that pink lightning bolt?" Elizabeth pointed. The Trio's faces followed the bolt as it zipped this way and that way. It zipped around The City Of Light before making its way to the group "Oh this ain't gonna be fun" It hit Drole first then Elizabeth and Gloxinia. Causing all 3 to blackout.

The three friends woke up on the floor. Elizabeth and Gloxinia both had leaves and sticks in their hair. While Drole was covered in dirt.
"What happened?" Elizabeth groaned. As she climbed to her knees. She wobbled slightly as she used the tree to steady herself.
"I have no idea" Gloxinia rubbed his head. He pulled several sticks out of his hair "Drole?"
"What hit us?" Drole dusted himself off. Gloxinia and Elizabeth flew back up to above the trees.
"Well, That shouldn't look like that" Gloxinia squinted at the Raven's District "Ravens is on fire"
"Meliodas" Elizabeth whispered as she clasped her hands together.
*A Scream echos across the City Of Light* 
Elizabeth and The Fairy King's heads snapped to the right.
"That came from the Recovery Towers" Elizabeth gasped "Mael"
*Another scream*
"What in the name that is holy is going on!?!?" Drole raised his voice.
"Sir Gloxinia with me. Sir Drole, Head to Stigma and get reinforcements!" Elizabeth took off flying.

Elizabeth and the Fairy arrived at the tower and there was a large boulder blocking the doorway. There were a few goddesses trying to move said boulder. Another scream could be heard from the top.
"How do we get in?" Elizabeth clicked her tongue.
"Lady Elizabeth! There is a window open" Gloxinia pointed upwards. Without a second thought, Elizabeth flew upwards and in the window and up the stairs.

As Elizabeth flung the doors open to the room where Mael was recovering. Elizabeth screamed. There was a tall Demon looming over a corpse. It chuckled as he yanked his blades from the archangel's body.
"Sir Mael!" Elizabeth cried out. The Demon turned on his heels and faced Elizabeth "Estarossa!" She hissed. She flung an ARK ball at him. His face stretched into a smile as he felt his power course through his veins. He dodged the ARK easily. The ball smashed the window behind him.
"Long live the Demons" Estarossa murmured to the air before, summoning his darkness, he sped off into the night.

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