Chapter 12

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"I'm the last Daughter?" Merlin whimpered. Meliodas nodded. Merlin fell to her knees as she cried. Elizabeth knelt next to her and wrapped her arms around her. Merlin slumped sideways.
"I'm so sorry Lady Merlin" Elizabeth comforted.
"Why are you sorry? You didn't do it" Merlin mumbled. Elizabeth chuckled softly.
"I suppose that is true but it's just what people say when they don't have any words that will help"
"Then maybe you should keep quiet" Merlin snapped. Melliodas put his hand on Merlin's shoulder.
"Merlin! There is no need to be rude. Elizabeth was just trying to help" Meliodas scolded.
"Meliodas, it is fine. Lady Merlin is just grieving. It's how people cope in times like this" Elizabeth put a hand over Meliodas's hand.
"Is she always this nice?" Merlin sniffed.
"I'm afraid so" Meliodas grinned.
"It is oddly annoying" Merlin pulled away from Elizabeth "So what is to happen with me?" Meliodas went to explain but he suddenly spun his head. As did Elizabeth. He flung his head back as he groaned. He didn't want to deal with them just yet. He wasn't afraid of them, just couldn't be arsed with them
"Sir Drole is coming" Elizabeth stood up.
"That's the plan?!" Merlin scrambled to her feet "To hand me over to the Giants?!"
"Somewhat. Look, I shouldn't be here. Blue boy doesn't like me very much" Meliodas turned to Elizabeth "Can I leave this matter in your capable hands?"
"You can" Elizabeth nodded once. Meliodas then knelt next to Merlin.
"Merlin, Elizabeth will look after you" Merlin looked away. Meliodas groaned as forced Merlin to look at him "Merlin, Please believe me. If I didn't trust her with every fibre of my body then I wouldn't have brought her here"
"Meliodas, I don't know" Merlin started. Meliodas looked at the trees.
"Merlin, I don't have a lot of time before blue boy and pinky twat turns up. I promise that in a little while I will explain this but right now do you trust me?" Meliodas placed both hands on Merlin's shoulders. Merlin stared at the Demon and shook her head up and down "Good. Now I got to go. Elizabeth, take care and I will meet you at the inn" Meliodas disappeared into the trees just as The Giant and Fairy King appeared at the edge of the field.

While he was making his way back to the Inn, Meliodas spots a horde of lesser demons in the Eastern part of the town. He felt his hearts stop, They were too close to finding Elizabeth, Way too close for his liking. He flew as fast as he could to the hoard. His mark is out in full. He flew like lightning to the group.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!" Meliodas demands as the Demon lands superhero-style in the middle of them.
"Ord Meodas" A red Demon grumbled. Meliodas hated these guys. They don't speak full words so you could never get a full sentence out of them.
"What are your orders?"
"Ki a humans" Another spoke.
"And the Goddess" A Grey Demon confirmed as he stamped on a small house. Meliodas liked the grey Demons a little bit more as they could speak better.
"She is here?" Meliodas had to hide the fear in his voice "Who sent you?"
"The King ordered us"
"Leave her to me. Where was she last spotted?"
"In the woods. 3 days ago" Meliodas pinched his nose.
"You too late then. I've been in town for 2 days and I haven't seen her" Meliodas lied.
"We have other orders too" The Grey Demon swiped his arm through a house.
"And that is?"
"Ki a Humans" The Red Demon grunted as he pulled a male human in two. A small droplet of blood landed on Meliodas's cheek. Using the back of his hand he wiped it away.
"Well, While I am here. I'm in charge. Leave this town now. I've been using it as a base"
"Ord Meodas, Ki a Humans?" The red Demon tilted his head.
"I will do so when I have completed my search of the nearby woods and also when this place and been used to its full potential. Now get the fuck out of here!" Meliodas screamed. He clenched his fists and made dark flames appear. The red Demons tumbled over their feet as they flew off as did the Grey "AND DON'T COME BACK!"

