Chapter 2

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"You asked for my name earlier. My name is Meliodas" Elizabeth shot up from her seat and stood a little further back. Elizabeth couldn't believe her ears when she heard the Demon talk. She was in the presence of the Demon King's firstborn son. The Meliodas. The one that had hunted down many of her friends and stained the ground with their blood. The one her Mother feared the most "You look a little bit shocked" Meliodas just stood there. His arms folded across his chest.
"I knew you were a high-ranking Demon. Your mark gives it away but I didn't think you were The Meliodas" Elizabeth stuttered. Many thoughts raced through her mind "He is going to kill me, Isn't he?"
"I ain't going to kill you. If that is what you are thinking" Meliodas tilted her head. Elizabeth stared at the Demon before her. How did he know what she was thinking?
"He can read minds now?" Elizabeth sighed.
"And no, I can't read minds" Meliodas smirked. Elizabeth stared at the man again. Then shook her head.
"Why are you not going to kill me? Wouldn't greatly benefit you Demons" Elizabeth folded her arms.
"You think so little of us that you believe I would kill you for no reason? Typical" Meliodas scoffed. He started to pace around Elizabeth, circling her "Let me ask you Elizabeth, Why have you not killed me? Like me, killing you would benefit my race, You killing me would benefit yours" Meliodas glared at the Goddess.
"I don't want to kill you" Elizabeth turned around on the spot as she followed Meliodas.
"Oh, and why is that?" Meliodas smirked.
"I don't kill. Not in my nature" Elizabeth insisted as the two stared at each other. She didn't want to admit that the man standing in front of her was of major interest. Or made her weak at the knees "And as I said no more than 10 minutes ago, Enough blood has been split" Elizabeth waved her hands over the field. 40 to 50 of her friend were dead. Some in several pieces.
"Fair amount I'd say" Meliodas looked around "I didn't kill any of these Goddesses by the way" Meliodas put his hands behind his head. Elizabeth looked down her nose at Meliodas.
"Really? You didn't kill everyone here?"
"Not the Goddesses. Only the Demons that you saw me kill"
"For some reason, I don't believe you"
"And why is that?" Meliodas looked at his fingernails.
"Are you not the one that the Goddesses fear when we go into battle"
"What names do you know me by then?"
"The Destroyer. The Leader Of The Commandments. Meliodas The Love, Heir to the Demon King's throne, And Lord Mael's personal favourite, Leprechaun" Elizabeth listed.
"I really hate that walking solar panel" Meliodas growled to himself "I might be all that but I swear down, This massacre was not me. I arrived 10 minutes before I sensed you up on those rocks and for your information, I don't believe you"
"Pardon?" Elizabeth looked on in shock. She put both her hands on her hips "What don't you believe me about?"
"You said you don't kill" Meliodas once again paced in a circle around Elizabeth "You are known as Bloodstained Ellie throughout the Demon clan"
"It's just a stupid nickname" Elizabeth pulled a poker face.
"One that The Demons fear running into on the battlefield" Meliodas raised his eyebrows "I've seen you in battle once or twice. You either send them on their merry way or you use that ARK thingy and vaporize them"
"At least I give them a choice. You just slice them into itty bitty pieces and go on your merry way" Elizabeth snapped. Meliodas didn't flinch but in his head, He was impressed that someone finally stood up to him "Anyway, What has this got to do with anything? Even if you don't kill me today. You'll just kill me another day"
"Believe it or not, I don't want you dead"

