Chapter 19

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The evening air is cool, filled with soft winds that carry the scent of fresh flora to anyone out and about. The Stone was warm as she sits in wait, idly fidgeting a piece of her pristine white gown, an unusual choice of wear during these times of war. Elizabeth sat on the edge of the stone steps in The Heaven's Theater, Legs dangling in the air. It had been three days since she last saw Meliodas.
"Now where he is?" Her eyes wander to the surprise she brought with her, then swivel around to observe the area she resides in. As a small breeze forces her softly glowing silver hair into brief disarray, a pout adorns her lips at the idea of having to fix it. Just as her fingers comb everything back in place, her ears pick up the sound of light footsteps, so faint you'd have to be listening for them in order to hear. On her feet at once, she stands at the ready in case her visitor is not one whom she invited. Elizabeth relaxed as she gazed upon the figure "Meliodas" She utters an acknowledgement. Golden locks top the male beings head in a messy, but no less handsome way. His clothing consisted of a dark tunic and knee-length pants, and a black pair of boots. The most noticeable feature of the newly revealed male though is his eyes. Vibrant greens streaked with dark undertones seem to announce his emotions under the weight of his stare.
"Elizabeth" They stare at each other for what seems like an eternity until the goddess flashes a warm smile.
"What took you so long?" dispelling the tension in a moment's glance. With arms wide open, she practically glides over to the admittedly short demon. Her arms snake around his shoulders and pull him flush against her.
"It took a little longer than usual to shake off my brother" He explains through the confines of her chest just as his hands settle on her waist atop the soft fine fabric of her dress.
"Is everything alright? Did you find him?" The concern is quite clear in her voice.
"The day I left you. I found him with the three Bs. Battered, bloody and bruised. We waited a whole day and night for the storm to bugger off. His wounds were awful. I had to make fire the old fashion way. Just so we didn't get caught by the forest patrol guards"
"You should have come found me. I would have healed him"
"I thought about it but I couldn't leave him. Didn't fancy getting another beating off my Father" With a cheeky smile he reaches to take her hand. The utter smoothness of it against his rough callous one never ceases to get his heart racing. He pulls her gently towards him "But enough of that! We came to relax and forget about the war raging on. Tonight it's just you and me, remember?"