Meliodas pressed his forehead against the glass of a nearby window. Meliodas and Elizabeth were now stuck inside as a storm was rapidly brewing outside. Clouds of dark grey sprawled across the sky, lightning flashing.
"Meliodas?" A voice gently spoke behind him. It was his Goddess. She had been trying to speak to him for a while now. But all he did was close his eyes, pressing his face further into the cold glass that he hoped would calm his pounding headache. His knuckles were white as he gripped the window frame, his seven hearts pounding painful beats "Meliodas?"
"I was telling you about what Sir Drole said and you seem out of it. Is everything okay?"
"It's nothing" Meliodas took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. He knew his eyes were the colour of onyx. He felt a burn on his forehead. He didn't dare face Elizabeth.
"Liar. I know you better than that. Is it the storm?" Elizabeth put her hand on his shoulder. Since that night, When they admitted that they were in love with one another. Things have been different. One minute they seem like a normal couple. Whatever is considered normal anymore. The next minute, Meliodas shuts himself away.
"No" Meliodas shook his head "Not the storm outside anyway" Meliodas pointed to his head "In here is a mess"
"How so?" Elizabeth gently ran her hand through Meliodas's hair "What's on your mind?"
"I'm currently arguing with my inner Demon" Meliodas closes his eyes. Enjoying the gentle touch of the Goddess "And I'm barely winning"
"What's your inner Demon arguing about?" Elizabeth sighs.
"Protecting you" Meliodas mumbled so low that even Elizabeth's supernatural hearing could catch what he said.
"Protecting you" Meliodas spoke loudly "My inner Demon wants to protect you"
"Why do I need protecting?"
"There was a Demon hoard near town today" Meliodas close his eyes. Elizabeth falters in her stance "They knew you were here"
"How? I have barely used my powers" Elizabeth sat on her bed "Did you tell them?" Meliodas spun around. He couldn't believe that Elizabeth would think that.
"No! I would never do that! These last few weeks have been amazing. Why on earth would I ruin this?" Meliodas raised his voice, Desperately trying to not let it crack "If I wanted to ruin this then why oh why!? Would I tell you that I love you?"
"I'm sorry but can you blame me for thinking it? They are part of your race" Elizabeth pulled her knees up to her chest "I love you too but I can't help but think that you are just using me to get information"
"I would never do that! Not to you anyway" Meliodas frowned, He lent against the wall. One foot bent behind him. Arms folded across his chest "You mean too much to me and I don't blame you for thinking it. I don't exactly have the greatest reputation"
"No, but I should have a bit more faith in you" Elizabeth looked at The Demon "Why is your mark is out"
"When the Demon hoard turned up, I thought you were in danger. I still do"
"Meliodas, You know more than anyone that I am more than capable of looking out for myself" Elizabeth folded her arms. Meliodas looked at her.
"What sort of man would I be if I didn't look out for the person I love?" Meliodas sighed. The burning sensation in his head slowly eased.
"A normal one. If we are to be together then it is as equals. I will protect you as much as you protect me"
"Well, It's a good job that I ain't normal" Meliodas smirked as he could feel his many hearts beating calmer "But I will try to ease the apron strings"
"That is all I ask" Elizabeth stood up and stood in front of the Demon "Feel better?"
"Somewhat" Meliodas shrugged "So what did Blue boy and the weirdo pink dude have to say?"
"Sir Drole and Sir Gloxinia are taking Merlin for the remainder of the week. They weren't going to but when I told them that she was going to be killed by either of our parents, They jumped at the chance"
"Good. Once she turns adult again, I don't wanna deal with her again" Meliodas rolled his eyes. Elizabeth chuckled a little before heading back to her bed. She fiddled with the hem of her dress. Meliodas noticed this. It seems to be one of her traits when she is anxious or nervous "Elizabeth? What is wrong? What's on your mind?"
"I was just thinking"
"What happens with us when this week is over? We go back to our Realms at the end of the week"
"I don't know. I didn't want to think about it. All I know is I can't lose you" Meliodas walked over to the Goddess and knelt in front of her "But I can't defect either"
"I wish you would. Stigma would welcome you and it might mean the Holy War comes to an end quicker but I understand your loyalty to your clan"
"I'm not staying out of loyalty to my clan" Meliodas took a deep breath in. Elizabeth went to talk but Meliodas covered her mouth with his hands. Elizabeth frowned as she started to lick the inside of his hand. Meliodas pulled his hand away, Wiping it on the sheet "Hey, Don't you lick my hand"
"Then don't cover my mouth. Anyway, you were saying?"
"It's taken 3 weeks but for the first time in my fighting life, I realized what Stigma was doing was right and that The Demon Clan was wrong. You taught me the world is bigger than The Gods fighting and hating each other for fuck knows how long"
"I did?" Elizabeth mumbled behind Meliodas's hand. Meliodas smiled softly.
"Indeed you did, You taught me that this world belongs to all of us, to live peacefully together, Loyal only to each other"
"But, Meliodas, You could help us"
"I could help much more by watching for treachery in my realm. Leaving you free to protect everyone else" Meliodas removed his hand from Elizabeth's mouth and placed it on her cheek "Now do you see why you have to go back to your Realm alone?"
"I see. At least we still have the rest of the week" Elizabeth sunk into Meliodas's hand.
"We can still meet up at The Heaven's Theater. Just won't be every day" Meliodas closed his eyes as he moved forward. He placed his forehead against Elizabeth's skin.
"Can I ask you something?" Elizabeth muttered.
"Anything" Meliodas nodded.
"Kiss me again" Elizabeth pleaded. Meliodas moved his head back a bit. He wanted to know if the Goddess meant what she just said "Please" Meliodas didn't need to be asked again. He smashed his lips on Elizabeth's. His free hand gently cupped the back of her neck. Meliodas ran his hands over Elizabeth's soft skin and silky silver hair. Their tongues and lips knew how to take each other's minds out of reason. Elizabeth's hands moved to his jacket and started to undo the buttons, Meliodas tried to contain himself. To hold back his wants and desires. And some part of him wanted to give in. He was eager to be touched. Eager to feel her around him, eager to know what it was like to have someone so unashamed of her own desire, but he couldn't. He moved away from Elizabeth a little "What's wrong?"
"We can't do this" Meliodas disentangled himself from Elizabeth. A part of him wishes he didn't think so much and just allowed it to happen. He sat up a little.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked you to kiss me" Elizabeth pulled her knees to her chest as she catches her breath, "I thought you wanted to"
"It's not that Elizabeth. Believe me when I say I want to. Have done all this time"
"Then what is it?" Elizabeth tilted her head. Meliodas turned his body towards Elizabeth.
"We don't have to rush into this. I know this is your first time and that you want it to be perfect" Meliodas sighed as he pushed Elizabeth's hair behind her ear.
"I love you. I want you. That makes this moment perfect" Elizabeth put her hands on Meliodas's face "But if you want to wait we can"
"Think that will be best. It's also because of the Humans outside, I don't want them barging in thinking that I was killing you" Meliodas blushed "Would be a major mood killer" Meliodas chuckled.
"Yeah, that would be a problem. You would end up blowing this town apart if a man so much as gazed upon me"
"You know me so well" Meliodas link his fingers with Elizabeth's "You're mine" Meliodas Eskimo kissed Elizabeth "And mine only"

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