Chapter 5

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Since Elizabeth never said a specific time. Meliodas wondered around the ruin for an hour. She said just before the sunset. That could be anytime. It took forever to find the place. Meliodas was never going to say this out loud but Elizabeth picked a good meeting place. Meliodas stood at the edge of the ruins in awe, The view was fantastic. Made going behind his Father's back worth the trouble.
"I wonder where she is?" Meliodas crossed his arms behind his back as he turned his Demon powers off. He wanted to watch the world with his true eye colour and not the one he detests "Bet she thinks I won't even turn up"
As quick as he turned his powers off, He turned his powers back on as soon as he heard the flap of wings. He wished that he had enough trust in her that he could show her his eye colour.
"Evening Goddess" He spoke flatly. He hoped he had done a good enough job hiding the joy in his voice. He had a reputation to keep up.
"Evening Demon" Elizabeth stood on the stone seating area "So you actually turned up"
"I should feel insulted that you doubt me" Meliodas stood unfazed "But then again, I can understand why"
"So, Why did you wanna meet me after yesterday?" Elizabeth rocked back and forth on her feet.
"I don't know if I am being honest. You have had a rather strange effect on me" Meliodas rubbed the back of his head as he walked over to the Goddess "I wanted to know more about you and also wanted to see if what my Father says about the Goddess Race is correct"
"What does your Father say about us then" Elizabeth folded her arms.
"That you are all a bunch of pompous idiots" Meliodas shrugged as he tilted his head. Elizabeth chuckled slightly "I take it your Mother says the same about us"
"Not entirely" Elizabeth avoided the Demon's gaze. Meliodas had a smile on his face that was barely visible as he raised an eyebrow.
"What does she call us then"
"Bunch of inbred morons that don't know where their heads begin and their arses end" Elizabeth looked at the floor. Meliodas started to laugh.
"So both sides do not think highly of each other? Can't say I am surprised" Meliodas sat on the stone steps.
"So why did you want to get to know me?" Elizabeth sat a little bit away from Meliodas.
"As I said, You've had a strange effect on me. I wanted to know more" Meliodas crossed his legs "I'll ask you this then, Why did you agree to meet me"
"Like you, You have had a strange effect on me. And you fuel my curiosity. At the time, I thought it was a good idea" Elizabeth tilted her head "Plus, I knew I was going to be in the area. I'm looking for someone"
"Who?" Meliodas frowned "Boyfriend?"
"If I had a boyfriend then would I have come to meet you?" Elizabeth glared at the Demon. Meliodas had a look of relief on his face for a moment. He didn't know what we would do if Elizabeth had met someone.
"I will give you that. Then who or what are you looking for?"
"A young child. Black hair, Gold coloured eyes. age is around 8 or 10 years" Elizabeth wiggled her hand in the air.
"You're on about the child the duped The Demon King?" Meliodas picked up a small rock and tossed it in the air "I didn't know she pissed The Supreme Deity off"
"Yeah, They said they would each give her a blessing and she was to choose the better one. But how can you choose one over the other when both blessings are equal as each other?"
"You can't" Meliodas shook his head "At Least our parents have that in common. Outsmarted by a child. It is my job to find her and bring her to my Mother"
"But you ain't going to do that?" Meliodas sighed. He launched said rock off the side.
"No. She is a child. Once she is brought before my Mother. Mother said she will..." Elizabeth started to cry "I'm sorry"
"Why are you crying?" Meliodas tilted his head.
"I feel sad. No one should have to live in fear because somebody doesn't respect your choices" Elizabeth wipe her eyes with the palm of her hand "Sorry"
"It's fine" Meliodas waved his hand at Elizabeth and looked away.
"It is?"
"Yeah, My Father has the same plan as The Supreme Deity. I was planning on bringing her to the Goddesses. Well more like dumping her at the gates" Meliodas let a single chuckle. Elizabeth wiped her eyes "Guess I won't be doing that"
"Why would a Demon protect a Human? Don't you guys eat their souls?" Elizabeth sniffled.
"I don't. I may have taken the lives of other races but I will never eat their souls" Meliodas looked offended.
"I didn't mean to offend. I thought all Demons eat souls"
"Not me. When it comes to souls. I am what you call a vegetarian. I'd rather eat their cooking than their souls" Meliodas shrugged "Do you wanna know why I want to protect humans? Or more specifically the child"
"Hmm Hmm," Elizabeth nodded.
"I want to protect the child because that's what she is. A child" Melidoas sighed as he looked at his hands "I've taken so many lives but never a child's. I can't bring myself to do it. They should never have to witness the horrors we adults see"
"Meliodas, I never knew Demons cared about things like that" Elizabeth looked at Meliodas softly.
"I think I might be the only Demon that has emotions other than anger. I don't understand them. I want you to help me understand what I am feeling or better still, What these feelings are. It's my hidden agenda for seeing you again"
"Hidden agenda? I thought you didn't know why you wanted to see me again" Elizabeth fold her arms
"I don't. Not really. I don't know" Meliodas ran his hands through his hair "I just knew I wanted to see you but I didn't know why. That's what I want you to help me with"
"Why me?"
"It's not like I can go to anyone else is there? If anybody in my realm found out that I had... urm... Emotions? Think that's what these feelings are called. They would report it to my Father and I would be executed right there on the spot"
"That's why you need help?"
"Yep. So will you help me?"
"I'll do it" Elizabeth nodded enthusiastically "But if we are to do this. I propose a pairing with some deals of my own"
"I'm listening" Meliodas lent against a stone seat that was behind him.
"1. We work together to find the child. 2. I want to know all about the Demon realm, I would like you to tell me" Elizabeth listed the detail.
"Is there a 3rd?"
"Unless you have an input of your own then no"
"1, I would like to know about The Goddess realm. 2, working with you seems a good idea and 3, I wanna learn more about emotions" Meliodas held up 3 fingers.
"Are they your only demands? To find the child with me, To know about my race and understand emotions?"
"Yes," Meliodas nodded once. Elizabeth nodded and held out her hand. Meliodas stared down at it. He then looked Elizabeth dead in the eyes and shook her hand "You gotta deal but can we start tomorrow?"
"Sure and why?" Elizabeth tilted her head again.
"I kinda wanna watch the sunset" Meliodas smiled softly. 