There's silence for a while. Only the quiet sounds of insects singing in their own language. He can't seem to take his eyes off her, Her blue eyes twinkle with a soothing warmth while gazing at him with so much trust in her heart. Her lips curve ever so slightly in a never-ending smile that he can't help but grin back. These are the things that the pair of them look forward to seeing with every visit. He'd give anything to just hear her laugh, just to feel her touch, just to have her. Both know that their feelings and how wrong they are with everything going on in the world, but neither want to give up.
"I wish we could tell someone about us" Elizabeth mumbles. Bringing her knees up to her chest. Meliodas takes a more comfortable seat with his leg bent at the knee so that his right arm can rest over it.
"Same" His response is quick and filled with certainty "But we both know that we can't while I live in the Demon Realm"
"Nor while I live in The Goddess Realm" Elizabeth lent her head on Meliodas's shoulder.
"As much as I wish this to be out in the open, I'm okay with that it isn't" He looked at the Goddess with a quirk of a smile.
"Yeah. I get you all to myself then. No one interferes or sticks their noses in" Meliodas held the Goddess's gaze with a soft grin before kissing her cheek. Elizabeth turned her head towards Meliodas. Their faces were close to each other. Moving closer than before. Meliodas is the first to pull away. He jumps off the stone step, Arms behind his head "I am starving! We should go down to the human realm for dinner"
"I don't think I will be joining you" Elizabeth wrapped her arms around herself.
"Elizabeth? Are you not hungry? The food is excellent down at the local Tavern, I assure you that I haven't touched it" Meliodas held his arms up.
"Yes, I am aware of your cooking skill. And I would still eat it. I just don't want any dinner" Elizabeth stated.
"Elizabeth, What is wrong?" Meliodas frowned.
"Nothing, It is fine" Elizabeth waved her hands in defiance.
"I may not understand emotions but even I can tell when you are upset so please" Meliodas stood in front of Elizabeth and entwined his fingers with hers "Please tell me what is wrong"
"I have spent the last three days wanting to be alone with you, wanting to talk to you" Elizabeth "If you do not wish to see me, that you would prefer to stay in your own realm, I will understand" Elizabeth took her hands away, Went over to the edge of the floating island. Staring out across the clouds.
"That is not what I want" Meliodas crossed his eyebrows at the Goddess "Far from it"
"Meliodas, I -" Elizabeth spun on her heel. Only to find Meliodas's hand across her mouth.
"Elizabeth, You couldn't be more wrong" Meliodas removed his hands from her mouth and place them on Elizabeth's hips.
"I feel like You have avoided me for the last 3 days"
"I had to stay with my Brother" Meliodas bit his lip.
"You haven't even been spotted near here. Much to my clan's disappointment and my own"
"In order to keep our relationship, safe" Meliodas insisted "But mainly because I can not bear gaze into your eyes, To see the misery I have caused you!" Meliodas's hand dropped to his sides.
"Meliodas, You -"
"I have spent the last three days in agony. I wanted to talk to you but have been unable to" Meliodas interrupted Elizabeth once again. He moved away as he lent on a stone column "Unable to be alone with you" Meliodas folded his arms. His eyes were no longer green but a dark onyx colour.
"Meliodas," Elizabeth said softly as she pointed to his eyes. But Meliodas has turned away.
"And understandably so, after forcing you to make an unimaginable sacrifice"
"What sacrifice?" Elizabeth scrunched her nose up. She was confused about what sacrifice Meliodas was talking about.
"You wanted a life with children, a family. You wanted a life with peace" Meliodas looked over his shoulder, Avoiding his love's gaze.
"And yet this could not be any more opposite" Elizabeth folded her arms.
"You know, Everything little detail from that night in the Human Realm I told you was true. I cannot stop thinking of you. My thoughts of you never end" Meliodas grabbed Elizabeth by the hands once more. He lifted one hand and placed it on his chest. Elizabeth could feel his hearts beat beneath her palm "I am yours, Elizabeth. I have always been yours"
"I do not understand" Elizabeth stuttered.
"I do not know how to be any more clear than I am being" Meliodas grumbled. He let Elizabeth's hand fall away. He turned his head away. His mark is out in full, giving him a headache.
"Do not get angry" Elizabeth urged.
"I am not angry" Meliodas rolled his eyes.
"You look angry and bothered" Elizabeth placed her hand on Meliodas's face, Gentling forcing Meliodas to look at her "Look at you, you are downright red as a rose petal" She placed her spare hand on his forehead "Your forehead is hot as a summer's day"
"Yes, this is what happens -" Meliodas pushed Elizabeth's hands away.
"When one is angry" Elizabeth nodded her head.
"No, this happens when my inner Demon starts to win!" Meliodas roared. His eye was a deep purple. Elizabeth was taken aback "I'm sorry. I should not have shouted"
"Your Inner Demon wants me?" Elizabeth put her hand on her chest "And here I thought you didn't want me"
"Why do you think I want to meet up with you every damn day that I can get away from my Realm? Was willing to spend the month with you?" Meliodas struggled to remove his mark "I understand that you don't want me in the same way but I need you to know" Meliodas voice was darker as he slid down on the floor. Small sharp pebbles dug into his leg. Meliodas hid his face in his hands.
"You know" Elizabeth slowly lowered herself onto her knees. She removed Meliodas's hands from his face "If you would have only looked at me for longer than two seconds, you would have seen. I cannot just turn my back on you. I want you too" Meliodas pulled Elizabeth onto his lap "If I remember this correctly, You were the one who wouldn't rush things. Who was the one who wanted to take things at a steady pace"
"Yeah, I was an idiot for that. I thought I had my inner self under control" He put his hand on her face and kissed her. His fingers gently caressed her jawline. He pulled away from the kiss and made his way along his lover's jaw. Making his way to her smooth neck. He nipped at some spots.
"Meliodas" Elizabeth moaned. Meliodas smirked into her neck.
"Someone enjoyed that" Elizabeth bit her lip as Meliodas nipped at her neck again "I won't take you here. This is hardly a good place"
"Then when?" Elizabeth panted. She felt that strange feeling between her legs again.
"Meet me in Fallen Oak forest tomorrow. An hour after sunset" Meliodas grinned.
"I will" Elizabeth whispered as she and Meliodas made out once more "Does that make your inner self shut up?"
"For now" Meliodas smiled as his mark disappeared.

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