Chapter 26

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Meliodas was now at the woodland path. He knew that Zeldris was around here somewhere. How was he even gonna start this conversation? He walked the grassy path till he found a clearing. Zeldris was next to a bunch of boulders. Meliodas didn't know why he was here. This wasn't the normal spot that he met Gelda. Meliodas let out a long sigh.
"I have to do this," He thought to himself. He started walking forward "ZELDRIS!" Zeldris did a 180 and faced his Brother.
"Meliodas, Hello Brother" He waved. But as soon as he spotted his Brother's expression, His face dropped "What's happened??" Zeldris asked, alarmed.
"Nothing. Well not yet anyway" Meliodas responded.
"Okay. Why do you look so... annoyed"
"We need to talk" Zeldris felt a worrying sensation in his gut. His Brother wore a deeply concerned expression that immediately troubled Zeldris. The only thing, he could do was nod in agreement.
"What did you do?"
"Zeldris, This might be difficult for you to understand. Though you might be the only one who does" Meliodas stuttered. Zeldris had never seen him this flustered.
"Meliodas, Would you just spit it out" Zeldris ordered. Meliodas stabbed his sword into the ground.
"I'm leaving the underworld"

Zeldris stared at his Brother for a solid 10 minutes. He couldn't get his head around the fact that he wanted to leave. He had to put his hands on the boulder behind him to be able to stand straight.
"You're leaving the underworld?! Have you lost your mind Brother?! Do you seriously think that Father will allow that?!" Zeldris bellowed. Meliodas leant against a boulder.
"I am not planning to ask anyone's permission" Meliodas folded his arms across his chest. Zeldris paced up and down. He stopped in front of Meliodas. He wanted to ask why Meliodas was prepared to leave him "Zeldris, I found one for myself. Someone I want to protect from the bottom of my heart" Zeldris stumbled backwards.
"So then the rumours about The Supreme Deity's Daughter, Elizabeth... They're true?!" Zeldris mouth opened. These rumours have been going around for like 2 months now. Zeldris had been tempted to ask Galand to ask Meliodas.
"If this war continues with me still as the leader of The 10 Commandments, Inevitably the day will come where I hurt Elizabeth with my own hands" Meliodas glanced between his sword and his hands.
"What about the Demon Clan?" Zeldris clenched his fists into balls so tight that he would have pierced the skins with his fingernails. He started to pace again "And what about me?! Are you just going to abandon us, Brother?!"
"Zeldris" Meliodas sighed. He put a hand on Zeldris's shoulder so he would stop pacing. Zeldris looked at Meliodas with sadness in his eyes "Bring Gelda and come with me" Meliodas offered his hand to Zeldris. Zeldris looked at his Brother's hand and only for a moment or two. He was so tempted to take it. He could be with Gelda without hiding. But something deep inside Zeldris stopped him. Zeldris smacked the hand away.
"Fine then" He growled at Meliodas "If you want to leave then just go! I no longer think of the likes of you as my Brother!!" Zeldris shoved Meliodas away. Meliodas picked his sword up. A tad heartbroken by his Brother's rejection. He took one last look at his Brother "The next time we meet, It will be as enemies!" Zeldris spun around and walked off. Meliodas wanted to shout after him. He wanted his brother to come with him. Meliodas watched Zeldris disappear into the fog.
"Goodbye Brother"

"And you're sure it was Meliodas that said this?" Aranak Of The 10 Commandments questioned. He paced up and down in front of the stone fireplace.
"No doubt of it. I heard him speaking to Lord Zeldris about it" Zeno Of The 10 Commandments replied.
"How like our dear Captain this is!" Aranak put his hands on his hips.
"Is he planning to defect?" Fraudrin snapped.
"All I heard was that he is leaving to be with that filthy Goddess" Zeno shook his head.
"If he had, we should have heard of it by now" Grayroad wheezed.
"If Meliodas happened to be killed -" Monspeet twiddled his moustache.
"Then The Demon King would have to find 1 a new Captain and 2, A new heir"
"That would be murder and treason!" Melascula Of Faith screamed "I don't want any part of this" The Commandments argued among themselves before the doors flew open. They all shush as their gazes fell on Zeldris.
"Lord Zeldris" Grayroad croaked.
"We were just... Eh discussing" Galand spoke but Zeldris shot him a look. Galand backed down.
"Shut it! I know you lot know" Zeldris huffed as he stood in front of the fireplace.
"Then you know I won't have anything to do with the plot this lot cooked up" Melascula "You'll do as you're told! That's the least you could do. Keep your mouth closed" Zeldris sneered.
"Your Highness, I beg of you! How long would we last if The King is to find out?" Melascula pleaded. She was the only one who was scared of Meliodas's power.
"He already knows" Zeldris hung his head low "He wants Meliodas dead"
"Lord Zeldris, Who's to... you know?" Monspeet spoke up but couldn't finish the sentence. Everyone looked at each other. Despite being mad at the traitor. He was still stronger than anyone of them.
"We will" Aranak and Zeno both stood up.
"You know he will kill you" Grayroad announced "We should all go. He can't take us all on"
"Aranak and Zeno will go. If they can go head to head with The Giant King and The Fairy King then they can take Meliodas" Zeldris spoke. His gaze was still on the roaring fire.
"When shall we start?" Zeno grabbed his coat.
"Now. How many men will you need?" Zeldris nodded once.
"We shall do it better alone, Your Highness" Aranak bowed.
"Very well good luck" Zeldris watched as the 2 Commandments flew out the window. He didn't want to kill his brother but he had no choice.