The sky soon filled with shades of orange, red, blue, and some purple. Elizabeth smiled as she watched a few birds fly around the ruins.
"I miss being able to watch a sunset" Elizabeth sighed. She takes a deep breath in as she closes her eyes.
"What do you mean?" Meliodas lent against the stone steps.
"Mother always has me out fighting or doing some random mission that I never have any time for myself"
"Your Mother doesn't sound like a Mother. I thought Mums were meant to be caring and sweet to their kids" Meliodas leant forward onto his knees.
"Was your Mother like that?" Elizabeth tilted her head. Meliodas hung his head low. This caused his bangs to cover his face.
"What does she look like?"
"She had black hair like Zeldris and green eyes, While I got Dad's hair colour. She cared for Me and Zeldris. She was the only one who could stop Father from beating us when we were small"
"Was? You mean she died"
"Yeah. 99 winters ago. Father had her killed because she couldn't bear any more children after Me and Zeldris" Meliodas hid his face in his hands.
"I'm sorry"
"Why are you sorry? It's not like you did it. It's why I trained to be as strong as I am. I want to be strong enough so that I can be the one to kill my Father" Meliodas shot up from his seat. Taking Elizabeth by surprise "I wanna protect my Brother because I couldn't protect My Mother" Meliodas stared at the sun as it disappeared. Elizabeth stood up and walked behind the Demon. She reached out to his shoulder but pulled her hand back.
"Then both of you should join Stigma" Elizabeth spoke as she let her hand drop to her side.
"What the fuck is Stigma?" Meliodas scoffed. He raised an eyebrow as he glanced over his shoulder.
"It's a new division that has been created to defeat the Demons. We are made up of Giants, Goddesses, Fairies, and more recently, Humans. We would help you defeat your Father" Elizabeth explained. Meliodas scoffed again.
"Don't take offence to this statement but I don't see that happening. Not so much you as you can somewhat fight but the others, He would make mincemeat out of all of you" Meliodas folded his arms.
"What about the Giant King and Fairy King? They can fight just as well"
"What Pinky and the brawn? They are part of Stigma? 10 commandments are going to love that. Been trying to recruit them to our side"
"Yeah, They said as much. So would you consider it? Joining Stigma" Elizabeth walked to the side of Meliodas. He wanted to join. He would do anything as long as that meant his Dad would lose.
"I can't leave Zeldris" Meliodas looked to the sun. It was almost gone.
"Bring him with you"
"He wouldn't come with me. His head is so far up father's arse" Meliodas gaze never left the sky "Even if we never revealed that we were Demons. They wouldn't accept me or Zeldris" 
"Maybe you guys could do what you do when you come to The Cloud District"
"What?" Meliodas looks at Elizabeth. His face is scrunched up. Elizabeth points to his eyes.
"You said yesterday that your eye colour changes. Like us Goddesses? Is that how you can walk around The cloud District?"
"Yeah. We can turn our powers off. Our purple markings are what makes us Demons but if we turned the powers off, Then we would like Humans. Well most of us. Some Demons remain Demon-looking when they turn their powers off"
"What colour are your eyes?"
"I don't know. I have never seen them. I have never turned my powers off" Meliodas lied. He just wasn't sure what Elizabeth would make of his eyes. "What colour are yours?"
"I don't really know. Tell you what, I'll show you mine If you show me yours" Elizabeth smiled as she covered her eyes. Her wings disappeared.
"Okay... On the count of 3," Meliodas replied shakily. He closed his eye as he turned his powers off.

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