Chapter 28

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"What do you want Ludociel?" Meliodas put his hands behind his head as he and Elizabeth followed the Archangel.
"You never answered my question. Why did you leave your race?" Ludociel frowned.
"I technically did. I told everyone that I was ashamed of being a Demon. It was Elizabeth that made me see clearly. I wanted the war to end but due to my Father, I ended up killing those that I should have been helping"
"And what did this one promise you if you joined us?" Ludociel placed his hands behind his back as he circled the pair. Elizabeth's mouth dropped open.
"Lord Ludociel, What kind of person do you take me for?" She snapped.
"Lady Elizabeth, I don't think you want me to answer that. And shush, I was talking to Meliodas" Ludociel raised his voice at the young Goddess "Lord Meliodas, Is your hearing a little defective?" Meliodas's breath hitched. He had a sense of Deja Vu. The latter part of the sentence was the same as he had back in the Demon realm with Aranak and Zeno "You seem a little upset" Ludociel tilted his head.
"What makes you think that I am upset?" Meliodas raised an eyebrow.
"Oh, come now, Lord Meliodas. You've played the innocent long enough. Let's be frank with one another" Ludociel's arms dropped to his side "You're charming, but not exactly clever" Meliodas tilted his head at the Goddess. Ludociel was right, Meliodas getting upset.
"I don't know what you mean" Meliodas spoke but was cut off by Ludociel.
"Oh, no, no, no. Please don't trouble yourself to deny it" Ludociel cleaned his nails.
"Deny what?" Meliodas spat. He looked out of the corner of his eye. Towards Elizabeth. Her mouth was still hanging open.
"Your relationship with Lady Elizabeth" Ludociel pointed to Elizabeth.
"What are you on about?" Elizabeth frowned.
"The fuck are you on about?" Meliodas summoned his wings and flew up a little so his face was level with Ludociel's.
"You two are the talk of the town" Meliodas eyes went wide "So, please don't trouble yourself to deny it"
"Does this mean you are here to kill us then?" Meliodas frowned as he stood in front of Elizabeth. Elizabeth put her hand on Meliodas's shoulder. It was a simple gesture to let him know she had his back "Lay one hand on her and I will tear you a new one" Meliodas growled.
"Unless The Supreme Deity wish it. You two will get to live. For now" Ludociel shrugged. He pushed Meliodas out the way and bent at the waist so he could whisper in Elizabeth's ear "Like your mother said, The minute he steps out of line, she will slice him in two. But I can reassure you that I will not let you live without him. Once he dies then so will you" Ludociel grinned evilly. Meliodas growled and pulled Elizabeth away from Ludociel. Making her stand behind him. His urgency to protect Elizabeth far outweighed his concern for his own welfare.
"Touch her and you will wish that you joined your brother in death" Meliodas promised as Ludociel walked off "Stupid bastard, Is he always like that?"
"Pretty much" Elizabeth nodded. She looked up at the sky "Come on. Let's get home. It's gonna rain soon"

Meliodas and Elizabeth were soon home. Meliodas sat on the sofa while Elizabeth tidied up. She was avoiding Meliodas's gaze. Meliodas knew that something was bugging her. But he didn't know what. She had been silent for the entire walk home.
"Elizabeth, What's wrong?" He grabbed her wrist when she walked past.
"Nothing" Elizabeth shrugged.
"Liar. I know you" Meliodas pulled Elizabeth down onto his lap "What's wrong?"
"You cannot just throw yourself in front of me like that where Sir Ludociel is concerned!" Her hands were on her hips, and her lips twisted into a scowl,
"Meliodas, Please! Just, listen to me!" Elizabeth pleaded as she grabs a chunk of Meliodas's shirt with her fist. Tugging him close enough to share the same breath "I can protect myself. I'm strong. Much stronger than you would believe. I have looked after myself all this time. You shouldn't have to"
"That will never stop me" Meliodas placed his hands over Elizabeth's "You mean more to me than you know. I will never stop protecting you. I will till my last breath. That is my promise to you" Elizabeth bit her lip. She was a big girl, all grown up and everything. She could handle herself and had proven herself on more than one occasion.
"You cannot just jump in front of me. Whether the weapon is a sword, spear, bow or a fist!" Meliodas rolled his eyes and slouched against the sofa's cushions.
"I know, I know... It's just... I don't really think when it comes to you. When I see you in harm's way and I move. It's more habitual than it is a conscious calculation,"
"You have to trust me" she pleaded, sagging against him and allowing his gentle hands to wrap around her waist.
"I do trust you, Elizabeth" he whispered against her soft skin "I trust you more than anyone"
"Then stop!" She said, defeat clear in her voice. She looked up into his dark eyes "Stop protecting me!" Elizabeth knew it was pointless to say these words, Meliodas would never listen to her.
"No" Meliodas shook his head. He loved Elizabeth beyond everything. If he were to die for her, he would "I won't"
"I don't need saving,"
"I will protect you every time I see fit, Elizabeth. I love you, and I would be more willing to jump in front of a weapon than to see you hurt in any way. I will protect you every day for the rest of my life if that means I can see you live. You are more important to me than anything, and you need to realize that to protect you, is to protect myself from the hurt of knowing you weren't okay. I could not bear to see you harmed" He looked down and away from her big blue eyes "So, please, understand this. I trust you with all seven of my hearts, I just don't trust myself without you. I need you, Elizabeth" He insisted "I love you"
"Meliodas" Elizabeth wrapped her arms around his chest tightly, burying her head once more in his warm neck "I trust you too" she whispered against his collarbone. He smiled softly and return the embrace "I love you"

When the pair finally pulled away, after what could have been days, weeks, hours, or mere minutes, they stared at each other. Elizabeth was frozen in his gaze, but just as he was about to smirk, she said "So... There is no getting rid of you?"
"Hmmm," he sighed. He tapped his chin He perked up squeezing Elizabeth tighter "Not for like another 1000 years"
"Think I can live with that" she added "Besides a 1000 years ain't that long"
"Elizabeth, I would wait forever for you"
"And I you" It seemed to be on impulse, Elizabeth leaned down and pressed a kiss to Meliodas's forehead. His breath hitched at the contact and their eyes fell closed.
"Think we need a cup of tea. Do you want one?" Meliodas asked nonchalantly.
"Sure," she said, Pushing herself off when the Demon's lap.

They made the tea, poking and flicking sugar at each other until they were giggling. Meliodas sat down on the corner seat of the couch. Elizabeth immediately curled up into his side, as was their usual, and things were very that. Usual. That was until the tea was gone.

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