Meliodas was standing in the middle Of Ravens, He wanted to say Goodbye to his mother one last time. He could hear someone shouting at him. He chose to ignore it. He felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around and was confronted by the faces of Aranak and Zeno. He didn't say a word to them.
"Lord Meliodas, Is your hearing is a little defective tonight?" Aranak tilted his head. Meliodas knew they were up to something.
"Yeah, You seem upset" Zeno did a side smirk. Now Meliodas was confused.
"Upset? Why should I be?" Meliodas raised an eyebrow.
"Oh, come now, Lord Meliodas. You've played the innocent long enough. Let's be frank with one another" Zeno grabbed Meliodas by the neck "You're charming, but not exactly clever. You know that we know" Meliodas tilted his head at the two Demons.
"I don't" Meliodas spoke but was cut off by Zeno squeezing his neck.
"Oh, no, no, no. Please don't trouble yourself to deny it" Aranak cleaned his nails as Zeno slammed Meliodas into a black granite pillar.
"Deny what?" Meliodas spat blood out. He pulled bits of stone out of his hair.
"We know about your relationship with that Goddess" Zeno booted Meliodas out of the rubble. Meliodas rolled onto all fours. The small Demon stared at the two figures.
"The fuck are you on about?" Meliodas summoned his wings and flew upwards.
"We overheard you talking to Lord Zeldris" Meliodas eyes went wide. If these guys knew, His father knew too.
"So, please don't trouble yourself to deny it" Aranak huffed and he picked up a long piece of wood and spun it between his fingers.
"So you are here to kill me then. Under the orders of who?"
"Your Father and Lord Zeldris" Zeno creaked his neck. Meliodas closed his eyes "And once we kill you, We will kill that Filthy Goddess too" Zeno taunted. Meliodas's eyes flew open as he shoved his sword into Zeno's stomach. Zeno coughed up blood.
"Lay one hand on her and I will tear you a new one" Meliodas growled.
"Her soul will taste ever no sweet" Zeno coughed again. Purple swirls covered Meliodas's arm. The ground began to shake "Urm, Aranak?"
"What?" Aranak groaned, Turning his head to his teammate.
"Maybe we should have killed him when he wasn't looking" Zeno pointed towards the tiny Demon.
"Where would the fun be in that?" Aranak creaked his neck.
"Seems a storm is brewing" Zeno looked up and Meliodas punched him in the gut.
"Enough chat. Let's do this" Meliodas wiggled his shoulders.

Instantly the men began to circle each other, bouncing slightly on their feet. Aranak tried a kick to the leg, but Meliodas evaded it easily and swung at their faces. Zeno blocked but Meliodas was faster. His other hand came in for a swift jab to Zeno's ribs. Aranak was already moving away, but Meliodas's fist shoved him a bit further than she'd intended. He ended up on his back after Meliodas did a roundhouse kick to the gut. Aranak flew down the street and bulldozed an entire street. Growling, Zeno swung his left hand at Demon. Meliodas ducked and lunged in with an uppercut. Zeno fell into a building or two. 

With Both Zeno and Aranak both on their back. Meliodas smiled, Dancing away.
"I remember you two being better at fighting. Old age made you soft" Meliodas taunted. Aranak scrambled to his feet.
"Fuck you. We will remember you as the Traitor to the Demon Race" Zeno spat.
"And I care because?" Meliodas stamped on Zeno's leg. Snapping in two.
"You Fucker!" He screamed in pain. Meliodas ripped his sword out of Zeno's gut and spun it around and took Zeno's head off with it. Blood poured down the street.
"One down, One to go" Meliodas crack his neck and turned around to see Aranak running up the street.

The fight lasted a couple more minutes. Meliodas was honestly surprised Aranak lasted this long. Meliodas was incredibly fast and his stamina was clearly higher than theirs. A whirlwind of jabs briefly stunned him, though Aranak tried to grab onto Meliodas and get a few knee shots in. Meliodas flung his foot up and kicked Aranak in the face. For Aranak, The world spun, and then he was on her back. Meliodas was grinning down at him. Aranak felt the blade on his neck.
"I didn't want to kill you guys. But you left me with no choice" Meliodas put his heel in Aranak's chest. He stamped down a few times, Digging his heel in with each thud "Don't ever threaten my woman again"
"Go to hell, Traitor. She will die soon enough and you along with her" Aranak taunted. Meliodas growled and dragged his blade across the fallen Demon's throat. He used so much force that the blade snapped.

Meliodas pressed the hilt of his broken blade to his forehead as he stared at the bodies of his former teammates.
"Well, There definitely no going back now" He stood up and looked to The City Of Light. He looked towards the broken fountain and saw Gowther standing there. The two exchanged a nod. Gowther put two fingers on his forehead.
"Rewrite light"

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