Chapter 20

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"Are you ready for the more serious training, Zeldris?" Meliodas grinned and stood at the end of the training hall, sharpening his sword with slow, measured movements. Their glares crossed, and for a moment, Meliodas snickered. They were bantering like this pretty much all the time now. It had been like this for weeks now. They were like this when they were discussing something, Meliodas made some sarcastic comment and Zeldris gave as good as he got. It was all just good humour between the two of them. Zeldris appreciated it since it helped him forget about the upcoming battles. It was important to relax and unwind. Even if it happened with a sword fight with his Big Brother "Fooling around with darkness all the time isn't all that funny after all"
"It can hardly be called fooling around if it is enough to frighten off The Supreme Deity's goons" Zeldris retorted with a snort.
"Well, I hope you won't use your darkness against me, Zel" Meliodas shook his head lightly "I would be quite offended, you know. You have your darkness and rather considerable skill with the blade, and I only have my blade. To fight against someone well-versed in both aspects would be hard for me to pull off"
"Oh come off it. You have the same amount of darkness as I do" Zeldris scoffed "I hope you're not afraid of taking a good beating" Zeldris calmed his breathing, he needed to remain calm and focused.
"Oh, I'm quivering in my boots" Meliodas laughed, raising his blade and assuming his stance. Zeldris knew that he wouldn't get far with just words. He would have to let his blade speak. Meliodas's blade was fast to pick up the conversation and turn it around in its favour, so he would have to be especially quick on his feet and with his thoughts. Yet Zeldris knew that he would be in deep trouble should he get ahead of himself.

At first. They slowly paced around one another, like two prowling cats on the hunt. Zeldris took his steps with care, but not too much of it. If he already was hesitant to begin the fight, he would have no chance once it really would be heated and fully on. Even though they should have used training blades, Meliodas had convinced him to use the real ones. It would be quite dangerous to toy around for too long. One wrong move and it might as well end badly for one of them. This fight would be as much about skill as it would be about respect and care. Meliodas was the first to attack, forcing Zeldris to quickly take on a more defensive stance and look out for Meliodas's pattern of attacks. They were moving across the room rather generously. The training room hadn't been built as big as it was for nothing. The exact reason was this drawn-out sword fight between two combatants. They would be at a decision at some point for sure, but as of the moment, there was nothing hinting at either of them being defeated any time soon. Zeldris had to admit to himself that Meliodas definitely was the more skilled of them. Both had gone through rigorous training, of course, but that didn't mean he was up to par with Meliodas's skills. It rather meant that he had a reasonable chance to fight Meliodas for longer than just a couple of minutes. It wasn't much, but it was something, which was nice enough.
"You have improved since the last time" Meliodas smiled lightly, while they were going back and forth between quick attacks and parades.
"If you think I ever held back, then I'm not sure if I should feel offended or flattered" Zeldris grunted and managed to push Meliodas back a little, but it was tough going "You could be a little more gentle! You know that I ain't as fast as you!"
"How about this, Instead of using my left, I shall use my right. Give you somewhat a fighting chance" Meliodas laughed, switching hands. Zeldris was completely astonished that his Brother was so dexterous.
"Alright, you win this round. But I want to have another go at it!" Zeldris growled. He bent down and gripped the hilt of his sword.

"So, I hear you're dating" Meliodas cracked his neck. Zeldris was laying on the floor, Panting and drenched in sweat. He frowned. Meliodas reached his hand out and opened it. Zeldris grabbed it but due to him being sweaty, his hand slipped out of Meliodas's grip and Zeldris ended up falling back down to the ground. Meliodas cackled. He reached for the towel and wipe his face before turning to face his Brother.
"You hear? Have we travelled back in time to when we were children? Or is it common that people report back to you on me?"
"Hey," Meliodas said with a chuckle and raised his hands in defence "Word gets around. So?"
"Dating sounds so tacky" Zeldris responded and turned to grab his sword. He wiped his face and attempted to put himself in the right frame of mind for this conversation "Do you want me to see if she has a friend?" Zeldris turned with a cocky grin.
"She ain't a Demon is she?"
"No. She ain't" Zeldris groaned and grabbed his belongings "Is that going to be a problem"
"Depends on the race" Meliodas looked down the hall. Zeldris stopped for a moment and stared at Meliodas with wide eyes.
"She ain't a Goddess if that's what you are implying"
"Look, I'm not trying to check up on you. I was just surprised is all" Zeldris felt guilty for a moment. Meliodas worried, perhaps too much, but Zeldris figured if the roles were reversed he would worry too.
"Come on," Zeldris said.
"Soooo, what's she like?" Meliodas put his arms behind his head.
"For me to know and you to find out," Zeldris said as he grabbed a canvas bag from the hallway.
"Please let me meet her. I'll behave, I promise and I won't get all judgmental and stuff" Meliodas pleaded. He gave his little Brother the puppy dog look. Zeldris rolled his eyes.
"Fine. But you step one foot out of line. I will kick your arse" Zeldris carried on walking.
"Yeah, Like that is ever going to happen" Meliodas jogged a little to catch up with his Brother. Wrapping his arm around Zeldris's neck " Only way for you to do that is for Grayroad to chain me up"
"I'll be sure to remember that"

As the two Brothers walked out of town, Towards the Forest. People stared. The Brothers weren't known for being close, but their bond was getting stronger with each passing day over the last few weeks.
"So, Do I know her?" Meliodas commented, slightly confused.
"Who?" Zeldris shuffled the canvas bag on his shoulder.
"The lady that has got your hearts in a frenzy"
"I highly doubt it" Zeldris only shrugged. They stepped onto a path that had snapdragons growing along one side. Zeldris stopped and picked a bunch of flowers.
"You're being vague on purpose" Meliodas leaned back against the bark of a fallen tree, arms crossed behind his head.
"Now why would I do that?" Zeldris chuckled. "I don't know. Maybe to pay me back for prying"
"I'll do that when you have your own love life, which by the way, is nonexistent" Zeldris rolled his eyes and carried on walking. Meliodas soon caught back up and fell into step with him.
"If only he knew the truth. If I play my cards right, maybe I could introduce Elizabeth to Zeldris" Meliodas thought. Meliodas fought the smirk that was trying to appear on his face "So then why no answers?" Meliodas asked.
"Well," Zeldris stopped and turned to him "I figured it is easier to just show you" Zeldris pointed to a cliff where a woman was standing.
"Who is that?"
"The lady that has got my all hearts in a frenzy" Zeldris grinned as he ran towards the lady.

"Zeldris, You better have my food or so help me" The lady put both hands on her hips. Zeldris smirked and came up behind her to press a kiss on her cheek "Zeldris, Getaway! You're all sweaty!" The woman exclaimed and pushed at his stomach.
"Darling" He began and grasped her hand.
"Darling, you never call me that" Then she caught sight of the other person in the room and stopped "Oh"
"Meliodas here was wondering who the lucky lady that has got my hearts in a frenzy"
"You stole mine first" She turned up at him, shocked.
"Anyway," Zeldris brushed her off and redirected to Meliodas "My brother here wanted to meet you" The Lady looked back at Zeldris, her eyes wide, ignorant of how embarrassed he was also.
"Hi, I'm Gelda"

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