Chapter 23

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Night had fallen, along with a storm arriving, by the time Elizabeth awoke, the first signs coming as she shifted slightly, her eyes cracking open to glance around the room. She attempted to push herself up before wincing at the sudden pressure on her shoulder when suddenly Meliodas was there, gently helping her sit up.
"Easy there, How do you feel?" Meliodas smiled as Elizabeth slumped against the Demon.
"I'm fine" Elizabeth replied with a heavy sigh even as Meliodas laughed as he slipped an arm carefully around her shoulders to let her lean more comfortably into his side. There were no words to describe the relief he felt at the sound of her awake and talking again, the anxiety that had been knotted in his chest fading as he held her close.
"Where am I?" Elizabeth licked her lips.
"Stigma!? You need to get out of here! People here know who you are" Elizabeth panicked. Meliodas simply smiled at Elizabeth. Gently grabbing Elizabeth's hand with his, He sighed.
"You forget, I have an alias. Damien. Remember?" Meliodas ran a finger over Elizabeth's knuckles "You lost a lot of blood out there. Why didn't you heal yourself?" Meliodas's tone was angered as he spoke. His emotions towards whoever shot Elizabeth were coming through very clearly. Once Elizabeth was more stable. Meliodas was going after that Grey Demon that hurt his woman.
"No" Elizabeth's voice broke into his mind.
"No what?"
"You ain't going after whoever shot me" Elizabeth replied firmly, ignoring the soup in favour of looking up at Meliodas "We were in Vampire territory. Obviously, I'm not glad I got shot, but I'm not just going to let you go try to kill everyone because of it. You are not that much of an idiot" Before he even had a chance to do more than open his mouth Elizabeth held up a hand to shush him "And don't argue with me" she said firmly with a raised eyebrow "If you try to go after them for something stupid like this, It will out us"
"Yeah about that" Meliodas shuffled uncomfortably "The Fairy and Giant plebs, Kinda already know"
"How?" Elizabeth bolted forward "You didn't go all Meliodas on them did you?"
"No" Meliodas couldn't help but grin at her. She knew him all too well. Just one of the many things that he loved about her "Rumor has it, that I am all you think about" Elizabeth blushed.
"I wasn't aware I was thinking of you that much" Elizabeth stuttered.
"Oh? So how often do you think of me?" Meliodas wiggled his eyebrows. Causing Elizabeth to blush harder "So in what way do you think about me?"
"Urm, I, Urm" Elizabeth's face went redder than beetroot.
"It's okay. I think about you like that too" He pushed a piece of Elizabeth's long silver hair behind her ear. He scratched his neck cutely. Elizabeth laughed at his pouting expression "How was your day going before the idiots turned up?" He grabbed the Goddess's hand.
"Fine till Mother spoke. She is still insisting that I am to be married to the idiot Mael" Elizabeth tilted her head.
"Are you sure you don't want me to deal with him? Gowther can rewrite a lot on Memories" Meliodas frowned.
"Half tempted to" Elizabeth nodded "But no, I can somewhat deal with him"
"Just say the word and Gowther will rewrite his brain, Just like" Meliodas clicked his fingers "Anyway, What sort of man would I be If I left my woman to deal with a freak like him?"
"We had this conversation once before. I called you a normal one" Elizabeth turned as gently as she could in order to give him a slight peck on the cheek. Meliodas blushed crimson.
Meliodas and Elizabeth pulled apart in time as Mael and Ludociel walked through the door. Elizabeth tensed her muscle as Mael walked closer to the bed. Meliodas noticed this.
"Damien! It is good to see you again friend" Mael cheered as he shook the man's hand.
"Thank you for saving Lady Elizabeth" Ludociel spoke.
"Anytime" Meliodas grinned.
"I wasn't aware you two knew each other" Ludociel looked back and forth between Meliodas and Elizabeth.
"We met in the Human Realm a short while ago" Elizabeth stated "He showed me around the village"
"Well, it seems we have a rather good man here. Ever thought about joining Stigma?"
"I thought normal people couldn't join?" Meliodas raised an eyebrow.
"We're on about opening the doors to anyone that fights back against the Demons" Mael looked out the corner of his eyes.
"I'll consider it" Meliodas sat on the end of the bed. Elizabeth looked at Meliodas with confusion "I got a question for you lot"
"Ask away my friend" Mael grinned.
"What happens if a Demon wished to join you lot?"
"Death" Ludociel spoke clearly.
"Brother!" Mael exclaimed.
"I'm sorry but unless it is Meliodas himself joins then no Demon is welcome here" Ludociel leant on a wall.
"He would never betray his father" Mael put his hands on his hips "Even with Lady Elizabeth's power of persuasion. It highly doubtful he would join us"
"I don't know. Her pretty face might be enough to turn him" Meliodas smiled as he pokes Elizabeth on the nose. Elizabeth poked her tongue out at him. Mael scoffs as Meliodas grins. Ludociel watched his Brother as Mael was getting more and more jealous.
"Damien, Mael. I think it is time to go. Let us leave Lady Elizabeth to recover"
"Actually, If it is okay, I would like Damien to stay a little longer. I want to know more about the Humans" Elizabeth looked at Meliodas with pleading blue eyes.
"I'm fine with that" Meliodas shrugged. He then turned back to the other two Goddesses "Only if it is cool with you two?"
"I see no reason to worry"
"Actually, Could I speak to you alone please Damien?" Mael huffed.
"Sure???" Meliodas spoke hesitantly. He turned his head back to Elizabeth "I'll be back soon" he winked.

