Chapter 22

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"Yeah. But who is leading them?" Elizabeth question as they watched the hoard move steadily in their direction.
"I can't see anyone but isn't that the direction you launched the Vampire in" Gloxinia pointed out.
"I believe so. I wasn't aware which way it was" Drole pouted. Elizabeth placed her hands in her head.
"Sir Gloxinia, Can you see who is leading the attack?" Elizabeth composed herself.
"Whoever it is, Will meet my fists" Drole cracked his knuckles "Lady Elizabeth take Mael and run. We will deal with these"
"I can fight you know" Elizabeth yelled as she summoned a light sword. If she could get in front of the hoard. She might be able to stop them. After all, No one really wants to fight. The trio was so busy arguing that they didn't even notice the sound of a grey Demon snarling until there was a hail of light rays shooting towards them.
"Hit the deck" Drole shouted as he turned himself into metal. The rays bounced off him with ease. He scooped Mael up and made sure he was safe.
"Spirit Spear Basquias fifth configuration, Yggdra Armor!" Gloxinia commanded as his spear turned into armour. Elizabeth flew round. She ended up diving behind a boulder. She peeked over the edge of the rock.
"How are we going to get out of this?" Elizabeth mumbled. Ducking down with an "Eep" as another beam flew past her head. She summoned a few ARK balls and sent them towards the hoard.

Elizabeth peeked around the rock again. She had sensed someone running towards her location. She heard a voice cry out. She spun around, Hoping to catch its owner when she felt a burning sensation in her skin. Elizabeth looked at her shoulder, She was quite surprised to find that a Grey Demon had shot a ray right through her shoulder. She just stood there in shock as her blood stained her white dress.
"Lady Elizabeth!" Drole and Gloxinia both shouted. Both tried to get to her but the hoard was too much for now. She was about to crumble under the pain when a cloaked figure was suddenly behind her and shoving her to the ground behind a different boulder to crouch above her.
"Stay down" The voice hissed. While under the figure, She let out a soft whimper of pain as she pressed a hand to her shoulder before pulling it away to see the blood staining the skin, spots spreading across her vision as they attempted to wrap her head around the pain and shock "Ah shit"
"I'll be fine. I need to heal myself" Elizabeth winced as she tried to turn her powers on.
"Elizabeth, You ain't fine" Elizabeth's eyes went wide. She took a peek under the hood and saw two dazzling green eyes staring at her.
"Meliodas" She met his gaze weakly, hand-pressed tightly to the bleeding wound in their shoulder, the blood seeping past their fingers steadily as she remained frozen in shock.
"Ah, Shit. I need to get you out of here" Meliodas shifted to drag her between two of the rocks for more shelter from everyone's sight, remaining crouched above her. He remained alert and protective as he watched the red Demon circle above their area for a few moments before it flew away, its occupants apparently determining that their victims were dead or not worth it.
"They shot me" Elizabeth responded with a frown in return, head falling forward again as they slumped into the Demon's chest "What did we do?"
"No, no, you stay with me" He let go for a moment to tilt Elizabeth's chin back up as her whole body started to slump forward. He ripped part of his own shirt and pressed tightly to the wound, doing his best to place pressure on both sides of her shoulder.
"We didn't do anything to them"
"My brother's girlfriend was attacked. She said she was chatting with a silver-haired Goddess. I knew that she had met you. She said that mid-conversation, A blue fist punched her across the forest. Zeldris saw red and sent the hoard towards you guys. Told him to get his girlfriend to safety and I would deal with you guys"
"If Sir Drole or Sir Gloxinia see you then they will attack you" Elizabeth panted.
"I'll take my chances" Meliodas ripped his cloak off and tied it around her shoulder "I need to protect you"

As soon as he was satisfied with his makeshift sling, Meliodas picked Elizabeth up, gently cradling her body to his chest and adjusted to her weight with a soft grunt. There weren't many options available to them this far out into the wilderness, they were too far from Human to go back before she bled to death. Stigmas headquarters were the closest bet. He heard heavy footsteps.
"Stranger, Thank you for protecting Lady Elizabeth" Meliodas heard Gloxinia speak. Meliodas looked around and saw the Demon hoard had been defeated. Mostly were in many pieces. Meliodas noticed that Gloxinia few back a little and was in a defensive stance.
"We need to get her to safety" Meliodas adjusted Elizabeth in his arms.
"We can take her there" Drole offered his hand so Meliodas could gently place her in the blue palm.
"I won't leave her" Meliodas grunted. Pulling Elizabeth closer. Not caring that he got blood all over his shirt. He and the duo had a stare-off before The Fairy King sighed and clicked his fingers.
"Spirit Spear Basquias second configuration Guardian" The Fairy King's spear turn into a giant wasp like an insect "Climb onto its back. We can fly you both to Stigma"
"Thank you" Meliodas nodded as Drole helped the pair onto the wasp.
"No worries... Meliodas" Gloxinia spat. Meliodas nearly fell forwards.
"I beg your pardon?" The Demon blinked.
"You are Meliodas of The Demon clan are you not?" Drole tilted his head.
"Yes but that is beside the point" Meliodas frowned. There was no point in lying now. Gloxinia was a floating lie detector "How do you two know who I am? We have never met"
"Her mind" Gloxinia gestures to the sleeping Goddess "Being a Fairy has its perks. You are the only thing on her mind most days"
"We know that she loves you" Drole nodded.
"The question is... Do you love her?" Gloxinia stared at the Demon. Meliodas held the duo's gaze for a minute before looking down at Elizabeth. He let out a soft gaze.
"I love her. I love her as the flowers love sunshine. I love her as the fish love the seas, as a deer loves nature, as a fox welcomes solitude, as the chicken loves the feed from its master's hands and as the eagle craves being free, unguided wind"
"Are we sure that this is THE Meliodas, The heir to the Demon realm" Gloxinia interrupted Meliodas's train of thought "He is a bit of sap"
"Shush. I wanna hear what else he has to say" Drole put his pinky finger on Gloxinia's mouth "Carry on Meliodas"
"Thank you. I love those sapphire blue eyes of hers. Every glance never fails to make me weak in the knees. They also make me feel protected, appreciated and loved. They have seen so many different things and it still amazes me how a pair of eyes could control me" Meliodas ran a finger gently over Elizabeth's cheek "Her mouth is amazing. Her words are powerful. Those lips have uttered many different things, some positive, some negative, some loving, and some hateful. Only two of those four adjectives describe the words she uses with me, and I'm glad that's how it is. You NEVER want to be on her bad side"
"That we can vouch for" Drole nodded once "While I ain't convinced by you. My friend is in need of a Doctor. So shall we get moving? Gloxinia, Get these two back to Stigma. I will deliver Mael"
"Drole, How do we explain him to Stigma?" Gloxinia looked to his left.
"Leave that with me" Meliodas grinned.

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