Chapter 30

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Elizabeth was sitting on the sofa, reading a book. Meliodas had been gone for an hour now. Not that she was worried. He had most likely fallen asleep in Tristan's room. After all, It was his turn to put him down for a nap. She had planned a surprise for her husband.
"Do you think he will faint?" A familiar voice whispered.
"I love your book collection, Lady Elizabeth" A plain voice piped up.
"I don't think he will faint but maybe be stood still in shock" A lady whispered "And you shush. He doesn't know we are here"
"Who's idea was this?" A posh voice spoke.
"Mine. He misses you all" Lady Elizabeth replied.
"Speaking of whom, Where is he?" A voice sang.
"He went to put Tristan down for a nap. Hang on" Elizabeth placed her ear to the wall that had the Nursery attached to it.
"His sword blazing in the sun. Leaping, jumping" Meliodas cheered as he jumped around the room. Sitting up and surrounded by pillows and blankets, Was 6-month-old Tristan, Who was giggling away at his father's antics. Also actively chewing on his sleeve "The sin of Wrath bounced the power of the Sins back and forth. Almost 20 times. And with one final smack. The Power of The Seven Deadly was thrown into the face of the evil Demon King"
"He's telling your story to the boy" Elizabeth giggled.
"Oh boy, He'll be there all day" Another lady spoke. Elizabeth rolled her eyes.
"I'll go get him" She sighed and tiptoed to the next room.

Elizabeth hid behind the wall. Palms pressed against the stone as she listened in on the story, Sticking her head around the door "A few days after defeating the Demon King, The Sins had a new foe to face. Cath The Cat. I know what you're thinking. How can a cat be evil? He was a special kind of cat born from Chaos, Much like the other races. But Cath didn't belong to a race. He was just a monster" Meliodas made a roar-like sound and tickled Tristan. Who was still giggling "So, After Merlin resurrects Arthur as the new King Of Chaos, Cath appears very relieved at Arthur's return to the living world but immediately attempts to devour him and reveals the only reason he was near Arthur was to take the power of Chaos for himself after it awoke. Even going as far as to say he sees Arthur as nothing but food"
"Raw Raw Raw!" Tristan said as he chewed on his sleeve again. Meliodas grinned.
"You must remember my son, That you should never give up. For The Seven Deadly Sins will always be near!" Meliodas stood there with one arm behind his back and hand held up in the air "Fighting like a lion, like a tiger!" Elizabeth folded her arms as she leaned on the door frame to the nursery and coughed. Meliodas spun on the spot and hid his arms behind his back "Fighting as safely as possible"
"Is this your idea of putting our boy to sleep?" Elizabeth smiled. He did a half-grin. He knew he had been caught out. Elizabeth shook her head and rolled her eyes "He loves to hear your stories"
"It's only the sound of my voice. One day, he will have no time for them" Meliodas shrugged and he placed his pointer finger into his son's palm.
"I never tire of them. Why should he?" Elizabeth walked into the room and wrapped her arms around her Husband's neck.
"Well, you were there for most of them" Meliodas grinned as he turned his head to his wife.
"And I wouldn't have changed it for the world" Elizabeth wrapped her arms around Meliodas's shoulders.
"I can never imagine what kind of man I would have been If I had never met you"
"Evil, Self-centred. Dead" Elizabeth shrugged.
"Straight to the point much" Meliodas pretend to be hurt. He then laughed "Without you, I would have never met the Sins. Ban would never of become my best friend or I never would have been reunited with my Brother and this world would be in ruins" Meliodas pulled Elizabeth closer to him "In my 3000 years plus on this world. I have loved you in every single life of yours"
"Even when I was a knight? Or when I was a little old lady?"
"Even then. It never mattered to me. I still got to be with you" Meliodas smiled softly "You were the light to my darkness" Elizabeth and Meliodas had moved closer to each other.
"And you were my darkness to light" Elizabeth placed her head against her husband's head, They stayed like this for a minute or so. When they finally pulled about, Meliodas sighed. Elizabeth looked into his eye but Meliodas could not hold her gaze. Elizabeth noticed this as she places her index finger under Meliodas's chin "What's wrong?"
"I'm just wondering how everyone is doing?" Meliodas pushed her hand down. He turned and walked to the window "We haven't heard from Diane and King in weeks. Gowther is well, Being Gowther, and probably has his head shoved in a book. Merlin is still with Arthur who we really should go pay a visit to and I haven't heard anything from Ban in god knows how long" Meliodas paced up and down the room.
"Meliodas, You're ranting" Elizabeth put her hand in Meliodas's hand to stop him.
"Sorry, I just... I miss our friends and wish that we could have one weekend together because one night is not enough. But with Ban being mortal, Really should cut down the drinking" Elizabeth couldn't stop smiling "Okay, Why are you smiling?"
"2 reasons" Elizabeth held up to fingers "1, Our boy has fallen asleep sat up" Elizabeth waved her hand to the floor. Meliodas smiled softly at the child before gently picking him up and placing him in his cot.
"Sleep well, My son" Meliodas whispered as he kissed the child's forehead "What was the second reason"
"Go in the front room and you will see"