Mael leads Meliodas to a balcony that overlooked the hospital courtyard. The sun was starting to rise over the tall mountains.
"So what did you wanna talk about" Meliodas lent on the railing.
"Do you agree that Elizabeth will make a beautiful Queen?" Mael placed both his hands behind his back as he stared out towards the horizon.
"She has to be the most beautiful woman I have ever met" Meliodas agreed.
"Then help me woo her" Mael kept his eyes on the view "When she is with me, Her eyes look cold, like long-dead embers. She sits like a statue, Rigid-backed. If it wasn't for the soft rise and fall of her chest letting me know she is breathing, I wouldn't think she is actually alive"
"I did notice she tenses up when you were in the room" Meliodas bit the inside of his cheek. Mael was giving energy off that was making Meliodas uncomfortable.
"Sometimes I see her hands clench into fists. So tight that her nail cut into her skin and leave small rivers of blood running across her palm. And even for a moment, I think that perhaps there is a fire in her eyes again. But then it dulls, and the moment passes and she seems her herself again"
"Have you done anything to make her feel this way?" Meliodas asked. He knew the truth but he had to play the long game.
"Tried to kiss her when she said no. I have been told that when the Holy War is over, The Supreme Deity will marry us and Lady Elizabeth will be Queen"
"I'm guessing that because you didn't listen to Elizabeth saying no and now, she hates you"
"She has refused my offer of marriage many times. I don't know what I can do to make her love me"
"For starters, Try respecting her. Elizabeth is not a toy that you can play with when you are bored or horny. Or even when you are lonely. She is not a fantasy. Do you want her? Earn her!" Meliodas ended up shouting. Mael was slightly taken back. He didn't expect to be shouted at.
"I see. Very well, I'll take that into account. You should head back. Lady Elizabeth will be wondering where you got to" Mael patted Meliodas's shoulder before walking back indoors. Meliodas's eyes followed the Goddess as he disappeared into the building.

Meliodas quickly got back to his love. She was sitting up in bed and reading a book. With a click of the lock, Elizabeth's head shot up and placed her book on the bed.
"Hey you"
"Hey" Neither moved. A moment. Then, Meliodas cracked a small smile. Meliodas rushed over and embraced Elizabeth. Sitting as close as he could on the bed.
"We shouldn't be like this here" Meliodas whispered. The pair pressed their foreheads together in a way that left both gasping for breath, reeling from the intoxication of being this close to each other.
"No, We shouldn't" Elizabeth agreed. But neither of them pulled back.
"I need to get back to the Demon Realm" Meliodas continued, insisting even as they stayed staring at each other.
"Yes," Elizabeth let out a breath and placed a hand on Meliodas's knee "You do," Neither of them said anything. The room was heavy with their bodies so close together, the air thick with anticipation and the guilt and thrill of a desire that shouldn't have been there.
"We shouldn't be doing this" Meliodas repeated back, as if that would change the very electric shock he got from the hand on his knee and their foreheads together and the proximity "I should leave"
"You should leave" Elizabeth nodded.
"What are we doing?" he mumbled, but it wasn't a question "We'll get in trouble if we get caught"
"Deep trouble"
"It will be my fault if anyone finds out then..." He swallowed and closed his eyes "We shouldn't be doing this"
"Doesn't matter how many times you say it. We are still gonna be like this" Elizabeth countered "Besides Drole and Gloxinia already know"
"They won't tell. Well to quote them 'Won't snitch unless I break your heart'" Meliodas laughed "Surely you should be resting?"
"How could I rest knowing that Mael wanted to talk to you? What did he want?"
"He noticed something between us and wanted to know how to win your heart" Meliodas sat on the bed.
"You didn't give him tips did you?" Elizabeth raised an eyebrow.
"Well to keep up this Damien act, I gave him some bollocks speech. Something about how he had to earn you" Meliodas shrugged as he wrapped his arms around Elizabeth "Now rest. The sun was breaking when Mael left me"
"Meliodas. Are you tempted to leave the Demon Realm?" Elizabeth yawned as she leaned into her pillow. Meliodas stared down at his own hands.
"Yes," Meliodas took the blanket and draped it over Elizabeth "Over the last 5 months, It gets more and more tempting with each passing day"
"But?" Elizabeth yawned.
"How did you know there was a but?" Meliodas sniffed. Elizabeth rolled her eyes.
"I know you" Elizabeth placed a hand on Meliodas's cheek "What's the but?"
"I can't leave Zeldris. My father will kill him"
"Talk to him, See if he wants to join too then" Elizabeth's smiled as her eyes fluttered.
"Even though Zeldris and I have been bonding lately. His head is still up father's arse. He would never betray our Race" Meliodas lifted his head up "I'll figure it out. Now will you go to sleep"
"I'll try. Be safe"
"I'll try. Sleep, tight baby. I'll be back tonight" Meliodas kissed Elizabeth's forehead. He lingered for a moment and left the room. Unsure of what he was going to do.

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