Chapter 18

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Zeldris passed out the moment the two stepped foot in the cave. Meliodas does his best not to panic but deep down, He doesn't know what to do. He contemplated going to go get Elizabeth and beg her to help but he didn't dare leave Zeldris by himself. Meliodas laid Zeldris down. Meliodas sniffed up, Air smelt off. The storm was about to hit. Meliodas knew that once it started raining, It was going to get cold. Meliodas quickly gather leaves and sticks from the entrance of the cave. He grabbed two large rocks and smacked them together to make sparks. He got the fire going and made sure there were extra sticks to keep it going.

It's been three hours, three hours of Zeldris briefly waking up before sinking back into unconsciousness.
"You should leave me" Zeldris rasps out, closing his eyes because leaving them open was too much effort.
"I'll do that when pigs fly" A ghost of a smile crept on Meliodas's face.
"Could always boot the thing in the air" Zeldris gasps, jolted awake. But it was a weak gasp, barely more than any other intake of breath. This was how weak he was.
"And waste perfectly good pork? I'll pass" He can feel Zeldris slipping away again. Zeldris chuckles before he blacks out again.

The storm was in full whack by the time Zeldris woke up. He is still woozy and pain shoots down his leg. He looks around the cave and spots Meliodas by the entrance.
"You're still here?" Zeldris gasped. Meliodas spun around. His face not giving any emotion away "I thought you would have left by now" Zeldris winced as he pushed himself up.
"Well, It's not like we are in any kind of rush now is it" Meliodas leans his back against the rocks. Zeldris cocked an eyebrow "Fine, I would have left but I hate flying in storms"
"Chicken shit" Zeldris scoffed. He then hissed at the pain.
"Whatever" Meliodas turned back to the cave's opening. A flash of light filled the cave "It looks like we will be here all night"
"Great. So it looks like I am stuck here with you then" Zeldris wraps one arm around his ribs.
"I ain't pleased about it either but we have to make do. It's only for one night" Meliodas snapped back. Zeldris looked out the corner of his eye as Meliodas slunk down the wall next to him.
"Why didn't you leave me in the ditch?" Zeldris sighed.
"I didn't fancy another beating off father" Meliodas looked to the side.
"At least I get to spend some time with you"
"You know, if you wanted some brother-bonding time, you could have just asked" Meliodas doesn't know why he is saying these things. He watches as Zeldris's mouth presses into a hard line.
"You always end up pushing me away, Meliodas. Whenever I try" Zeldris pauses a moment, realizing what he has just said. Meliodas stares down at his hands. There's a slight sinking feeling in his chest and he wonders when spending time with his brother had become so uncomfortable and unwelcome. Zeldris turns his head away and scoffs "God, I sound like such a pansy"
"And you wonder why I don't want to spend time with you, you sap" Meliodas laughs. His gaze never left his hands "You know, You may find this hard to believe. I don't mind spending time with you. Even if I do want to kill you ninety-nine per cent of the time but you are still my brother"
"I thought you hated me"
"I don't hate you, Zeldris! I actually hate fighting with you! I'm not saying I want to be best buddies with you or anything, but you're not exactly bad company" This takes Zeldris back. His eyes are wide open as he stares at Meliodas, completely confused.
"I'm sorry, could you repeat that?" Zeldris mocked.
"Shut up Trying to be a Big Brother here"
"Okay, Okay. I'm sorry" Zeldris laughed. He smiles hesitantly "Look, You're not too bad yourself. I wouldn't mind spending more time with you"
"Even if one per cent of the time you want to rip my heart out" Meliodas laughs. But then he looks at Zeldris seriously "But not in The Demon Realm. Dad will kill us for having any emotion"
"It's not like we can go anywhere else. The only time we get on back home is when one of us has been beaten by Father"
"We can go fishing for the Sky Fish next week. We can tell Dad we are going Goddess hunting" Zeldris clicked his fingers. Meliodas started to laugh "What? you laughing at?"
"Who would have believed that we would be sat here chatting like normal Brothers"
"Who indeed" Zeldris repeats.
"I do miss the banter we used to have" Meliodas lent his head back "Even if it happens to be when one or both of us are in the middle of bleeding out for the 1000th time"
"I ain't bleeding. I think. But something is broken"
"You'll be fine when we get back to the Castle" Meliodas sighed as he put both arms behind him.
"Why do you never call it home anymore?"
"I haven't since Mum died" Meliodas looked outside "She made it a home that I wanted to go back to"
"Do you remember the cakes she used to make?"
"Demon Frog Liver cakes" Meliodas nodded as he chuckled at an old memory.
"Demon Frog Liver cakes" Zeldris cheered. He regretted doing so as his ribs complained "Fuck, yeah they are broken"
"You know, I do know how to make those cakes" Meliodas tilted his head. If Zeldris wasn't in pain, He may have tried to run away.
"Fuck. No. Your cooking could kill an entire realm"
"I am not that bad!" Meliodas pouted.
"Your food looks amazing and smells it but taste-wise. I would rather eat shit. No that's lying. I would rather get beat up by that Goddess commander again"
"Well that would be great but they are all dead" Meliodas shrugged.
"He is?" Zeldris blurted out. Meliodas nodded. Zeldris let out a whistle. His eyes wide "He was alive when I last saw him. Granted he had a sword in his stomach but he was alive. I legged it from the battle"
"Did you stab him?"
"Well yeah. And I had to use Ominous Nebula"
"Damn. Well, at least you did it. Glad you are not dead" Meliodas did a half-smile at his little Brother. Another flash of light lit the cave up "Yep we ain't leaving this place. Try and get your head down"
"Like I will sleep with you snoring next to me" Zeldris jested. Meliodas rolled his eyes. Zeldris laughed as he slid down to lie on the floor "Ow. Ow. Ow"
"And you were worried about me snoring?" Meliodas mumbled.

It didn't take long for Zeldris to fall asleep. Meliodas couldn't sleep. He was missing his Goddess. He would find his way back to her. Somehow. It was the middle of the night, There was a while till sunrise and Meliodas was finally drifting off. That was until Zeldris started talking in his sleep.
"What is he dreaming of?" Meliodas muttered.
"Gel... I can't tell him. Gel. Please, Don't. He won't understand. Neither of them will" Zeldris sighed.
"Who is Gel? Who won't understand?" Meliodas frowned.
"You know I do. But till the light has been defeated or my father kicks the bucket. We can't be together" Zeldris's face dropped. Even sleeping he looked sad "He wouldn't understand. He won't see the plus side of this"
"So he is on about father" Meliodas clicked his tongue "But who is Gel?"
"Please. If I could run away with you I would but he will find me" Zeldris's face scrunched up "Gelda, please, I do love you but I can't go" Zeldris whimpered before his face settled down once more. Meliodas leant his head against the rocks.
"So Zel is in love with The Vampire Princess" He let out a sigh "Is this what he has been trying to tell me, Each time he wanted to hang out? How did I not notice? I'm the worst big brother" Meliodas tormented himself. His brother was in the same storm as he was. He also wondered if there was any way he could help him.

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