Chapter 4

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The Goddess Elizabeth flew back to her hometown. The Cloud District. The Demon was on her mind. Why did ask to meet her? Elizabeth couldn't understand why she had even agreed. Would he even know where Heaven's theatre was? Since it was quite let, Elizabeth didn't think she would have to deal with anyone tonight. Elizabeth land gracefully along the road that leads up to her little house.
"Lady Elizabeth!" A guard called out as Elizabeth reach the gate.
"Yes. Can I help you?" Elizabeth was as polite as she could be. She didn't have the time nor the patience to deal with this. It was late and she wanted her bed
"My Lady. Your Mother wishes to speak to you" The guard pointed to the castle.
"Very well!" Elizabeth nodded her head as she flew up into the air. She didn't want to deal with her Mother. She just wanted to go to sleep.

"Where have you been?!" The Supreme Deity bellowed as Elizabeth push the doors open to the main hall. It was brightly lit. Her mother as well as two Goddesses were at the other end of the hall. Elizabeth sighed.
"As per your request. I went to the battlefield to assist our people in defeating the Demons" Elizabeth crossed her arms.
"I take it that we won?" Supreme Deity crossed her left leg over the right one. She doesn't care. She only wants her race to win. If Elizabeth was honest, Her Mother didn't even want the Giants, Fairies, or Humans to be a part of her world. The Supreme Deity always believed that she was of a higher power than all those alive.
"When I arrived there wasn't many left. 3 of The Goddess Clan, Including myself and 5 Demons. The field was blood-stained. I was hit on the back of the head. I woke an hour ago but need time to heal before coming home. The other two died" Elizabeth lied to her Mother. If her mother had discovered that she had spent time with a Demon then would kill her right on the spot.
"So the child wasn't with them?"
"No. I believe that she may be in the City Of Darkness. Though I heard of rumours that she also threw The Demon King's offer in his face, As she did ours"
"Little witch. Demon king will be after her as well. He will most likely send his best tracker to find her" Supreme Deity tapped her chin "Elizabeth, Tomorrow, You will search the area that is between the Fairies and Demons. Kill any Demons that you come across"
"Yes, Mother" Elizabeth bowed. She hated the fact she had to do what her mother told her "I shall now retire, Mother. I bid you Goodnight"
"Goodnight my child" Elizabeth bowed once and left the hall. Grateful to be out of there.

"Lady Elizabeth?" A voice called out to her. Elizabeth looked around and saw The Archangel Mael walking along the halls.
"Sir Mael. How are you tonight?" Elizabeth quizzed. She would never admit that the man before her made her skin crawl. Where Elizabeth was concerned, A Demon's company was preferable to Mael's.
"I'm fine. Are you okay? I heard you went missing earlier today?" Mael put his hand on Elizabeth's shoulder.
"Had a run-in with a Demon. Got knocked out. Same as normal" Elizabeth shrugged as Mael removed his hand.
"You shouldn't be out there fighting. Even if your Mother requests it" Mael frowned.
"Where should I be then? I want to protect the people" Elizabeth folded her arms as she frowned.
"You should be here. Learning to rule for when your Mother steps down"
"I do learn but while The Demons pose a threat then I will remain on the field. Now, If you don't mind, I need to head to bed. It is quite late and I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow" Elizabeth walked off. As she turned a corner, A shiver went down her spine. Mael was really starting to creep her out.

Elizabeth woke up very late, it was almost 12 pm. She had had some weird dreams about running from some giant slimy monster with purple tentacles through a forest of cactuses. She let her eyes close and stretched her arms with a pleasant groan. She felt so good and she had all day free because she finished everything her mother wanted yesterday. Well, she hopes she had. Her mother could also give her more stuff to do.

Elizabeth got changed for the day and went to her kitchen.
"Hmmm. I think I will make fruit salad today" She smiles as she gets all her ingredients out. She rolled up her sleeves and got to work.
"Come in!" Elizabeth shouted. She was wiping her hands clean as she walked into the hallway. She stopped in her tracks when she saw Mael at the door "Oh, Hello Sir Mael"
"Hello, Lady Elizabeth. I just wanted to see if you are okay after we spoke last night" Mael rocked back and forth on his heels.
"I'm fine. Thank you. Are there any reports that I need to be made aware of?" Elizabeth hugged one of her arms.
"No. All quiet"
"Hmm, odd. Alright. Sir Mael, Could you please leave? I need to get cleaned up so I can search for the child" Elizabeth pointed to the door. Mael looked disappointed but he ended up nodding and leaving.
"Have a good day Elizabeth" Once the door was shut, Elizabeth locked the door and lent against it. She let out a sigh as she slid down it. She sat there for a minute before walking to a window. Staring at the sky.
"I wonder if that Demon will show up today?" Elizabeth thought as she gazed at the clouds. She couldn't get the Demon off her mind. He made Elizabeth feel things that she knew were forbidden in her world.

Elizabeth soared towards the sun, spiralling upwards with a few powerful strokes of her wings; How she had missed flying. It wasn't very often that Elizabeth had free time. She was also so busy. but when she did, She flew. For her, Flying was freedom. She got to watch the scenery from afar. Some days, It was beautiful but this was a world where you could experience all four seasons in one day. She flapped her wings again, carried herself above the clouds, and then stood still in the wind. Her wings were spread out behind her. She closed her eyes and just enjoyed the feeling of the sun shining on her skin.
"Better enjoyed this while I can"

Elizabeth glided over the tufts of clouds, She was close to Heaven's Theater. Elizabeth felt her heartbeat. Why was she nervous? The Demon won't be there, Would he? He must have been joking. As the ruins came into view, Elizabeth slowed down as the ruins came into view. She slowed down for two reasons, One, She didn't want to crash, and two. The Demon had shown up.

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