Meliodas turned his back to Elizabeth as he walked back to the rocks on the beach. Elizabeth followed him. She kept a slight distance from him, He could turn around at any point and kill her. Meliodas knew that this would be Elizabeth's only chance to kill him.
"You don't want me dead?" Elizabeth scrunched her nose up "Why would you care if I live or die? After all, I am the Daughter of your Father's enemy"
"You fascinate me" Meliodas had both his hands behind his back "You are unfazed by blood"
"I'm a girl, We are used to blood more so the men" Elizabeth shrugged "Having said that, I hate other people's blood"
"I used to be like that but in the end, We all have the same blood running through our veins. I just pretend its something" Meliodas looked at the ocean "I also might have lied about something else"
"I arrived earlier than I had previously stated," Meliodas looked over his left shoulder "I watched you in battle. Why did you still insist that fighting or killing is not in your nature when you were slicing and dicing those Demons?"
"I gave them the choice to leave but they didn't. I have no choice but to fight" Elizabeth hugged herself "If you watched me then you would have seen how much it pained me to take another life. My mother insists that I fight"
"And what happens if you don't?" Meliodas frowned.
"The punishment of disobedience is death" Elizabeth muttered as she walked over to a rock to sit down. Meliodas had quickly spun around. His face showed a mixture of shock, anger, and sadness.
"The Supreme Deity would kill her own child? Here I thought the Demons were ruthless" Meliodas waltzed over to the crying Goddess "So you fight to save your skin"
"Yes," Elizabeth wiped her tears once again. Meliodas stood there. Not knowing how to react. Emotions were not common in his world. Only Anger was. He read somewhere that people hug others in these circumstances but he didn't know how to hug. This was the first time that he showed a Goddess compassion and sympathy.
"Elizabeth, You seem as lost as a scream in the pits of hell"
"You would know since you are from there" Elizabeth looked away. Meliodas chuckled at her comment.
"The Demon Realm ain't that bad. Well, some areas ain't. Have you ever been to Demon Realm?" Meliodas sat down next to Elizabeth. The Goddess shook her head.
"Goddesses are not welcome there" Elizabeth pulled her knees up to her chest.
"I should have remembered that" Meliodas mentally face-planted.
"What is The Demon Realm like?"
"The place gets a lot of bad rep. Some parts are mainly purple mist and rocky terrain. We consider that our countryside and it's where all the low-level Demons live" Meliodas scrunched his nose up "That part smells like a farm"
"In the City Of Darkness, Where do the higher levels live?" Elizabeth was curious about her rival's home.
"The higher level is called The Ravens District" Meliodas explained "In fact, The Ravens District is the exact opposite of your really clean place in the City Of Lights' higher levels. Not that I care to know the name of the place. Ravens is made up of Black Granite, instead of white marble"
"How do you know about our higher levels" Elizabeth knotted her eyebrows "Surely if Demons were there, The alarm would be sounded"
"I've been in your town many times"
"How? With that mark, you would stick out like a sore thumb"
"You Goddesses only know Demons when we have our marks out" Meliodas pointed to his forehead "We can turn this thing off and on. We can walk among you lot like the humans"
"Are there any Demons there now?" Elizabeth's face was full of concern. But was it for the Demons or The Goddesses?
"Not that I am aware of. The next lot of Demons to go on a wander through your city, Was that lot" Meliodas waved his hands towards the corpses "Those idiots were the only patrol this week that looks human enough to walk in your town" Elizabeth was in a state of confusion. Why was Meliodas telling her everything?
"How many times have you been in The Cloud District?"
"This week or overall?"
"This week"
"4 or 5. Despite it being way too clean for liking. Your town offers a nice distraction from the war" Meliodas lent on a rock "Any other questions?"
"You said you killed them because they disobeyed orders" Elizabeth gazed up at the dead Demons "What were their orders?" Elizabeth frowned.
"To stay out of the Goddess realm till I arrived. They were supposed to wait for me but they went off on their own"
"They were waiting for you?" Elizabeth pondered.
"I was running late because one, I slept in and two, I was watching you. A Goddess that fights like a Demon" Meliodas smirked "We ain't that much different from each other"
"Do not compare me to you!" Elizabeth shot up from her spot and faced the Demon "We may have a common goal. But We are nothing alike. You kill for fun, I do it to survive. Come back to me when you have something worth fighting for" Elizabeth shouted as she flapped her wings. She flew upwards when something grabbed her ankle. She looked down and saw it was Meliodas. She tried to kick him off but he blocked her every move "Look. Unless you mean to kill me, Let me go. I need to go home"
"I already said I don't want you dead. I want to ask you something" Meliodas asked "Will you meet me tomorrow? Here" Elizabeth frowned at the Demon. Why did he want to meet her again? Was it to kill her? Or to get more information from her?
"No. Not here" Elizabeth shook her head as Meliodas let go. Meliodas clicked his tongue, nodded once, and went to fly away. He then felt a hand on his shoulder. He spun round to see Elizabeth "If you are serious about wanting to see me again? Then meet me at Heaven's theatre. It's above the clouds. Just before the sunset" With that note, Elizabeth flew off. Little did she know that she had made the Demon question everything that he was ever taught.

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