Meliodas and Elizabeth sneak out of the room. As they get closer to the front room. Elizabeth places her hands over her husband's eyes.
"Elizabeth, what on earth are you doing?" Meliodas stands still.
"You will see. Eyes close and no cheating" Elizabeth warned as the front door swung open. Elizabeth leads the Demon to the middle of the room.
"Ellie, I don't like surprises. Please just tell me what is going on" Meliodas begged.
"Get ready" Elizabeth whispered "Okay, On 3. open your eyes"
"1... 2... 3!" Elizabeth yelled as she removed her hands. Meliodas's mouth dropped to the floor. Standing in front of him, Were 5 people that he truly missed.
"Diane? King? Gowther? Merlin? Ban?" He muttered as he stumbled a little.
"Hey, Captain," Diane waved.
"Meliodas" Merlin nodded her head.
"Hello" Gowther pushed his glasses up his nose.
"Captain" King bowed. Ban was the only one who didn't speak. He just walked up to Meliodas. Tension filled the air.
"Oh, Boys. Just don't break the castle" Elizabeth went and stood by the Tiny Giant "And if you wake the baby"
"We will deal with him" Meliodas nodded. Tension still filled the air. The King of Liones and The King of Benwick stared at each other. Their eyes narrowed at each other.
"BAN!" "CAPTAIN!" The pair yelled at each other as they rushed forward doing their crazy hand slap game.
"Nothing changes" Diane rolled her eyes. She then went and sat on King's lap.
"What are you guys doing here?!" Meliodas slapped Ban's arm.
"Elizabeth invited us. Something about how you were missing us" Merlin floated around the boys as they were still play-fighting.
"Yeah. So we came. Our Captain needed us" Gowther ducked as a book nearly fell on his head.
"Ellie, How do we stop them before Ban dies or the Castle breaks?" Diane whispered behind her hand.
"Meliodas, You're gonna wake the baby" This caused Meliodas to stop what he was doing and straighten up.

It was many hours later. The Sins were sleeping. Meliodas was attempting to put Tristan to sleep but the child did not want to sleep, He wanted to stay up and play.
"Come on buddy. You gotta sleep. Means you grow up big and strong" Meliodas patted Tristan's bum.
"Raw Raw Raw!" Tristan was chewing on his sleeve.
"I think he wants to hear the story again" Meliodas turned to his wife.
"We could always put him down and walk out" Elizabeth shrugged.
"Yeah but I need Tristan to be asleep for what I have planned for you" Meliodas wiggled his eyebrows. He then put Tristan down in his cot. Meliodas pulled Elizabeth closer to him, Tilted his head up to hers, and leaned in. Elizabeth happily obliged.
*Baby cries*
"Maybe later" Meliodas whispered as he pulled away from Elizabeth.
"So you wanna hear the story again little man?" Meliodas grinned as he picked Tristan up and held him close to him. Tristan was still chewing on his sleeve "The story of how I met your mother"
"Raw Raw Raw!" The two boys sat down on the pile of cushions.
"Can I tell him my version of the story?" Elizabeth smiled. Meliodas's face melted at his wife.
"Sure, If you want" Meliodas held his hand out for Elizabeth to take, and together they sat. Elizabeth pulled a blanket over the three of them.
"Let me tell you a story, Little Tristan. A story about how there is no darkness without light"

- Author's Pov -

So, That is the end of this book.

Thank you guys so much for reading this story. I hope that you guys enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Now if anyone has an idea of what I could write next that would be great!

See you all soon
Jammy :)

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