Chapter 14

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Meliodas reluctantly flew back to The City of Darkness, To the Ravens District. He never wanted the month to end. He definitely did not want to go back to how things were. To be near his Father. But all he had to endure was the day and tomorrow he would see Elizabeth again. Meliodas could see his Father's Castle in the distance. Meliodas looked around and landed on a small cliff that faced the castle. Since the was a lake at the bottom of the cliff, He stared at his reflection. He sat down on the edge and swung his legs. Picking at the grass.
"How can I go back? Why the fuck should I go back? The only person worth anything to me there is Zeldris" Meliodas clenched his fists "Even then I treat him like shit"
"Because he is your brother" A voice from the trees spoke. Meliodas shot up and spun around, ready to fight but he dropped the stance when he saw who was talking.
"Merlin! What are you doing here? If The Demon King sees you then we will both be in for it" Meliodas hissed as he pushed Merlin back into the woods.

"Does his gaze even reach out here?"
"Fuck knows but do you really wanna risk it?" Meliodas shrugged "Why are you here?"
"I wanted to say thank you for that day. And to make sure that you are okay"
"Why wouldn't I be okay?"
"Because I saw Elizabeth's eyes when you ran off between Drole turned up" Merlin stood next to Meliodas "Do you have feelings for that Goddess?"
"Why do you wanna know?" Meliodas glared towards her. He was unsure if he should tell the woman that fooled The Gods. It could be used against him. And against Elizabeth.
"You have known me for how long now? You know I have an unhealthy thirst for knowledge. I like to know things. It's been the same for the last decade" Merlin floated up and made it look like she was sitting on a chair.
"Does that also include poking your nose into other peoples business?" Meliodas stared at the woman. He wanted to know what her deal was.
"That's the unhealthy part" Merlin smirked "I also saw Elizabeth's face that day when she flew in from the skies. You were smitten as a kitten with a piece of string"
"Merlin, You fooled both our parents, Why should we trust you"
"She makes you better. You are a monster after all" Merlin straightened up. Her feet still never touched the floor.
"You think it pleases me to be one?" Meliodas looked defeated.
"Someone has to do it. It may as well be you"
"Monstrous is an adjective. Not a noun" Meliodas took a step closer to Merlin. His onyx eyes fixed on the floating woman "It doesn't matter what you think, Elizabeth doesn't see me like that"
"She is a sweet thing" Merlin mumbled "I am amazed that you picked someone like her. A fragile person that can cause so much harm when pushed"
"She is much stronger than she looks" Meliodas glared at Merlin. He didn't like the fact Merlin was speaking unkind about Elizabeth "Merlin, If I didn't know any better then I would think you don't like Elizabeth very much"
"I don't hate her. I don't understand relationships very well"
"Not much more than myself then" Meliodas looked at the castle and closed his eyes. Merlin is a little behind him.
"You don't want to go back there, Do you?"
"Is it that obvious?" Meliodas said blankly "I don't want to but I have to. I need to keep an eye on my father and watch for treachery this end"
"Then I suggest that you take this" Merlin waved her fingers and a head appeared. Blood oozed from its severed neck. It wasn't the blood that bothered him. It was the smell.
"Oh, that is nasty! Think I am going to puke" Meliodas retched. He used his forearm to cover to mouth "Why would you give me this?"
"Your father needs proof that you found me. This was the second child who was killed when The Belialuin Wizards attacked. She is human so I fixed her up to look like me" Merlin smirked "I shall be giving Elizabeth the head's body for the same reasons"
"Erugh, Don't tell me anymore. You are one sick woman, You know that" Meliodas retched "Do you have a bag or cloth for me to cover this up?" Meliodas covered his mouth and nose. Merlin nodded and the dead body was soon wrapped in a canvas blanket.
"Out of all the people to be freaked out from this, I didn't think you would be one of them" Merlin smiled.
"Thank you. I ain't freaked out. It smells bad"
"No problem. I need to go too. I need to go to the realm of the Giants. I need them to build something for me. Good luck in there" Merlin flew off. Leaving Meliodas alone once more. He then turned back to the body.
"Why did it have to be me?" Meliodas grunted as he wrapped the top to the cloth around his hand "This is by far the most disgusting thing I have ever done" Carefully breathed out of his mouth.

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